Not Like,but Love

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Shit. There's no sign of her in the playground. The rain was pouring down,shutting out my cries. Just where did she go? Let's trace back. I went to the mall,to the usual book store. Then I talked out with Kurata. Suddenly Akira came in,then left. Just like that. There's no way she's gonna go back home in that state.

There's just no way.


I searched the park again,just how big was this shit? Please, I just wanna find her. I can't control this emotion in me. If I can't find her, I feel like I'm gonna lose her forever, I feel that she's not gonna call my name the same way. I feel that...


Another lightning,it's only a matter of time for the thunder to


A loud bang resonated in my ear,please, please, all I want now is to find her.All I to see her now. My chest started to pound faster, it wasn't the same feeling that night. This one hurts, it someone was stabbing me. It's suffocating. 

If I can't find her...

''d feel like you'd break if you lose them'

I'd rather die than lose her. 

Just like the sudden rain, tears started to flow, a drop became a stream, a stream that was washing my face with the rain. My face was burning up,my thoughts are scattered and my chest hurts a lot...

'D-don't go...'

Then something snapped. If I knew Akira any better...


Then she's suffering more than me right now. Think Sora think! You have to find her,you must find her. It's your responsibility. 

"AKIRAAAA!!" If I knew her any better,then I'm sure...

She's there. I went in the woods of the park and began searching. I need to find a tree with a hole, because that day, we both took shelter under that tree. It's not the same tree,but it's the same situation. Wait...AGHHH SORA YOU IDIOT!

There's no way, that she'd come here. If not here then, I only have one more place in mind. Please be there. 

The playground tunnel. I ran back to the previous playground,I was already out of breath. I felt my legs wanting to melt with the down pour. But I can't give up. 

Because if I do...

'There's no solution.'

It'll all be over...

All those moments we had as kids,I wonder, hey dumbass. When did you start looking at me that way? I have no idea. However, from now on...I'm starting to see you that way. I'm starting to think that I looked at you that way first, I'm starting to think the reason I never realized was because I got used to seeing you more than a friend,more than a sister and more than a savior. I think it's because...I got used to seeing you as a lover.

'Everyday is fun with Akira.' That's true.

'But it'd be better if we were closer.' I can't deny that those thoughts anymore. Because I admitted I thought of you that way. I admit...that I don't like you...I never did...because...

I love you. 

A sense of responsibility, at first that was it. But now, I want it to be my own,not just a sense of responsibility,I want to be free from that. And start protecting you...

"I finally found you dumbass." 

Because I want to. 


Akira was curled up into a ball,hands over her ears. I entered the tunnel and sat down beside her. I reached for my pocket,hopefully,the phone is still okay. Playing a song, I neared the phone to her ear,she slowly loosened up. 


"Took you a long time." I patted her head,gently took her left hand and intertwined in my right. She tried to escape her fingers,but I caught them back. The suffocation from earlier faded, I felt relief wash over me. My tears suddenly dried at her sight, my heart felt lighter and my legs gave out. 

"Listen to this until you feel better." Right, at first it was just taking responsibility. But now, it's different. 

"Wh...y d-did you..? Is it because of-"

"No." I said firmly,gripping her hand tighter. 

Akira started crying. 

"I-i...don't know anymore...I don't l-like it..w-wh-when you're wit-hic...with other g-girls...b-but I-i f-feel like if I s-st-stop'll h-ha-hate me..." She tightened her grasp on my hand. 

Ahh,so this is what Gin meant. 

"A-and...if you keep doing this...I...c-can't stop...l-loving you..."

I feel like my heart is gonna burst out with happiness. She...doesn't like me either...

"Then..." I leaned near her,and scooped her face in my other palm, "don't stop loving me."

She loves me...Akira...loves me...

I could see her tears flowing down her face, her red cheeks rising up and her eyes swelling. 

It had to be me. Out of all the people she met,it was me. And I'm overjoyed that it was me.

"Because there's no other person...that feels the same way about you." 

I guess,there is no cure.


The thunder coated my words,but not my actions. In this cruel,dark rainy night. I realized a warmth that will never fade in my heart. As I kissed her in the small tunnel with overwhelming happiness and joy,she wrapped her arms around me. And all we could hear,was the enchanting music from my phone.

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