Massaging Parlour

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"That's the last customer, close up Y/N"

"Will do boss" I shout back and hear the front door close shut.

"Yeesh, she's finally gone! " Dianna says as she folds the towels.
" Tell me about it, can't wait to kick back and spend the weekend in an apartment without someone screaming in my face! " Jessica adds as she starts switching off the lights.
" Come on guys, it's not that bad" I laugh.
"Um yes, it is that bad, remember the time she let the turtles into the drinking water and then people got sick because of the turtle pee inside and then she blamed me for it? " Jessica says
" Well that was just a common mistake, remember her poodle died that week? " I say
" Well it's not my fault her dog caring skills is 0 to 1" she replies
"Let it go Jessica, as long as it's a job you get paid for, you should be A-ok and not A- complainer, ha! See what I did there? " Dianna says and laughs a little
" Haha, hilarious" Jessica says with sarcasm.
"The two of you need help " I chuckle and walk towards the shelf to arrange the oils.

According to boss-arina boulevard, all oils should be arranged alphabetically before leaving the parlour. I, Jessica and Dianna have been working here for the past 2 years now and it rocks and it sucks, well it's a good paying job so I don't got no regrets, and starting off the end of this week, I might have saved enough to pay my mom's cancer bill. Thank God

"Well, I think that's it, we can leave" Jessica says
"Hold it short cakes, I think we should do a cross checking first, don't want you leaving something undone and then blaming me for it " Dianna huffs
" That was a one night thing, A. One. Night. Thing " Jessica replies
" Yeah. Sure it was, alright, let's vindicate this bitch " Dianna says and Jessica groans and I laugh as I follow them.

" Alright, massage boards" Dianna says
"Arranged and check! " I answer

" Complimentary yet disgusting bonsai's? "
" Check! " Jessica says

" Mud masks and oil shelves"
"Check! "

" Nail and toe nail assortments"
"A-checkity check! "

" Cucumbers"
"Check! "

" Avocados? "
" You guessed it "
" Check? "
" Check! "

" Vanilla lit candles are off so I guess we're all done here " Dianna says.
" Ugh finally now I gotta go home and..  HOLY MOTHER OF ALL LIVING THINGS THAT BREATHE!!!!" Jessica screams suddenly as she looks at her phone
"What what is it? " Me and Dianna chorus
" I can't believe it, they're back together, oh my goshness i think i'm gonna burst in happiness " She squeals
" Um what " Dianna says
" And um who " I say

" The S.H.E.I.L.D you nitwits!!! My favourites, Dean ambrose and Roman reigns finally forgave their long lost brother Seth rollins and I am loafing it!!!" She squeals again and starts jumping around.

Dianna shakes her head and sighs.
"D, What's wrong? " I ask
" WWE, that's what! Jessica has always been blabbing on and on about a show that people barely even touch each other and it's freaking annoying the fucking fuck outta me !!!! " She snaps
" Woah woah woah,let me get this straight? You're angry because Jessica keeps going on and on about WWE, girl there is something called ignoring, plus you of all people should know how jessy is, a super super super superfan" I say and she smiles a bit.

"Actually, I'm angry at Jessica for reminding me of my humiliation by talking about that rotten to the core company "
" Why do you say that? " I ask
" Cos, I actually do like the WWE,always have. It's just that one day, I embarrassed myself in front of a crowd before i even entered the arena. That's why I hate the damn company even if I sometimes watch matches on Jessica's phone " She smiles
" That's half the spirit, I guess "I smile back

We hear as i nearly fall on the floor

" Ok that is IT! Jessica, I hope what you're screaming about is  better  than my eardrums "

" It's a thousand times better than your ear drums!!! I just received a tweet from one of my fan girl who just found out that the S.H.E.I.L.D saying are right here in Texas! " She squeals
" How do those fan girls even get that kind of information? " Dianna asks, crossing her hands

Jessica walks up to Dianna," Non fan girls don't deserve that kind of knowledge "
Dianna gasps, " You don't deserve any kind of knowledge "
" Wow, where'd you get that number, the less smarter store? "
Jessica chuckles and Dianna huffs.
" There's no such thing as a number in a less smarter store, but I'm gonna give you a number, of contusions! " Dianna says and they start kiddie fighting.

I don't interfere for three reasons:
1) This is funny and I wanna see what happens next
2) Their kiddie fights are the absolute cutest to watch. They're just flaying their hands at each other
3) I need a laugh before I go
4) Why am I seeing three shadows outside and oh my God thieves!!!!

"Guys! Guys! For fuck's sake, stop!!!!! " I shout and they freeze at the same time.
" Hey Y/N, I was about to pound her face into the dust, what gives?" Jessica asks, she was always the hard core one.
"Ha! The dust would sooner grow wings than to receive my face on it, use your grammatical sense" Dianna says and Jessica growls
"Such diminishing moral decadence" Dianna says again, now she was always the grammatical freak and smart one.
"Stop using words I don't understand bitch " Jessica huffs trying to jab her.
As much as I wanna laugh my head off, there are three mysterious shadows outside, I don't want any chances.

" GUYS! FUCK UP AND LOOK OUTSIDE FOR LIKE TWO SECONDS WOULD YA???? " I snapped and they stop fighting and look outside and they turn pale
" W-what, who is outside? " Jessica whispers and I glare at her
" Oh now you notice, who's the bitch now? " I say and she huffs
" In this case it would be Who are those outside? " Dianna gulps

" Quick, grab anything deadly" I whisper as the shadows came closer.
They nod and walk to shelves,

I find a huge bucket, Dianna finds a hammer and Jessica grabs a spiky medium sized mace.

"I don't how you got that but as I always say, whatever " I say and freeze when the shadows were at the door.

" Ok on the perspective numbers counted, we jump and attack " Dianna says
" Gee, I was so lost on what to do, thanks D" Jessica says, dripping with sarcasm.
Dianna glares at her and shivered when the shadows were at the door.

Knock, knock, knock!!!

Huh? Why would a thief knock?

I look at Jessica and Dianna and they had the same expressions.

"Um, come in " Dianna says with a raised eyebrow.
The door opens and my jaw drops. Shiiiiiiiiiit!!!

" What... " Dianna says

" The... " Jessica adds

" Fuck? " I conclude as our jaws are on the floor

Can you guys guess who peeps? 😃😃😃😃😃

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