Chapter 11: Time To Train

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Jake's POV

"OH MY GOD!" Sam screamed. She punched a tree and her fist left a huge hole in the tree. Well she is definitely strong.

"Babe calm down." She sat down on the ground. Liam appeared next to me.

"Have you told her?" I shook my head. Her head popped up and she appeared right in front of us.

"Told me what?" She hissed. We looked at each other.

"NOT IT!" Liam yelled putting his hands up. Great! Now I get to tell her.

"Well you see babe. Umm. Well you might've well not turned into a full wolf like we planned." I mumbled. Her still being a hybrid(werewolf/vampire) she heard me.

"What?!" She screamed. I guess it was really loud because it echoed through the woods. All of a sudden the rest of 1D, that Melissa girl, and the rest of my pack all showed up.

"Girl what's wrong?!" Melissa said walking up to her. She glared at Liam and I. Then at Louis. Then back to three of us.

She stepped away from Melissa. Danny saw her coming towards us. He went to tackle her. She threw him into a tree. He was knocked out cold! He is the strongest in the house! Damn my babe is he strongest! JAKE! Not the time! I mentally screamed at myself.

"So when were you three going to tell me that I'm a freaking hybrid still?" Louis looked angry.

"You told her!" He screamed at us.

"On accident." Louis face palmed himself.

"You stupid idiots." Sam's eyes went red. She picked Louis up by the neck and threw him.

"SAM!" Melissa screamed. Sam looked at her. Melissa saw Sam's face. She instantly went quiet. Sam turned back towards Louis.

"Call my brother and mate stupid idiots again." She smirked. Then she turned towards back to us. "Thanks for telling me. You know what forget it. I have someone that can train me just fine!" She ran off. I started to go after her. I was chasing her for a good two miles. Then she went into the air. Stupid vampire side of her. I gave up. She'll come back. Right?

Sam's POV

I can't believe they didn't tell me. I could feel it, but just went against it. I looked around. Okay so let me fill you in. Every werewolf has powers. Like Danny has strength and visions. Jake has the ability to read minds and Invisibility. I have to try and see which power I have. There is a whole list of possible powers. But since I'm a hybrid I have a huge list of powers. Fun huh?

Vampire/Werewolf powers:
~Power to make someone feel a great amount of pain
~Able to see the past
~Calm someone down
~Change the emotions of someone at that moment in time
~Able to read minds
~Make someone see something completely different
~Control of the elements
~Disguise someone(so to make that person look like someone else to other people)

I heard someone come up behind me. I turned to see Justin.

"Don't hurt me. Okay? I'm here to help you train. I knew if someone who you don't have love for would be easier." I nodded my head. It would help a lot.

"Do you know what the powers are?" I nodded again. "Good lets start with strength. Umm. Actually Danny is the strongest and you basically shoved him, and he passed out. So I think you have that one." I nodded. He whistled. All of a sudden Luke came.

"Hey why'd you call. Oh hey Sam." He said waving.

"You know how you have the ability to make someone have a huge amount of pain?" He nodded unsure of what was happening. To be honest I didn't know either.

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