No Solution

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"No." I muttered to myself as I searched my bookshelf. I said I would hate to see Akira with another guy,but what does that answer? I can't stop her liking another guy or making friends. I wouldn't like it,but I can't stop it. 

Thinking it'd be best to search for answers,I headed to the library. I took the train,bought some lemon juice and strolled to the usual place where I'd go. 

"Ah,Takahashi-kun?" I know that voice. I turned around and nodded. I didn't expect to meet someone here. Especially the student council president.

"Are you here to buy something?" She fidgeted her hands while asking. 

"What else would you do in a store?" I looked over her shoulder to find some literature books. They're good reference for plays,stories and the definition of the word "like" .

"R-right. I forgot to give you my name." 

"It's okay,I can just call you president." I glanced back at her,now she was biting her lips. Akira would bite her lips when she's frustrated. Akira...

"See you around president." 

Shit,why did I think of that dumbass?

"I-if you'd like...I can show you around. My dad owns the bookstore..." 

"Sure." Well, I guess it won't be bad to have a guide.


"I didn't know you like these kind of stuff." She picked a book from the pile I selected. 

"Not much,just a reference for something." I took a sip from my lemon juice,waking me up I focused on the plot again. 

"Hmm, you like someone don't you?" She chuckled. 

"Huh? W-wh-why would you-" 

"It's written all over your face." The president opened her book and smiled. 

"I wouldn't call it "like" yet..." I glanced away. She was still laughing,and at some point,it got to me. I scoffed and brushed it off a bit.

"I don't think your answers are in books. But I can tell you that, there's no definite shape for what you're feeling. Others say it's a heart,others a sharp glass. Blah blah blah." 

"Yay,how fun~" I ironically shrugged and laughed.

"I'm Izumi. Kurata Izumi. That day you told me I was annoying right?" I nodded at her statement.

"Then Kurata it is." 

"Thank you." She smiled. I titled my head,confused to hear what she said.

"Well,that day. I kinda had a fight with someone. It was really intense to the point I even said it'd be better off if I never met them. But then later on that day,you said the same words he did. Something clicked in me. 'If I'm annoying then I'll annoy him until he looks at me' is what I thought." 

"Ah,I'm sorry. I said that without thinking." She shook her head and explained.

"It helped,I pestered him until he opened up. I made a decision then, that once he lets me in,I'll occupy all of him." She brightly smiled.

"Eh? Occupy all of him?" I was still confused.

"Hmm,in short. Once he lets me in his heart, I won't give him room for anyone but me."

"What about his friends and family?" She almost choked on her coffee. I grabbed a tissue and handed it to her.

"Wow...You see,that's what I mean by "There's no definite shape". I think,once you get it,you'll get it." 

"And," Kurata closed the book, "there's hardly any solution for it. And the only cure is either to find another one,or to kill those feelings." 

"Kurata..." Just as I was about to ask the most important question of all time,someone broke in.


"Oi shithead." 

Ah shit.

"I gave you 15 calls and 29 messages. So where the hell did you put your phone?" Akira was right in front of me,puffing for air. But most of all, she was not happy.

"Well then, I guess I'll get going now, bye bye Takahashi-kun." 

"Yeah,bye Kurata." She stood up and left. 

"Oi,why are you staring at her Akira? She did nothing wrong." This would happen from time to time. Either she would get mad or pout for no reason. 

"Right." Akira just glared at me and ran. Before I could even think, my body moved on its own.

Did my legs malfunction? I don't know why I'm running after her,or why she's mad at me. But I do know that she was crying. She was definitely crying. Aghh what did I do this time?!? And how is she so fast?!? She exited the mall,that I saw. The next, I was swallowed up by the crowd. 


Rain started to pour. This is not good at all.

Kun - Informal version of "san" and mostly used for males,such as boys or juniors. It is used by superiors to inferiors,by males of the same age and status to each other. It can be attached to both surnames and given names.

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