Chapter 4: Their first day together

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Previously in Sams POV:

Jake. Jake saved me. I'm so glad he did. Jake won and then came over to me. My insides were fireworks. Just exploding with happiness. He looked at me and started walking over to me with a smile on his face. My heart was pumping what if he kisses me? Wait what if I kiss him. Yes. I'm going to kiss him. He saved me. He fought for me and won. He didn't want me because I had power or I was the chosen one. Whatever that means. He came over and untied me. He said something to Liam. I had no idea what. He looked at me in the eyes. He kept talking to Liam. I leaned upward since he was like a foot taller than me. He deepened the kiss. He leaned towards me as I went to flat feet. He deepened the kiss. It was like a perfect moment. Then Justin I think that was his name. Pulled out his phone he took a picture of us. I smiled while kissing him. He smiled to. He looked at Liam.

"Oh hey Liam?" Jake said turning around to look at him. "Thanks for not wanting her." He smirked at Liam. Who was scowling at him. He took my hand in his. God it felt so amazing. It felt like electric bolts were shooting threw me when he touched me. He looked at me. "Let's walk home?" I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. We started walking into the woods.

"This isn't over you little mutt! I will get her back. You better enjoy her while you still have her. By the end of this week she won't be in your possession any longer." He boys looked at him with envy. Liam looked at them and then and vampire sped off to God knows where.
Later that day:

Jakes POV:

We were walking home. We started walking into the woods. Her hand fit perfectly in mine. It was like it was made just for me(little things lyrics!! Sorry I couldn't help myself! Lol😊). I loved the I felt when I touched her though. When she hugged me earlier like her life depended on her hugging me. It felt like a electric bolt went right through me. But in a good way.

It felt amazing. But when she leaned up to kiss me I was surprised at first. I really didn't think she was going to do that. I was hoping she would though.

It felt like the Fourth of July was happening inside of me. I loved the feeling. When I deepened the kiss all I wanted was her. I wanted her to be mine. To be my sole mate.

I think she wanted that to.

God I loved is girl. Ever since Danny told me about how Ross was forbidden to go into wolf form and was forbidden to talk to any wolves. Or he shall pay the consequences of death.

I asked him why and when he told me about how he would beat Sam until she couldn't move a finger. I got pissed real fast. That shouldn't happen to a little girl. I went to Ross's house one day. To see this 'Sam'.

She was about 10 years old. The same age as me. I was growing up and becoming a wolf, she was growing up and becoming a hybrid. God she was gorgeous. I wanted to date her so bad. But knew Danny would have a say in it.

I watched her everyday. I know it's sounds like I was stalking her but I wasn't. I was watching over her. When Ross continued to beat her. Danny eliminated Ross from all werewolves and his family. Sams mom found David I think that was his name. He had a daughter already. So Sam would get a sister out of this. Ross was left alone. No family, no one to put his anger out on. Nobody. He vowed revenge on Danny. But he has never gotten it.

When I saw Sam that day in the woods. It made my heart freeze. Just seeing her infront of me. I was so so in love. It was like she casted a spell on me or something. Then she started to talk to me. Her voice was like silk.

"Hey Jake?" I heard Sam ask me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah Sam?" She stopped walking. I looked at her and could tell something was bothering her. "Sam. What is it? I can tell something is really bothering you. There was a grassy hill to the right of us. My thinking spot. I looked at her and motioned towards it. She nodded.

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