Wet (MR And Me)

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You guessed it peeps, another sweet Moxie and me imagine, Enjoy.


I'm just in my room, chilling on my phone when I hear a loud crash. I shoot up when I hear another crash and contemplate if maybe I'm being robbed.
My thoughts are refrained from robbery when I get out of the room,down the stairs and see none other than Y/N in my kitchen.
A few words:

"Y/N" I say and she freezes and looks at me all awkwardly.
That's, weird. Normally, I'd expect a goofy reply, a goofy song, a goofy dance, any thing out of the goofy.
But all I get is an awkward and definitely guilt carrying smile.

Something's up.

"Girly, What's popping? " I say and walk into the kitchen.
" Oh hi Moxie, nothing much " She says as she starts making herself a sandwich, " You want one? "
" S-sure" I say and sit on the counter slowly watching her.
I then notice something on her hand, wait, is that a bruise?

"Y/N, what happened to your hand? "
She looked down at her arm and quickly slid down her sleeves, covering the bruise.
" I scratched myself "She says, again not making eye contact with me.
Ok, something is definitely wrong.
" Girl! " I say and she ignores me, focusing on her sandwich
" Girl!! " I shout this time and she glances at me and then looks away.

" Y/N" I say more sober and jump off the counter, placing my hand over her shoulder, her head was down and she pushed the plate away.

"He broke up with me " She says,barely audible but I heard it.
" Oh my gosh, Y/N, I am so sorry "
I say and I hear sniffling.
" No no no, don't cry, come on "
I say and hug her.
She continues to sniffle and now I feel more than awful.
" Hey, this is not the Y/N I know, Y/N never cries, not even when there's a power cut during her favourite show! " I say and she looks at me
" Most of the scenes on the shows now were pretty lame" She sniffles
"Yes extremely lame! So lame! Forget about what happened ok? He's a complete jerk for dumping you, I mean does he know what he's bailing on, I mean seriously? Who the fuck does he think he is huh? What a jackass, I ought to stage his filthy house with nuclear bombs and explosives and all that type of shit, t... "
" You talk too much " She laughs
" And you love me for it " I say and grab her sandwich
" Hey that was mine! "
" It don't got your name on it " i say
" Seriously? " She huffs and gives up when I shove it all in my mouth.

" Mmm, good stuff" I say and ruffle her hair.
She glares at me and smiles.

"Ok, I got the right plans to fully remove your mind from that old piece of fuck! " I cheer and slump upside down on the couch.
" Really? What could that be? " She smirks, fixing up another sandwich.
" Theatre"
"Huh? "
" Movies you big nook! "

" Oh" She says,  "Yaaaaaaaaay!!!"
"Yeah, guess the two movies I got tickets to? "
" Hamilton? "
" I wish but no "
" The walking dead"
"I also wish but no"
"Grownish? "
" Nope "
" Honey Rise up and Dance! "
" Nuh"
"No way"
"To All The Boys I've Ever Loved"
"Ew, no"
"The Nun"
"No way gurl, too scary"
"Bird box? "
" Too thrilling"
"Robin hood"
"Excuse me? "
" Sofia The First? "
" Da fuck? "
" Shrek"
"Ice Age"
"Nope "
" Boys Before Flowers? "
" Nope "
" 6 underground! "
" Exactly! "

" Wooooo! Well what in Grey's Anatomy are we waiting for? "
She cheers
" Waiting for me to get dressed up" I say and jump off the couch.
"Well then get yo ass up on those stairs and dress the fuck up "

" That's the spirit! " I say and grab her sandwich running upstairs.
" Yeah and, Where the fuck did my sandwich go????? "

I laugh my head off and hear a loud 'fuck you'.
At least she's happy and she's forgotten about that pickle jar piece of ass.
I swear on my grandma's apple pie, if I see that bitch.

Asylum's Theatre.

I and Y/N had taken our second row seats. She was so surprised.

"Y/N, these seats cost a fortune, how did you even get them? "
" I know a guy" I smirk and eat my popcorn.
"ooh, it's starting" She says, all excited.
The room goes dark and all the murmuring dies down.
"This is so exciting" She says
"And with great excitement comes great quietness, got that? "

She glares at me but nods.

The movie starts as we saw all the warnings and R rated shit precautions and whatever.
Then we hear shuffling and some sorry's and excuse me's before we hear people slouching down behind us.

" Oh,you are so lucky we haven't missed the trailers"
"Hey, it's not my fault your so slow in hair and make up "
" The fu....I don't even do make up! I'm a male you idiot! "
" Oh big whoop, I'm a male too you know? "
" No you're not, you're just a big bitch "
" Oh really? "
" Can you two shut the hell up and allow me to watch this movie in peace? "
I hear huffs and then the back quiets down.
Finally, thank God that other voice shut those two up.
Those two awfully familiar voices.
Wait, don't I know that last voice that just spoke up?
I look at Y/N and she has the same look on her face.

She looks backwards then at me and that's body language for 'bitch up and check who's behind us'.
I hand her my pop corn with a glare that would send her taste buds on a trip to the hospital if even one pop of my corn goes missing.
She nods and stares back at the screen and I smile. I slowly shift in my seat and move my eyes back, getting a glimpse of the voices I heard.

Few words if you would :
Two toned hair,
Grey eyes,
Cute face,
Holy shit.

"Y/N" I say and she looks at me.
I point to the bathroom and she nods as we stand up from our seats and walk to the bathroom.

What up, what up, what up ma peeps?
Yeah, I know you want freaky, I know what I'm doing.
I'm trying to pile up all the smut in expectations.
So next chapter is gonna be part 2 of Fight Then Fuck and after that is Massaging Parlour 3,
Don't worry, all you dirty minded peeps gon get your freaky sex soon.

Keyu is out 😉😉😉

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