Chapter 6: Time For Revenge

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"So many times I wanted to tell her. But I don't know how she will take it. That's why..."

"You're scared. It's okay mate, I get it." I looked over at Louis.

"Thanks mate. I'm glad to know that one person knows what I'm going through." Louis looked away. He couldn't look Liam in the eyes without telling him he is a hybrid. Just like Sam.


Louis's POV:

I looked at Liam. He was so sad. I knew how he felt. I know how it felt when I lost my baby sister.


"Louis? Louis where are you? I'm scared."

"It's okay I'm right here." I told her pulling her close. I heard our mom scream. I looked at my baby sister. "I'll be right back." I whispered to her. She grabbed my hand.

"No. Please don't leave me? I'm scared Louis." I looked at her with sad eyes.

"I know Lucy. But mom needs help. I'll be right back. Do not come out from underneath the bed until I come back okay?" She nodded her head. I ran to help my mom.

She was dead...

I heard a noise. Then I heard Lucy scream.

"LUCY!" I ran to the room as fast as I could. I looked under the bed Lucy was gone. I lost my baby sister.

It's all my fault.

I should've never left her alone. By herself when there was trouble in the house.

End of Flashback

Louis shook the thought away. He didn't realize that a tear slipped his eyes until Liam said something.

"Thinking about Lucy?" Louis nodded.

"It was my fault. I should've stayed with her. I knew she was scared. I knew there was trouble in the house and I left her. All by herself." Liam put his hand on Louis's shoulder.

"You can't blame yourself for that. You went to help your mom. You had your mind set in the right place. But someone should've been with her." Liam spoke softly.

"Liam. I know. I just can't believe I let that happen to her." He said letting another tear slip. All of a sudden Niall appeared.(vampire speed)

"Hey guys I have a pl-- Louis! What's wrong?" He looked at Louis's face. He knew instantly.


Niall gave Louis a hug. "I'm sorry man."

"It's okay." Louis wiped away the tears and looked at Niall. "Okay so what's your plan?"

Niall told them the plan. When he finished Liam had a smile on his face.

"This might work." They both nodded. "We just need to find a wolf."

Louis looked at them. "Guys I have something to tell you."

"What is it Louis?" Niall asked with concern.

"This is hard for me to tell you guys so don't say anything to Harry and Zayn okay?" They both nodded. "I'm a hybrid."

"WHAT?!" They both said in usion.

"When? Since when? How? What?" Niall asked dumbfounded.

"Well my mom was a werewolf. But then you guys know how I met Eleanor?"

"Yeah?" Liam asked.

"Well she was a vampire. And she didn't know I was a werewolf. And while we were making out she bit my neck. And we'll then I became a hybrid. And nobody knows that. Except you to now."

"Wait wait wait the wolves don't know?" Liam asked with a smirk on his face. Louis nodded his head. Liam laughed. They started talking about making a plan.

~Later that day~

Jakes POV:

I was in the kitchen win Sam cooking lunch. Well she was. I was just standing behind her with my arms wrapped around her, and my head on her shoulder. Then I heard a knock at the door. I growled. Sam laughed.

"Go get it." She said kissing me.

"Okay." I told her with a smile on my face. I went to the door and opened it to. A guy that looked like Sam? "Hello? Can I help you?"

"Yeah is Sam here" he said with a deep voice.

"Yeah, she is. Who are you?"

"I'm Ross's son, uh. Jeremy." I stared at him. He didn't seem so sure about if he was or wasn't Ross's son. But wait, Ross had a son? So this was Sam's brother? "So can I see my new sister or not?"

"Uh. Yeah. Come on in." I turned around I was dumbfounded. Ross was forbidden to start a family. He was supposed to be alone. Or suffer the consequences.


"Uh. Sam?"

"Yeah?" She turned around. A little startled by our new guest. "Umm hello? Hey, I'm Sam. It's nice to meet you." She turned back around before even shaking his hand. I tried not to laugh. It was so funny. She took out two plates. "Oh I'm sorry. Are you staying for lunch?"

"Sure and I already knew your name was Sam." She stopped what she was doing. It was like she was frozen. She turned around and stared at him. God the face she was making was kinda scary.

How did you know that? Because Jake here, looks like he's never seen you a day in his life. So he couldn't have told you. So how did you know my name, where to find me, and know if I was here or not?" She glared at him, yet had a look of amusement on her face.

"1. I'm your brother. Ross's kid? 2. Let's just say Ross gave me your scent. And 3. He told me you were her when he opened the door and I asked if you were here. Anymore questions?" He looked at her. She knew she had been burned.

"Yeah. Why does Ross have my scent?" Then she realized she asked the stupid question ever. I put my hands up to my face. I tried not to laugh. She looked at me and sent me glares. Jeremy laughed.

"Wow." He said trying not to laugh.

"Lets to." She said heading towards the door.

"Wait. Where are we going?" Jeremy asked. She looked at him.

"We are gonna go talk to Ross. Jake don't eat my food while I'm gone!" She yelled. They went outside.

"Come on. My car is on the main road." She grunted. So much walking she thought.

Sam's POV:

We started walking. We started talking.

"So how long have your mom and Ross been together?"

"For about a year now." I stopped walking.

"And this is the first I'm hearing about it?"

"Guess so. I thought you knew?"

"Nope!" I said and started walking again. All of a sudden he stopped walking. "Why did you stop walking?"

"Because we're here." He laughed. She had a confused look on his face.

"Here? In the middle of nowhere?"

"Exactly. Niall you can stop now."

"What. How do you know Niall?" All of a sudden thing thing happened. It was Louis! He was wearing a disguise! Crap! I was just played. And I'm about to be kidnapped. AGAIN! I did what I thought was best. "JAKE! JAKE HELP ME!! ITS NOT THHIS JEREMY GUY!! ITS LOUIS!! JAKE HELP ME!!" I heard a howl. Jake heard me. All of a sudden the wrap went on my mouth. I didn't know what it was. Then the world blurred out.

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