Party Preparations

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"I heard Takahashi-san is coming back." Akira stated while we walked to school


[your mom want to see you.]

"Let's throw a welcoming party for him!" Sometimes when you're so positive and strong,it makes me feel like I can do anything too. Guess it's sticking to me...

"So-ra!" She slighty slapped my shoulder and grinned. 'Don't mind,don't mind' is the exact face she's making.'re right.

"You can bake the cake if you want." She gasped at my offer.

"Sora...Sora said I can cook with him!" She covered her mouth,wiping of imaginary tears of joy.

"I never said that!" 

Seriously,she's not cute all.


Ding Dong

"Like I said,we revised the equations last night so you'll be fine,plus you have a knack for remembering things.You're improving so don't worry. Don't be nervous,take every question into consideration and think rationally. And most important of all,"
I patted her head while she was ranting her anime prayers, "you did your best,and that's all which matters." 

"Hey shithead...I'll be fine right?" 

"Who do you think your tutor is? Of course you will,not get your flatass out there!"

Ahh I feel so proud advising her. What am I, her dad?

"Sora! We gotta move bud." Gin called as I waved her good luck.

"Coming." I chuckled,hoping she'd do okay on the test. This test is fundamental. It's the monthly test we have to take to see how much we pay attention to the lessons taught and how much we understand the concept. To be exact it's like a monthly examination.

Being the student I am,the questions were nothing but child's play to me. I handed in my papers and walked out to the yard,she always come here after every quiz or tests. So I'll wait for her here.

"Takahashi-kun?" A voice called. I turned to see who it was,it turned out to be a female student and by the looks of it. She's from Class A.

I nodded and turned back to the tennis court. The breeze feels like it's telling me she'll pass with no worries. Footsteps started to approach and the girl sat beside me. 

"Hi,I'm the student council president.Can I sit here?" Not paying attention to her name,I nodded.

"I heard you missed one test on the entrance exam because of a cold,if you want I can hand you an application to transfer to our class. I've seen your participation. I think you should come to our class instead of Class D." She kept ranting about it,she's not wrong about my participation. But I'm in Class D because I want to be there. 

I purposely missed that exam to be in the same class as that dumbass, if I'm not there god knows what she's gonna do. She might even make an explosion.

"So Takahashi-"

This is getting on my nerves.

"You're annoying." She froze at my condition. Of course, I can't say Akira isn't annoying. But if you're gonna be annoying be annoying like Akira.

"Excuse me...?"

"Like I said,you're annoying. I think that's enough to tell you that I like being in Class D." I stood up and started my search for that flatass. 


"Aheheh,this time I won't break the oven! All I have to do is watch the timer." I heard you say as you gazed into the oven. I smiled,it isn't even turned on yet but it's sweet to see you so motivated. That sight of extremely adorable.

"Akira! Sora! I got the chicken ready." Haru-nii clumsily rushed in and set the chicken down on the table. We didn't have enough time so we ordered dad's favorite chicken. The atmosphere was cool,collected and warm. The kind of atmosphere I thought I'd never get to experience. 

"H-hey." Akira came up with a red face. Is she sick? Don't tell me she exerted herself again!

"Are you okay?" I leaned close to reach my hand to her forehead but Haru-nii pulled me by my shirt.

"Oi,oi. I know my sister's cute but what are you doing right in front of my eyes huh?" What was he talking about?

"Ah.I thought she was sick so-" He suddenly pushed me away and shook Akira.

"You're sick?! What happened?! How?! Go rest now and leave the rest to us! First let me go get the first aid then you'll need-"

"AHHH I'M NOT SICKK!" Shouting at the top of her lungs,she quieted her brother and my thoughts. 

"I-i...I just wanted to thank that shithead...f-fo-for..tea...ching me..." 

"Oh." Me and Haru-nii synced.

"W-well...ahaha...N-no problem! I mean if it's not me who's gonna drain that dumb juice you have?" Damn why did I even stutter. 

"OHHHH. I see. You did well Sora. I apologize for earlier and I will repay it-"

"N-no need! It's fine Haru-nii. Could you go get some drinks?" I scratched my neck as he darted off to the store.

"The oven is taking a long time." Akira bent over to the oven and stared at the cake. I realized something about her. No matter how many things I teach her. 

She's still dumb.


"How do you even expect it work?!" I asked as I bent over and activated it without her knowing. Strange,I can already smell her sha...mpoo...

"I-i-i...I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was th-that close. Anyways! Watch the cake for me!" I covered my mouth as I exited to the backyard to cool my head.


Our lips almost touched...

Kun - informal version of "san" and mostly used for males, such as boys or juniors. It is used by superiors to inferiors, by males of the same age and status to each other.It can be attached to both surnames and given names.
San - A title of respect added to a name.It can be used with both male and female names,and with either surnames or given names.It can also be attached to the name of occupation and titles.

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