Chapter 3: Their Search Finally Starts

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I started to fall asleep in my cell or dungeon or whatever it's called. When I heard a howl. 'Jake' I thought to myself. I jumped up and ran to the window. I saw three wolves at the beginning of the tunnel that lead to my location. One of the wolves looked at me. It was Jake. He was coming to rescue me. My knight in shining armor, well more like gorgeous fur was coming to save me. I couldn't wait for the sun to come up now.

~In The Morning~

I up to a loud bang. Then Liam, I think that was his name came into the room.

"Come on, werewolves are attacking the castle. We have to leave now!"

"Wait who is attacking?"

"Jake and his group of mutts! Now let's go before they get you?"

"Hey!" I said ripping my arm out of his really tight grasp. Dang! I'm stronger than I thought! "Ow! And I like Jake. He is the one I wanna be with. I'm staying right here!" I said stamping my foot. It was a childish move but I needed to prove my point.

"Fine! You leave me no choice!" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He turned around and vampire sped.

"Stop! Or I'll rip your friends throat out!" Liam stopped running and turned around. He saw Jake with his arms around Harry's throat. Liam flinched. Jake knows how close they are.

"Let Sam go. This isn't what her father wanted, and you know it." He said looking at Liam with anger in his eyes. Jake looked like he could demolish a whole population and would still be angry.

"No it isn't. But it's what her mother wanted!" Sam flinched on Liam's shoulder. He felt her flinch and a chill went through her body. He felt it.

"Liam. Put Sam down. NOW!" His anger was rising. And Liam knew it. He laughed and felt Sam shaking. He was his weakness.

He put Sam down. And held her up against a tree. "Stay!" He ordered. He grabbed some rope that was nearby and tied her to the tree. He turned and looked at Jake. "Put Niall down. Niall go defend the castle. Jake let's do this. Whoever wins gets Sam."

Jake looked at Sam. She was shaking and crying. "Please Jake! You have to win. Don't loose me. You can't. I can't go with this blood sucking monster. For all I know he'll turn me. Please Jake you have to win." He looked at me in the eyes. He could see the pleading in my eyes.

"Sam. I would never loose to a vampire. But this time I know I can't loose. I love you Sam. I can't loose you." Jake was looking me in the eyes. It was a comfortable stare. But he didn't see Liam charging towards him.

"JAKE! LOOK OUT!!" Jake turned and Liam changing at him. Liam hit him hard. He flew hitting a tree. Jakes face turned red and he went into wolf form. He was a gorgeous a white wolf. His fur looked so soft and beautiful.

Jake picked Liam up with his teeth. He threw him across the field. Jake heard something crack. They kept fighting. Throwing each other around. When finally a loud crack echoed through the field. The boys vampire sped there. The wolves appeared beside Jake. They went into human form. So did Jake. The other vampires looked at him. Jake beat Liam. Liam looked up at Jake.

"HOW DID YOU BEAT ME!" He hissed at Jake. Jake smiled.

"You don't want her as much as I do. You want her because if she goes full vampire she will be the most power vampire that is on Earth. Not counting her mother. You wanted her power." Jake turned looking at Sam. He smiled looking at her gorgeous face. He walked over to her untying her. She hugged him with all her human strength.

He smiled and hugged her. He looked back at Liam. "I don't want her for her power. Danny does. I want her because I'm in love with I always have been." He said looking her in the eyes.

She smiled at him. Since he was a little taller she went on her tippy toes. She kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her holding her up. He leaned down towards her while she went on flat feet. He deepened the right in front of everyone.

They pulled away looking at each other. Justin smirked. "Alright love birds. Well love wolf we've seen enough. Let's go home."

"Oh hey Liam?" He said turning around. "Thanks for not wanting her." He smirked at Liam who was scowling at him. He took Sams hand in his. "Lets walk home." She nodded as she rested her head on his shoulder. They walked into the woods heading home.

"This isn't over you little mutt. I will get her back. You better enjoy her while you still have her. By the time this week ends. She won't be your possession any longer." The boys looked at him with envy. Liam looked at them and vampire sped off to God knows where.

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