Chapter 12: What Would I Do Without You?

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Hey I'm kinda running out of ideas lol so comment what you think should happen. So at the end of the chapter comment what you think should happen next.


Jake's POV:

I carried Sam home after she almost fell over from tiredness. I couldn't help but laugh at her. It was funny.

"Babe. Stop laughin at meeee it's not funny" is what she meant to say. But it came out as "babe. Sop waughfin at meeee tis not funny." At this I laughed really hard. She is sooooo adorable. I love her.

"Oh my gosh. Sam let's get you home. You're obviously tired." This woke her up real quick.

"Nooo. We're watching a movie tonight." She whined. She was so cute even when she didn't try.

"Are you not tired now?" She shook her head happy. I laughed and nodded.

~~At Home~~

"Alright babe. What do you wanna watch?" She stretched herself out on the couch. Her belly showed a little bit. God she's fine.

Damn babe you fine as hell! I thought to myself.

"Awe thanks baby. You're fine to." She said checking me out. I smirked. I continued pulling movies out when I dead stopped.

Did I say that out loud??

"Yes you did. And thanks babe." She winked at me. I felt my cheeks go red. Oh great! I chuckled a little. "OH MY GOD!!" She shrieked.

I jumped up and was by her side in an instant. I looked around. "Babe what's wrong??" She giggled at my reaction. What the hell? I chuckled a little.

"You. Have. The. Notebook?" I nodded my head. "I love that movie! Can we pwease watch it?" She said giving me puppy eyes.

"Was that why you shrieked?" She nodded. I laughed. She was such a girl. But to make it even better. She was my girl. I smiled at my thought. I looked at her walking to the kitchen to make popcorn. I can't believe out of everyone in the world. I got the gift of being her mate.

She came back in. By this point the movie was started. I grabbed a blanket. We sat on the couch and she cuddled up next to me. I wrapped my arm around her. I loved this feeling.

"I love this feeling." I smiled. We were so alike.

"I just thought that." We both laughed. Halfway through the movie I looked down she fell asleep on me. I shut the movie off. I layed down she adjusted herself so she was comfy again. I smiled. I fell asleep with her in my arms.

Sam's POV

I woke up. I was on the couch? Umm okay? I went to get up when I felt a strong pair of arms around me. I turned on my other side to see Jake's beautiful face. I pulled my arm from underneath his. I started to play with his hair. It was so soft. I cuddled up to him. He smelled so freaking good! I giggled a little as he pulled me closer.


"Jeez babe." He lifted an eyebrow making me giggle a little.


"Your morning voice is soooo hot! Omg I said that out loud didn't I?" He nodded a little. I smiled and laughed at myself. "Jakke."

"Mmhmm." I smiled. He was sooooooo cute in the morning.

"Get up." I giggled.

"Mm hmm" (as in saying no)

"Yessss." He shook his head. "Can we at least go lay in your bed where we have more room." He grunted. Yay! I win! He got up slowly. I laughed. He looked at me. He smirked. Uh oh. He smiled at me. He pushed me off the couch. I landed on the floor with a thud.

"OWWWW!" I decided to pull a trick on him. I smirked. "Owww. My ankle. Ow. Jake it really hurts." I fake sobbed. He jumped up. All of the tiredness left him quick. He jumped by my side.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Sam. Where does it hurt baby??" He asked with a super worried expression. I started laughing. He looked at me.

"No where. It doesn't hurt. I so got you." He sighed. He then went to angry. Then amused. "Haha. Gotcha. Now I'm gonna run away because I know that look." He smirked. I jumped up and ran upstairs. I should've looked where I was going.

"JUSTIN LUKE! DONT LET HER GET AWAY!" I heard Jake yell. I turned and ran right into Luke. He smirked. I smiled and waved. FUCK! I turned around and ran into Justin. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!

"We got her!" Justin yelled downstairs. I heard Jake run up the stairs. He smirked. He put his hand up. The boys let go. Jake walked in front on me.

"Soo. Think you're funny huh?" I smirked.

"Yes. Actually yes I do! Wanna know why?"

"Oh please tell me." He said with a smile tugging at the edge of his lips. I smiled.

"Because I can do this." I kissed him. He smirked and lifted an eyebrow.

"I can do that to you know." He laughed.

"Yes but you didn't expect this huh?" He was obviously caught off guard when I slid underneath through his legs. I smirked and ran to his room. I ran into it and jumped on the bed. He ran in. I hid under the bed. HAHA! Good luck.

I heard silence. Then I heard whispering. I heard a door shut. I smirked. HAHA SUCKERS! I climbed out from underneath he bed. Only to see Jake standing in front of the door. How did I not see that?! He smirked. He came closer to me. He wrapped his arm around me.

"Didn't expect that did you?" I shook my head. Why was I nervous all of a sudden? I. Do. Not. Like. This. Feeling.

He smirked. "You know. You're sneaky, but not sneaky enough." He whispered into my ear. He sent shivers down my back. He pulled me close. He lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes. I totally got lost in his gorgeous eyes. They were so gorgeous.

He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back. Our lips moved in sync. It felt so amazing. God I could kiss him all day!

He licked my bottom lip for entrance. I decided to tease him and reject his request. He smirked. His hand slid down my backside. His hand fell right under my butt. He squeezed my butt causing me to gasp. He took this chance and slipped his tongue inside. Our tongues fought for dominance. He slowly set me down on the bed.

Our lips never unlocking from their battle. He layed me down in the bed. He got on top of me and his hands lid up my shirt. He hand one hand on my stomach and one holding him up. I rolled him over so I was straddling him. He smirked and pulled my face to his. We continued our battle. He took his shirt off. Revealing his abbs. My jaw dropped.

And I thought he couldn't get any hotter!

He smirked. "Oh my god. Can you not be any more hot!" I whispered. He smirked.

"Like what you see?" He smirked. Him and that hot ass smirk. Erg! This boys looks and personality will be the death of me I swear! I smiled. He took my shirt off. I unbuttoned his jeans. I slowly pulled them off of him. He chuckled.

I left sweet, wet kisses up him stomach and on his jawline. He moaned. He pulled my face up to his. He started to kiss me again. His mouth found its way to my neck. He was leaving wet kisses and love bites on my neck. I moaned when he found my sweet spot.

"Found it." He laughed. I moaned as he sucked on my sweet spot. He nibbled on my earlobe softly. He came back up to my mouth. He nibbled on my bottom lip. Causing me to moan a little louder. We were about to go farther when Justin banged on the wall.

"Hey cut it out! You guys are so freaking loud! I wouldn't be surprised if the queen of England didn't ear you!" He screamed through the wall. We laughed and started to put our clothes back on.

Jake looked at me. "We'll continue that later." He said with a wink. He grabbed my hand and we went downstairs to start lunch.

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