Chapter 8: Its About To Go Down

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Liam's POV:

I got to where Jake and Sam were. She was cuddled up to him. She was sleeping, he was falling asleep. Her face was red and puffy from crying I suppose. I looked at her, then I noticed something. I pulled her shirt down a little bit. Oh. My. God.

Louis marked her!

I shook Jake a little bit. He shifted. "Hey what is it. Is Liam finally here?" He opened his eyes. His face had a looked that screamed OOPS! I just laughed. Then I motioned for him to get up. "Man what is it?" He got up carefully. Making sure she didn't wake up.

"Jake. He marked her." All of a sudden all of his sleepiness went away. He looked from me to her, then back to me.

"What?! Are you f****** me?!" Sam shifted a little bit. I motioned for him to quiet down. Of course, he didn't. "I'm gonna kill him! Wait how do you know?" He glared at me.

I pulled her shirt down a little bit again. I showed him the mark. His face dropped. Then it went to anger then Sam woke up.

"Jake? Where are you, what's going on?" He looked at her as Ashe was looking confused.

"Nothing baby. Don't worry about it just go back to be--" he saw my face and sighed. "Sam?" She looked at him. "Louis marked you." He said as his face dropped.

"What does that mean." He looked up with tears in his eyes. She saw them. "Baby. What's wrong. Why is Jake crying?!" She screamed at me. She jumped up and ran to him. He pulled her close. She pulled his head to her. He nuzzled into her hair.

She rested her head on his shoulder. He cried on her. Wait shouldn't it be the other way around? I thought to myself. I looked back at them. Ephesians had her in his grasp. He sighed and pulled apart. He kissed her. It was a passionate, romantic kiss. He put his hands on her belly, he put his hands under her shirt. He lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. And her legs around his waist.

I cleared my throat before something happened that I did not want to see. He put her down. He looked at me.

"Sorry man." He said thruthfully. He turned back to her. "He marked you. That mean you are his. Unless.." She looked at him.

"Unless what?" She asked. She was totally clueless. I chuckled.

"I can read your mind you a**!" I glared at him. She looked amused. "Anyway. As I was saying." He said shooting dangers at me. If looks could kill, my adventure would finally be over. I sighed. "The only way to break the mark is it you. Well. Its if you have sex with someone else!" He blurted out. She looked stunned. Then smiled, looked down, and back at him.

"It's a good thing I have you then. Huh?" She laughed and he looked puzzled. "You are obviously gonna have sex with me now. 1. So you can break this 'mark' I have on me."she said putting air quotes on mark. "2. Because I absolutely love you. And 3. I wouldn't want anyone else to take my virginity!" He looked at her and smiled.

"1. I'll gladly break your mark. 2. I have never loved anyone, or payed so much attention to in my life. And 3. I'll be happy for you to take mine!" She gasped. She was obviously shocked. He looked confused at her reaction.

"A hotty like you is still a virgin?" He nodded. She grabbed something out of the air and pulled her arm down in a fist. "I hit the jackpot. I get a hot guy, who has an awesome personality and he's a virgin. I'm so lucky!! Oh wait." She looked down.

"Baby girl, what is it?" She looked at him with sad eyes.

"Louis raped me. I'm not a virgin. In fact I think I'm pregnant." I looked at her. I am so killing Louis! Jake looked at her.

"To me your still a virgin. And I'll go easy. And we will raise your baby together." She smiled I sped off.

Louis come out, come out wherever you are!

Louis's POV:

I was sitting at my house when the door was busted down. Before I could react Liam had me pinned on the wall.


"I had to. She is so gorgeous, and I know she is family but I couldn't help it. I just had to f*** her!" Liam hit my face.

"I can't believe you! Of course that's all you wanted. Now she is having a baby, oh and by the way. Your little mark trick isn't gonna work. Jake and Sam are about to get it on." I saw him cringe when he said the words. I knew he didn't want it to happen but he had no choice. I saw him look down I took this to my advantage. I pulled him to the ground.

"Haha. Now look who is defeated! You'll never get it. But you will soon. Then I will be the king of our pack!" I said with a smirk. I then sped off.

Liam's POV:

"Haha. Now look who is defeated! You'll never get it. But you will soon. Then I will be the king of our pack!" Louis said with a smirk. I was about to ask what he meant but he sped off. I ran in the direction he went. It was to late. He was gone. I was gonna run after him but I knew it would be just another problem. He'll come back. He always does.

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