You saved me

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I started to tell her a story of a young boy who was wandering around the sea,he was deep in his thoughts, too deep.

"How deep?" 

"Very,to the point where he asked himself, what the point of living was."

"Is there a measurement to how deep it was?" 

Seriously this dumbass...

"Let's say there is. So then the boy-"

"And how deep would that be?"

"Let's say as deep as the ocean." her distracted eyes were one of the best things I liked about her. Wait. 

"Liked" ? I must be crazy to think of this monkey that way.

"So how deep is the ocean." 

"The average is about 12,100 feet." I answered unconsciously.

"Smart~" She teased. I nudged her knee and sat on the sofa too. 

"So why would he question about life?" She asked.

"He was walking around when the sea breeze and listening to the mourning of the waves. He wished that the waves would wash away his worries. He thought of dying of because...there were flowers blooming in his garden on his birthday. They were blooming so beautifully and elegantly. But he on the other hand, was slowly withering away." I looked at the potato chips beside the notes and smiled. 

"But the flowers are beautiful right? Then shouldn't he happy to see them bloom?" 

"You're really full of questions huh. Wish you were like in class." 

"S-shu-shut up...continue!"

"Then he said to himself,
[If I am withering away like I am now,then one day. Will I rot away and become a part of the ground? We are both growing,but I don't want to last longer than the cosmos.] 
Just like that he filled his birthday with negative thoughts. Then one day, he remembered that he had a bike. The boy took it out and tried to ride it,but it was abandoned for too long,that it can no longer be fixed. After that, the boy thought that he was just like the bike. Abandoned, forgotten and useless."

"No one is useless..." She pouted.

"But one day, he had to move. His family relocated to another house. There he met a girl, for the first time ; he made a friend. He felt delighted and happy,but every time he saw the girl smile. He remembered how the cruel world was going to destroy it. That made him sad again. Then on his next birthday,he spent it with the girl and her family. They seemed happy at first,but as time went on...her smile changed."


"He then realized that the girl's smile never changed. It was the girl who changed. Her family was falling apart,but she kept on smiling and smiling,enduring it all by herself. Then the boy said to the girl. 
[I thought of dying because I'm empty inside. Today seemed like yesterday. And if I wanted to change tomorrow, I had to change today.]
Of course,the girl didn't understand what the boy was saying so she asked him.
[Why did you think of dying?! We're so young and a have a life to live on]  he realized that her smile had already faced the painful world,it was the same smile all along.But she still kept smiling ; because it cheers her up and others around her."

"I stan the girl."

"Sure you do."

"So why did he think of dying?I said they were young right? How old-"

"He replied simply 
[I thought of dying because how brightly you smiled...and because I didn't meet you don't have to force smiling,you know...if you hate it.]
[But I like it though? Because when I smile, you smile!]
Then the boy thought to himself [If people like you exist then I think I can love this cursed world a little...if people like you exist...then I think I can expect good things from the world...]
The End! Now get up and head to bed."

"Ehhhh?!? That's it?! No more?" If I told you the whole thing,it won't be fun anymore.

"Nope,it's already 9 now. Clean this up and head to bed."

"But it's the weekend tomorrow?"

I wish I could come up with a solid theory for her to sleep early but I'll let it pass tonight.

"11 is the limit." She cheered and darted to get some snacks. Then she came back with a bag of chips.

"Can you go get more snacks for me Sora~?" 

"Stop that,it's fucking creepy Akira." 

"Tch. You're no fun." She chuckled after clicking her tongue.

"Why thank you." I turned on the TV remote and started watching anime with her. I guess I'm the one who's gonna ask questions this time. 

'You're really like your father. Cold, heartless and cruel.'

She's right. But...

'And Sora! It's okay to cry, even if you don't like it! Because...'

I couldn't become a nice person...

'Akira will always be by your side!'

Nor a kind one. But...

'So don't let go of me okay?'

If you're here, then the world is beautiful.

'Mhngh...I w-won't...'

'Akira will always be by your side!' - Here she talks in third person. 

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