Chapter 2: So It Begins

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I woke up in a strange room. I had no idea where I was at. The. I remembered everything that happened. When I ran away from the guys. Where I met Jake, how cute he was. How nice he was being. How he was about to save me. Rescue me. How he stood up for me. Then I thought how about he said I was the chosen one. What did he mean by that? My parents are dead. They weren't vampires. If they were they would still be alive right? Unless. Omg! The boys may have been right. Omg! It all makes sense. My sister,my brother, my parents. They were killed by a mysterious creature. VAMPIRES!! Another vampires or vampires must have killed them. It all makes sense. I was about to jump up when I realized I was tied up. And my mouth was duck taped. I tried to reach my mouth but I couldn't reach it. It was so hard. I was about to when this guy walked in. It was Liam from One Direction! If my mouth weren't ducktaped my mouth would have dropped. I can't believe it's him. Wait five boys. Curly haired boy, blond haired boy, Liam Payne. My kidnappers were One Direction. But why? Why me? Liam came up to me and sat down on the bench. He looked at me with sad eyes. He kinda looked like me. No. A lot like me.
"Hey Sam. I'm sorry about all of this. But you're home now!" He said with a smile. A tear rolled down my cheek. This was not my home. He leaned closer to me. I tried to scooch back. It didn't work. I turned my head and started to scream. I wanted to get out of there. I know I didn't know him but I wanted Jake. I wanted him to rescue me again. Liam started to come closer. I just kept squirming. Then I fell on the floor. I kept going backward until I was against the wall. I pulled my knees up to my chest. And I put my head down. I heard him stand up. And walk over to me. He sat down in front of me. "Sam, I'm not going to hurt you." I looked up at him with a face full of tears. "I'm only going to take the duck tape off. Okay?" I nodded my head he took it slowly. "Is that better?"
"A l-lit-little. Th-thank yo-you."

Liam's POV:

I came into the room. She was huddled up against the wall. I felt so bad for her. She was just a scared fragile little girl when it came down to it. I wanted to bring her into my arms and hug her. I wanted to tell her everything was going to be all right. I wanted to tell her the biggest reason why she was here. She was my sister. And she was a hybrid(sorry I know I got the name wrong earlier but the right just popped into my head. Oh by the way if you don't know what a hybrid is. It's when you are both vampire and werewolf. You may know it you may not. Sam clearly doesn't lol). Our parents were enemies who fell in love. That's why they split up when Sam was really little. Then mom found that guy David I think? She had no idea about any of this. I wanna tell her so bad. But I don't want her freaking out. And running to Jake. She is more werewolf than vampire, though. I don't want us to be enemies. I have to make her wanna be a vampire. That way we will be one happy family. Or at least a happy pair or twin siblings.

Jake's POV:

I can't believe they just took her like that. Ross said that he wanted her to be a werewolf not a blood sucking vampire. I swear if Zayn turns her. Oh my god! Her mother was a vampire. Zayn is gonna turn her. If he doesn't I know Sams brother Liam is going to. All he wanted was to have her on his side. It's not gonna chNge anything though. He has had 17 years to get back into her life. He never did. He never tried. At least I watched over her. At least I was the male in her life who cared about her. Ross never did. He would only beat her until she couldn't stand. And the send her to that little suck he called her room. She would be to weak to get up. So he would pick her up and throw her. I can't let them have her. I love her. I always have. Ever since my alpha leader Danny told me what was happening. After he told me I would always be watching her. No matter what. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was gorgeous, and smart. And her personality could melt Jack Frosts heart. I can't loose her. I just can't. I've gotta tell the pack. Especially Danny. I started running to the house. About ten minutes later I was there. And a little out of breath.

"Jake. You okay man? What's wrong?" Luke said. Not Luke Hemmings girls lol. Luke Foster(idk I made it up lol).
"They've got her. Where's Danny?"
"They've got who bro?" Justin said putting his arm around me. I didn't care though.
"The boys have Sam! They just kidnapped her. I was out getting my lunch and I heard someone coming. And fast. She has her mothers speed. For sure. But she has Ross's strength. Anyway, I heard someone coming. The girl who was my snack screamed then the footsteps stopped. I finished her off and turned around. Sam was standing there with a scared look on her face. She looked back the way they came. Then I heard the boys yell something about she escaped. She looked back at me. She started talking to me. She asked if I would help her get away from them. I asked what her name is just to make sure it was Sam. It was. I was about to leave when Louis jumped in front of me. I told him off and turned. Then Niall was in front of me. Sam got off of me and asked if she had a say in what she wanted to be. She said some things and said she would choose me anyday. I think I started to blush. Thank god i was in wolf form. But then she turned around running into Liam. He picked her up and sped away. I have no idea where to but I think I have a clue to where she is now. But I have got to tell Danny."
"Don't worry Jake. I heard it all. Are you sure about this?"
"Yes I'm sure. You know how much I like his girl. Do you really think I would lie about all of this?"
"We will start looking in the morning."
"How dare you mention her!!"
"Well you know it's true! You know I'm right. Everyone knows it. Please help me. You know bad it felt to loose May. Don't make me go through that. Please Danny?" Danny looked away. Then back at Jake.
"Justin, Luke and Jake. Go look for her. Try to trace her scent. Find out where it ends. If it doesn't lead anywhere howl. I have a better nose than you. You me Justin and Luke will continue from there. Okay?" He said looking at Jake in the eyes.
"Yes. Thank you Danny. Come on you to!" And off they were. They followed her scent until they reached this tunnel thing. A mile away was a huge house. "This must be the tunnel that leads to that house. If I'm correct Sam may be in there. You to wanna go in there with or without Danny?"
"Let's go with Danny, just in case you know what I mean?"
"Yeah. You're probably right Justin. It's funny you get the looks, and the brain."
"Thanks!" Justin grinned. Luke smirked at them.
"Shall we?" Justin and Jake nodded. They all howled as loud as they could. They waited for a reply. A few minutes later they heard a howl. Danny was on his way.

Sam's POV:

I was falling asleep in that cell or whatever when I heard a howl. I jumped up. Jake I thought. I looked at the beginning of the tunnel that led to my location. There were three wolves. One of them looked this way. I saw the eyes. Jake, he was coming for me after all. My knight in shining armor well more like gorgeous fur lol. Was coming to rescue me. I can't wait for the sun to come up now.

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