Chapter 14: say what now?

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We took Sam to the council. I was freaking out. What's happening to my baby?!?!

The council took her into a certain room. They came back out with worried faces.

"What what is it?"

"Louis?" He stood up.


"You're not the father."

"What? But I raped her!" Melissa turned and looked at him.

"You did what?!" She screamed.

"Babe I did it for revenge."

"That's my step sister you ass!" He grunted and she looked away.

"Well then who is?"

"It's. It's Jake." I was stunned. Did I actually have sex with her before Louis? Oh my god! That night we were drunk.

"I know why it's my kid." I told them about that night.

"Well Jake. Since the baby has vampire in her because of Sam. She is growing really fast."

"Well what do you mean?"

"Well a normal person is gonna look at her and think she is like 3 or 4." My jaw dropped. She already looks that age?!

"Can I see her." The doctor nodded.

I went into the room to see Sam in a state of awe and shock. The little girl turned sound and looked at me. She was so beautiful. Her eyes sparkled like two little stars. She looked just like Sam.

She ran over to me. "Daddy!" Her eyes lit up when she saw me. It was so adorable. I just wanted to cry. This was my little girl.

Everyone ran in and saw her. "Oh my god. Sam she is gorgeous!!"

Sam smiled and looked at me. "Baby what are we naming her?" I looked back at Sam.

"I was thinking Anna Lynn Winters."

"Oh my god baby! That's perfect." Anna ran over to Sam and hugged her. Liam walked in. Anna's eyes met Liam's.

Anna stood up. "Momma?"

"Yes baby?"

"Is that uncle Liam?"

"Yes baby."

Anna got up and ran to him. "Uncle Liam?!"

"Hey baby girl!" Anna looked at him with an all to serious face. I was actually kind of scared.

"Umm yes Anna?"

"You are gonna buy me presents right?" Everyone started laughing.

"Yes baby. I'll even spoil you!" She giggled.

"Yay!! Mama I like this one." Sam started laughing.

"Really? Me to sweetheart" Anna threw her hands in the air.

"NOOOO!!!" Anna screamed. Everyone's head shot towards her.

"Only I can like Liam. You can't you have daddy. No no no. Anna no share." I tried so hard not to laugh but failed. Anna started laughing with me. Sam sent us glares. We laughed harder.

Sam gave up and started laughing with us. Liam put Anna down and she grabbed my hand. She pulled me over to he bed with Sam.

"Get in." She demanded.

"Why?" She sent me a look. I put my hands up in surrender. I got in the bed and Sam cuddled up to me. Anna jumped in the bed and snuggled in-between the two of us. Anna sighed.

"Our first family moment." I smiled.

"It sure is baby. It sure is." We all smiled and Liam took pictures.

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