Chapter 1: The day it all started

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Nobody talked to me anymore. If they did, I didn't hear them. I was to busy being depressed. The court asked me if I wanted to live with my dad. I looked at the judge as if he were mental. He couldn't be serious. When I didn't answer I guess he thought I didn't understand because he said it louder.

"Sam!" I looked up at him annoyed. Was he really this stupid? Or did he just like making people feel worse than they already felt.

"Would you like to go stay with your father or wi--" I looked at him and jumped up. I had tears in my eyes. But they were NOT gonna come out.

"That man whose name is on my birth certificate is not my father! He is just the sperm that was used to create me! Fathers don't abuse their children! Especially their daughters! My father is dead! Don't you get that?! How stupid are you people?!" I asked looking around the room. At all those idiots in their fancy little uniforms. They're nothing but a label. Another piece of the law. Nobody cares what they do. As long as they follow orders.

"My father, my mother, my sister, my little brother. They are all dead. That man right there." I said turning towards the man is a suit. The man who actually looked nice for once. The man who was fooling all of these people.

"You are not my father. You never were, nor will you ever be." I looked at him and he didn't even care. I knew he was only here because he had to be. I turned back towards the judge. "Give me the location of where I have to go and I'll be there in about two hours."

The judge looked me up and down to see if I was lying. Obviously I wasn't lying. He gave me he location. I turned towards the man. I gave him one last glare. Then I stormed out of the room. I looked at the paper. Yeah right I thought to myself. They can come and find me. I put on my hood. I started down the street. Then I found myself running. I felt like I was as fast as lightning. That is, until I hit someone. I was then on the ground. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I was just..."

"Just trying to escape?" I looked at him. "You're not the hardest brain to read. But I didn't have to read your mind. Your face said it all. With your family dead and all." I looked up him with a curious look on my face.

"How did you know that?" Then I looked at the smirk on his face. Oh no. I screamed in my head. He laughed. I swear I thought I saw fangs. Was he a? No way they don't exist! I jumped up.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you. But I must be on my way." I spun around and was about to start running when I noticed someone was there. The next thing I knew was I was surrounded. I didn't even try to escape my way out of this one. I was being kidnapped, by vampires. I held out my arms. The five of them smiled. The muscular one put his arm around me.

"This ones smart. I call dibs!" He smirked and the other boys looked mad. I looked at him and shot him glares. He just laughed. Stupid idiots! Then the blond haired one came up to me. He slapped me across the face and I mean hard on the face.

The guy that called dibs on me got in front of me. "How dare you hurt her like that. If anyone is gonna hurt her it's gonna be me. Don't you ever touch her again!"

"Why it's not like you even want her. All she is is a no good bitch who doesn't have a family anymore! Stupid homeless bitch!" The guy with curly hair looked at me. He could see how hurt I was. Then I got this mind message thing.

~~In Her Mind~~

"Hey are you okay. I know what he said must've hurt huh?"

"Ya think! What's going on? How are you in my head?"

"I'm a vampire. I have the ability to send mind messages to people. That and to make people calm down but then I have my third power. The boys know about it they've never seen it though."

"What is it?"

"I have super strength I'm the strongest in our household. I'm the strongest male. The strongest female well. You'll meet her."

"What is your strongest power?"

"I can I don't know how to explain it. I guess you could say I turn into this thing like I still look like me except it's like the devil crawls inside of me. Every time I get close to someone they you know what why am I telling you this?! You're just the girl we are kidnapping. In a matter of time you won't matter anymore."

"What do you mean?"

~~Out Of Her Head~~

I looked at him. Obvious our conversation was over. I looked at the blond guy fighting the other dude. I looked behind me. Woods! I'm a master of woods they won't find me! The rest of the boys got into the fight and tried to brake it up. I made a run for it. I was almost to the woods when I turned around the boys almost had the fight broke up. I had to un faster before they seen I was gone. I finally got into the woods. I started running and running. Then I heard a scream . I saw a huge dog thing. Wait a minute is that a werewolf?! Before I had time to react he looked at me. He licked his lips. Then I heard the boys.

"GOD DAMN IT NIALL!! BECAUSE YOU DID THAT SHE ESCAPED!! THANKS A LOT!! WE HAVE TO FIND HER BEFORE THE WOLVES DO!!" They started running towards the woods. I looked back at the wolf.

"Hey there Mr.Wolf. Will you do me a favor? I'm trying to escape these vampire kidnapper dudes. I don't know what hey want with me so will you help me? The wolf turned into a human. He was hot!

"How many guys were there?"
"Fuck! I know who they are. What's your name?"
"Look hot guy! There are vampires coming we will do the meet and greet thing later Re you going to help me or not?" He looked at me with. Amused look on his face. "Sam. My name is Sammantha Harris. But please call me Sam." He smiled God he was hot!
"Thanks for calling me hot. You're not so bad yourself" he said then winked at me. "Let's go I can hear them coming. My alpha is gonna be so proud of me."
"For what?"
"You don't know?" I look at him with a confused look. He was dumbfounded. Like he couldn't believe it. "You're the chosen one. Everyone is after you. That's why they were gonna kidnap you. Don't you get that? Haven't you been told yet?"
"Does it look like I've been told anything about being a chosen one?"
He smiled. He kissed my head. "Come on love we gotta get you safe." And then there he was. The guy that called dibs on me.
"Jake! What are you doing with my girl?"
"Your girl please. You know she'll always be werewolf territory. She's the chosen one. The leader of all hyphens! You can't have her. Almost all of her family have been on werewolf side. She will be also." He was about to leave when the blond guy got around him.
"I don't think so. Most of her family have been mutts! But her parents are full vampire! Her parents didn't wanna be a no good ugly bad smelling mutt!"
"At least we have a heart beat! You are just a no good pale faced lifeless body roaming he earth. None of you care for her. She has power and that's what you're after. She will never be a vampire!" I got out of the guy so called "Jake"'s grip. I looked at him and took a couple steps back.
"Excuse me but don't I have a say in what I get to be. Maybe I don't wanna be either. Ever think of that. And if I was going to choose it would be werewolf anyway. You ugly pale faced idiots. Look so stupid. I mean yeah your hot. But look at you. It's like you've never heard of the word tan! Or some sunlight. And look at him. This guy Jake or whatever he's hot! And tan and warm. On a winter day when I'm freezing I won't have to worry about it because those days will be over if I'm a werewolf. But if I'm a bloodsucking pale faced moron. Then I'm gonna be cold until God thinks my time is done. I would rather die than be either one of you to. But if I had to choose it would you." I said looking at Jake. I turned around and there was a vampire there. Her picked me up and sped to God knows where. I just wanna be at that foster home place so bad right now.

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