Space Adventure 2

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I can't believe this,
I'm, I'm in Space!!

"Anti gravity mode activated" Mother Nature suddenly says.

I squeal as my seatbelt is suddenly not around my waist and I'm floating around Mother Nature.

"This is awesome " Becky cheers as she was floating upside down.
"Tell me about it, Let's contact the stationary control room " Roman says and the little screen turns on.
"Or let them contact us" He corrects himself as we float towards the screen.
"Congratulations space ascenders, you are now in our planetary base" Vince says from the screen as we see most of the staff in the control room cheering and flaying their hands in success.
"They seem happy " Seth chuckles
" You should see Truth " Vince says and they see Truth dancing on top of one of the tables.
" Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah " He repeated as he continued dancing in a very weird way.
" I knew he forgot to pay his brain bills " Seth sighs as we all laughed.

" Sir,we have reached the systematic wave of the earth's outer atmosphere" Staff Trish stratus says and Vince nods.

"What's the words mean? " Dean asks.
" It means look to your left" Vince says and Dean and the rest of us look to our left seeing the wide and black cover with tiny stars all over it and we see earth herself in all her beauty.
"Woah " we all state as we see the view.
" This is the most beautiful thing I ever did see" Charlotte smiles,  "Yeah,the most beautiful" Roman smiles at her and she giggled.
"Alright space ascenders" Vince says and we gather the screen,

"Your mission is to plant the motherboard planet analyzer on Jupiter and we're good. Is that clear? "

" Yes Sir! " We say and salute.
" Great, I'm counting on you space ascenders, I know you will do a wonderful job, best of luck "
" GOOD LUCK IN THE GALOOOOOWSYYYY!!! " Truth shouts waving his arms
" Ron, what the what?! How many... "
The screen goes off and shows a radar representation of where they were going again.
" Moron" Seth says and we laugh.
"Ok, Jupiter isn't a small planet, matter of fact, it's one of the biggest terrestrial planets known to man kind.
That's why we need to devise a plan on who does what, how they do it and when they do it, kinda like an office procedure"
"But in Space " Becky says and Roman chuckles
" Yes Becky , now I may be smart but I'm not of the decision making types so Seth,if you would "
" Gladly " Seth says and goes straight to the computer, clicks on some programme and a video
of some well edited animations that look like us are on the video

" Now Becky and Dean, the two of you are responsible for the resources check and removal of waste in case it gets into the vat. Because Dean here brought a sheet cake into space " Seth says glaring at him.
" It's a strawberry sheet cake excuse you " Dean huffs crossing his arms.
" Do I look like I care? " Seth asks and Dean shrugs.
" Moron no 2" He says
"No worries Seth, we got this in the bag" Becky says and drags Dean with her.
"What are the possible chances of them fucking? " Charlotte asks
" 10 to a fucking 1,000" Roman says and we laugh.

"Alright, Charlotte, Roman,you two are in charge of steering and piloting this ship. Mother Nature is one of SPASS's most advanced ship so I'm trusting you two to not tamper with it or handle it carelessly" Seth says
"Um why can't we just put it on auto pilot? " Charlotte asks
" Because 99% of the time, Auto pilots of space ships are known to drive aimlessly to find their location and that often leads to driving into a black hole and an asteroid field "
Charlotte shrugs, " Whatever you say nerdy mc nerdy pants "

" That's a horrible name " I say
" Thank you! " Seth says
" Whatever, don't get angry, I don't want two nerds getting in on her " Roman says and they laugh.

I look at Seth and he looks at me, there's nothing we can do,jerks are jerks.

" Buhbye lovebirds" Charlotte says and blows us a kiss.

"Ok Y/N, we're the ones that are actually going to plant the MPA system on Jupiter " Seth says as we walk into the deeper parts of Mother Nature.

" Wow, that sounds dangerous "
I say and we look at each other for some seconds.

We then break down laughing.
" I can't believe I just said that " I chuckle.
" Yeah, besides, danger is my middle name " Seth says as we enter a certain space room.
" It's mine too " I say and Seth smiles.

" HEY! IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO THERE YOU DINKUS! " We hear and we quickly look at each other,

" did you hear that? "
" How could I not? " I answer
" Come on, Let's go " Seth says and we quickly run towards the sound. It was coming from the space vehicle room.

The automatic door opens as we step in and nearly laugh to death at the sight.

" Don't you know how to fly a space cart when you see it? " Becky shouts at him.
" Two words : Nuh uh" Dean says and Becky groans as Dean tries to land the dumb thing.
The space vehicle room was 11 feet tall and had arranged rows of space carts, space boards and space automobiles everywhere. It was painted white with SPASS's logo on each of the walls and engines of the room.

"Attention! Attention! Now reaching designated planet" Mother Nature suddenly says.

Seth looks at me and I smile at him.
"Go time " He says and I nod and follow him into the astronaut spacesuit room.

I've waited my whole life for this, I will prove everyone wrong because I deserve this. And what better person to do this by my side than him?

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