Chapter 15: Final Chapter

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A couple months later.

Sam's POV

I was standing in the room. I looked at my baby girl. She was down fully grown. Vampires do grow fast. But she's a hybrid just like her mom. I smiled at the thought. It was finally happening. I was gonna marry Jake.

I got what I always wanted. I looked around the room. I have my family, my daughter, my friends, love, people who care about me. I looked at the curtain. And my future husband.

I smiled. Tears were rolling down my face. Melissa came up to me.

"Girl I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks" she wiped the tears away.

I heard the music start to play. "Are you ready?" I nodded and took Liam's arm. Since I didn't have a dad. We walked out. I was halfway down the isle when I heard a scream. Everyone stopped and turned. Some guy had a knife up to Anna's neck.

No! I gasped. He smirked.

"It's either you come with me, or her death! You choose." The guy said in a deep voice. I had tears on my face.

"But it's my wedding day. Why does things only happy on the happiest days of my life. Why is it always me?" The guy rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up and choose I have places to be." I took a breath I looked at Liam.

"Sam?" I stopped him with a hug.

I ran up the alter. "I love you Jake. Take care of Anna." I gave him a kiss. I turned around. The guy cut Anna. "NOOO!!" I was about to run to her when I was picked up. It was the guy.

He smirked and vampire sped off.

Jake's POV

I can't believe it. My baby girl was hurt and the love of my life has been kidnapped. No. No. No. I broke down. I threw myself on the ground and cried.

Justin came up and sat next to me. He put a hand on my back. Everyone was crying. This shouldn't have happened. A scent went into my house I jumped up. Tear stains on my face. On everyone's face.

I sniffed. Oh. No.

"Ross" I gasped. Justin looked at me and sniffed the air.

"Uh oh." We both took off running. We had to find her. She was being taken to Ross. That can not happen.

He'll do the thing he told us he would.

Make her his.

That can't happen. I need Sam. No way. I'm not loosing her. Not again. I looked at Justin. He read my mind. We went in wolf form. We took off running. We lost his scent. We went to turn around when I saw Anna. My precious little sweetheart.

"Baby what's wrong?" Even though I knew the answer.

"Ross took mom to the council. She-she didn't follow the rules. Ross said hey have to kill her. Daddy. I don't want mom to die. She didn't do anything wrong."

"Baby. The council is my brother and his friends. They were at the wedding. They were the ones who helped your mom deliver you. Ross just lied to you. Which way did he go?"

She stood up. "That idiot played me?" I nodded. "So that was all a lie?" I nodded. "So I have been crying for nothing?" She sobbed and I shook my head.

"No. But which way did he go?" Anna looked pissed to the max. She punched the tree and it fell over. Knocking two other trees down as well.

"Dang she has strength." Justin and Anna met eyes. Anna froze so did Justin. Wait a minute? "My-my mate. I've finally found you!" He stuttered out. Anna looked at him.

"What's this feeling. I've never experienced it. Daddy what is it?"

"It's the mate binding. You've found your mate." I smiled. Then my expression went cold. I turned towards Justin. "You hurt her and so help me Justin-"

"I won't. I've finally found my mate." He had tears building in his eyes. She ran to him. They touched fingers. She jumped back.

"What was that?" She freaked.

"Anna. That's the electricity between us. That's means you really are my mate." I've told Anna all about how the mate thing works. She was so happy about the idea of meeting hers. And now she has.

"I-i have always dreamed about meeting m-my mate."

"Me to." Justin smiled at her.

She ran into his open arms. She hugged him tightly. I was so happy for them. He kissed her. She pulled back her fact looked like a tomato.

"I'm happy for you baby. Now I've gotta find my mate." I was about to run off when someone grabbed me.

It was Anna?

"Daddy. We're a family." She put her arm around Justin's torso. He put his arm around her neck. "We do this together. That's my mom. I'm coming to help. After all I'm the vampire here."

"Not the only one." Liam appeared beside us. As did Luke. "Yeah-What is this?" Luke demanded. Justin smiled and Anna blushed. Justin looked at Anna in the eyes.

"I've found my mate." Liam and Luke's jaw dropped. They looked to see my reaction. They smiled at it.

"Come on family." Anna giggled. Justin smiled at her giggling. We started our journey.

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