Father Of The Year

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I can't believe that my husband is finally coming home. It's been like a whole year now and his old highness Vince finally gave Jon an off ; I was so freaking happy when he informed of that during our face time.
So right now, I'm trying to get Ella to say her second words,it's been Dada, dada, dada, all year.
I and Jon had a child a year ago in April. I was exhilarated, finally having a little lunatic running around the house, and yes, she has been driving me nuts, just like her father. But I have endured her pessimistic attitude and this past year has been amazing for me, Ella just reminds me of her father so damn much.
The way she walks,the way she eats,the way she annoys me and the way she plays with me all sum up with Jon's character.
Her birthday is in a few weeks and Jon is staying for her birthday, this just makes me so happy that my complete family would celebrate her birthday.

"Ok sweetie, can you say mummy? " I coo as she sits on my lap and plays with the buttons on my shirt.
She peeks at me with her bluish green eyes and just smiles wide and starts giggling.
" No princess, I know I look funny but I want you to talk "

Her head rises at that particular word and she stares at me, looking rather confused.
" I don't think we're going anywhere with this" I say to her and her frown turns upside down.
"Oh now you smile" I huff and she giggles at me.
Why is she just giggling and she's not even looking at me, It's kind of like she's looking over my shoulder at something else.
"Honey, eyes up here " I say to her and she just giggles again.

What the f is going on?

" Princess? " I say and she starts to twist her mouth as if she's trying to say something.

" D..d....


I look shocked and I turn around seeing the least of persons I would expect at this moment.

"And hello to you too Y/N"  Jon chuckles.
"Oh my God " I say and jump up, hugging him tight with Ella still in my arms.
He hugs me back with equal tightness and we pull away.
" How did you even get in here?"
"House key, how do you not know that?  " He asks and I laugh and join our lips together.

He smiles into the kiss and pulls me closer into him and I resist the urge to just push him on that couch.

We hear Ella squeal loudly and we quickly pull apart laughing.

" Forgot sweetie" Jon smiles and takes her from me and she instantly smiles,  "When I'm around, you want all the affection"

I smile and walk into the kitchen and start to cut up the vegetables in the bowl, since he was here and it's 6:58 , dinner's going to be vegetable chicken stew, my speciality and Jon and Ella's favourite.

While I was steaming the vegetables, I heard squealing and I looked through the open kitchen window and smiled at the sight.

Ella was running around and Jon was chasing her all around trying to corner her.
Two lunatics? Can I handle the cuteness?
Jon finally jumped in front of her and lifted her up making her to squeal again, he then back flopped on the couch making her to shout and hide her face in his chest.

I giggle again and focus my attention back on the pan with sizzling mixtures in it, cooking just takes me down memory lane.
From the time I first joined the Shield, to the time I won my first championship and mistakenly kissed Dean in front of everyone,
Ha, everyone was so freaking shocked that day but Dean was the worst, We started dating and then the idiot proposed.
We got married 8 months later and then the month after, I'm positive for pregnancy.

Jon was ballistic the day I told him, he smothered me with kisses that day and he climbed to the roof of the hotel which we booked and screamed about him being a father.
I smile at that particular memory, Joe and Colby had to drag him off the roof that day, I gave my championship out, taking a rest at being the 7 time women's champion, I came home in Ohio and then Ella came into our lives.

She's definitely becoming a wrestler in the future, I caught her dirty deeding her teddy on the washing machine, God that day.
When Jon won the WWE championship, Ella actually carried it, single handedly.

Everyone's jaws dropped that day,  "She's a natural" Xavier said that day.
"I can definitely see another ambrose " Sasha chuckled

I turn off the cooker and start dropping the steamed vegetables on the plate with a pot full of hot spiced chicken.

" Mmm, What is that smell? "
I hear and turn around seeing Dean on the counter with Ella on his shoulders, she was salivating too because the spit was dripping from her mouth to Jon's head.

I stifle a laugh at the sight and clear my throat , walk towards them and flick Dean's head.

"It's the smell of home made food" I answer and go back to the plates.
"I can definitely see that, but it smelt like something else before you told me what it was" He smirks
"Oh yeah. And what could that be?" I ask and start bringing out forks.

"Someone's wet pussy "

My mouth goes wide open and I look at him, " Jon, what the fuck?" I scold and cross my arms, "Ella's right there"

"Like she didn't know, she basically sucks your tits everyday in the name of 'food', right baby girl? " Dean coos at her looking up at her.

She giggles and claps.
I shake my head at them and grab the plates taking them to the living room,
" Well, I'm faced with the saying, 'A chip off the old block'

"God, I'm starving" Jon groans and lays on the couch, I smile and cuddle into his chest with Ella right on my lap.
Jon grabs the baby spoon and scoops a little amount of the stew and it finds her way into her mouth, "You know, after all this talk about 'home made food', I would actually like to have some of your amazing home made food"

I turn back to look at him and he was smirking,  "If you can get Ella to fall asleep, I might just give you the entire works"  I smirk this time and his smug look turns into a grin very fast.

"Deal honey, deal "

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