Chapter 13: Lunch Time

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Sam's POV

We were cuddling and it was getting heated. But then 'Thank Gosh' Justin banged on the wall. I was scared to be honest. I've never done anything with a boy before that was all new to me.

But from Jake's happiness I think I was a pretty good kisser. Right? But I was scared of what will happen. I don't know how the whole sex thing works.

HEY DONT JUDGE! I have been the girl who was the outcast. Nobody cared about me. Yes I was popular but I still didn't do anything. And I mean anything.

Yes I would give hugs, hold hands, and give little pecks but that's it. I know embarrassing right? Well hey it sucks being the outcast. But people are right. It does get better. Just look at me now.

I have a brother who loves me, an amazing boyfriend, awesome household, really cool friends. The only downside to this is I was Louis.

Wait a minute. What the hell?! I looked down at my stomachs was like going out. Like I could physically see it moving right now. I screamed this isn't supposed to happen. I watched my mom everyday when she was pregnant with my brother.

Her belly never just blew up like someone was pumping air into her belly. Why am I getting like this? It's like I'm a balloon. Then everyone ran in. I was looking at my belly. I was about to pass out from shock.

"LUCY!! CALM HER DOWN!!! HURRY!!" The girl who was named Lucy ran in. All of a sudden I wasn't freaking out anymore. Jake looked like he was about to kill someone.

"Danny. What's going on?"

"I don't know. We gotta get her to the council. She may be dying."

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