Chapter 7: The Mysterious Place

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Sam's POV:

We started walking and talking.

"So how long are your mom and Ross been together?" I asked him.

"Umm. For about a year now." I stopped walking.

"And this is the first time I'm hearing about it?" I demanded

"Guess so.i thought you knew."

"Nope!" I said and I started walking again. All of a sudden he stopped walking. "Why did you stop walking."

"Because we're here." He laughed. I had a confused look on my face.

"Here? In the middle of nowhere?"

"Exactly! Niall you can stop now."

"What? How do you know Niall?" All of a sudden this thing happened. IT WAS LOUIS! He was in a disguise! Crap! I was just played! And I was about to be kidnapped. AGAIN! I did what I thought was best. "JAKE! JAKE HELP ME!! ITS NOT THIS JEREMY GUY!! ITS LOUIS!! JAKE HELP ME!!" I heard a howl. Jake heard me. All of a sudden, this wrap thing went on my mouth. I didn't know what it was. Then the world blurred out.

I woke up in a weird room. I tried to move but I couldn't. I looked around me. My wrists were chained to the beginning of a bed frame, my ankles were chained up to the end of the bed frame. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. All of a sudden Louis vampire sped in.

"Hey love. You're finally awake." He said kissing me. I scowled. He laughed at me. I glared at him. "You know love, I wasn't kidding when I said I call dibs on you. But that stupid werewolf, Jake took you from me. But now I have you. And since you're all chained up. I get the chance to do what I've always wanted to do to you." He said running his finger along my arm and down my stomach. I knew what he was gonna do.

He was not gonna take my virginity!

No way! I started screaming. The. He wrapped my jeans off. Stupid vampire strength, that really hurt! He looked at me. He took my clothes off. He raped me. He unchained me. He let me go? "Don't tell Liam I let you go! I'll get in trouble." He gave me a smirk and ran back to the castle.

I started crying. I can't believe I was just raped by a vampire! Oh my gosh! He didn't use a condom! I'm gonna have a vampire baby. I felt something inside me. Vampires grow faster than humans! Oh my god! I felt a pain in my stomach. I ran to a tree and puked. Morning sickness happens all the time. My mother's words came in my head. I was pregnant, with a vampire baby. I started walking trying to find someone. I heard a noise. I was so scared. I sat down by a tree. I fell asleep leaning against a tree.

I felt someone touching me. I woke up instantly. I started screaming. "SOMEBODY!! PLEASE ANYBODY HELP ME!!" I felt the person put his/her hand on my mouth.

"Ssh. Ssh. It's me, it's Jake." I sighed. I wrapped my arms around him and started crying. "Sam. Your this happy to see me?"

I nodded yes and no. "Jake I'm pregnant. Louis raped me. I'm pregnant with a vampire baby. Jake it hurts." His face turned red. He had to tell Liam. He called Liam.

"What do you want you mutt!" Liam spat.

"Liam just shut up! Okay? Louis freaking raped Sam. She is now pregnant with a vampire a baby!" Jake told him with fear. He could hear Liam getting more angry.

"He what?!" Liam screamed.

"Ow! That's my ear and yeah he did. I just found her in the woods sleeping against a tree. She just told me all of this. I called you as soon as I found out. She is your sister, and you have the right to be in her life. Do you really think I would keep you from your family? I'm not as mean and cold hearted as you think I am you know?" Jake yelled at him.

"Than you Jake. I really appreciate this. I'm on my way. And trust me, Louis isn't gonna get away with this!"

Hey guys, I know it seems like Twilight. But I swear that's not what I'm tying to do. I only realized this because my friend told me about it. Trust me something is gonna happen where this is gonna be the exact opposite. I'm sorry if you think I'm copying twilight but that's not what I'm trying to do. I promise!

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