Doctor Love 2

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"Alright Miss Y/N I..... "

" Oh my God "


" S-sorry, got a caught up there "
This extremely hot doctor apologises.
" Awwwww cute face, no need to apologise. But you can pay up for it with a kissy kiss"

"Yeah, I can live with that " I say instead of saying the one I originally thought of, stupid, stupid, stupid!
He smiles softly and woah, did my heart just go missing?

" So, miss Y/N" He says and walks next to me, sitting at the side of the bed, "What seems to be the problem?"
"Broken leg hot stuff, and now I end up in the least of hell holes I'd expect " I flirt while biting my lip.
" You mind telling me what exactly caused the break? " He asks again.

Ok Doctor dude, you're extremely attractive and all but don't get on my nerves or I'll give you something you won't forget,preferably a make out session.

" Well my dumb family took me here to spend quality time and all that shit. My sister wanted me to skate with her and trust me, i didn't wanna go, but, she kinda.
Said something that I didn't wanna hear so I followed her " I say, but I can already hear my voice cracking and I think the Doctor dude heard it too because I immediately saw his face soften with a kinda sorry expression. Cute.
" Well,what exactly did she say that provoked you into going out with her? " He asks softly.

Can I tell this dude? Should I tell this dude? Hell, will he even care? He'll probably hiss or sigh or roll his eyes, or just be a sexy jerk.

" Why do you care? " I ask, trying to sound strong but I was slowly cracking.
He sighs and holds my hands which makes me to stare at him.
" Y/N, I care because I'm your Doctor and I'm hear to help you "
He says, rubbing my palms gently.
" Fuck off, you're only following some dumb hospital policy, you don't care, *sniffle* no one cares" I say and allow the tears to flow freely.
He wipes my tears,  "Miss Y/N, look at me". I refuse to face up and he puts a hand under my chin and raises my face. It looks like he wants to cry when he sees my face. He uses his left hand to stroke my cheek and uses his right hand to hold both of my hands.
"Y/N, you can tell me. I care and I want to know because I hate seeing my patients like this.....
especially you " He says and I smile. And for the first time in a LONG time, I'm actually blushing.

I take a deep breath," You see like, two years ago, I was dating this boy, and his name was Jason ". It's really hard to say this because when I speak about that bitch, all I can do is cry and my voice was already cracking.
I feel someone's hand squeeze my hand and I look at the Doctor dude and this cute look in his eyes encourages me to continue.

" A-and we were head-over-fuck in love with each other. My parents and my sister loved him like he was their own relative and I loved every single day with him. The outings, the movie nights, the playing with my sister and winning my mom and dad in CoD, the cuddles, the insulting moments and the sex, it just.. All of those moments ruined for one stupid reason! " I sob and this time, I'm being pulled into someone's chest. I inhale the wonderful ocean breeze scent and I feel so peaceful right now.

" If it's ok with you Y/N, what exactly was the reason why you guys broke up? " He asks as he rubs my back soothingly.
I sniffle and look up at him and he looks at me too. We get lost in each others eyes for a moment and then I cough a little.

" Well, I was so blinded by love that I didn't even see much less know that he was nothing but a big, ass cheating bitch " I say quietly. He makes me look at him and smiles when he sees my face, " Well Y /N, I'm surprised that Jason cheated on you, because you literally look like the sun itself" I turn red and smile shyly.
" And if he didn't see the beauty behind all this beauty, I sure did"
He says and this time, I actually cover my cheeks cos they look like I stuffed chili peppers in my mouth. He chuckles and smiles and I see the cutest dimples I've ever seen and will ever see.
Why is he a Doctor when he looks like a lady killer?????
Well, you know what they say, a fracture a day brings the doctors to play. Or was it... Meh!

"So, I'm going to run a test that's going to show me exactly how deep this fracture is, in this case it can be a simple fracture or rather much a greestick fracture but either way, after this I think , you're going to have to stay in the hospital for a while"
My eyes widen happily as I suddenly want to faint right there on his chest.
"Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? Oh my fuck!!!!!! " I jump all happy.
" You know for a depressed girl with a fracture and a hatred for hospitals, you sure are happy " he says
" Well yeah you big ball of cuteness! I'll get to be stuck in the hospital....... With one of my favorite docs ever " I smile at the last part causing him to smile. He then kisses my fore head and for once, I actually like hospitals.

" Alright Miss Y /N, you seem to just have a simple fracture and thankfully not a complicated fracture, so one, you'll need to stay in the hospital for just a week and the cast on your right leg will fix that thigh bone in no time. " Nurse Nikki and Brie chorus.
" Thanks, girls? " I say and they laugh.
" You know miss Y/N, we actually thought you hated hospitals, so why are you suddenly all happy happy about staying in one for a week now? " Nikki winks
" Well Let's just say, there's a Doctor that's got my heart fractured and I need it fixed" I say and they squeal.
"I knew you were getting all likey likey on Mr ambrose " Brie says
" Can you blame her? The guy is a lady killer in a Doctor coat" Nikki says and I nod. That is so true.

Someone clears their throat and we look behind only to see my sister and my mom.
"We'll leave you three alone,lots of 'catching up' to do " Nikki says and winks at me.
" Fuck off twinnies " I laugh and they giggle their way outta there. As soon as they're gone, Jessica starts jumping up and down like her hair is on fucking fire.
" Yeesh, Jes, Cool it " I say as she starts hoping towards me and jumps on the bed and ON MY FREAKING CAST!!!

" Prick" I mumble and rub my cast.
"Well???? " She says and winks at me .
" Well what you little trouble maker? " I ask
" How's you and the Doctor, I heard the things " Jessica winks and I roll my eyes.
" Mom, make her leave she's teasing me! " I say to my mom and she smiles.
" Well sweetie, I gotta stand with your sister on this one considering what we saw happen between you and mr ambrose " She says and I freeze
" Wait wait wait, hold up, what?"
I ask and Jessica nods.
"So you two were spying on me the whole time???? " I say now my voice having a reasonable streak of anger in it.
" Well it was actually your dad and your sister and then she told me and your dad went to Jason's house to preferably 'get this in his face' "
I shrug, I didn't care about no Jason no more. He can go to hell for all I care. I got my friends, my family and maybe my future boyfriend.
" Oh is this a wrong time? " Someone says as we look back and see the cute Devil in disguise.
My mother and my sister Jessica turn to smile cheekily at me and then back to mr ambrose.
" No not at all mr Doctor " Jessica smirks
" in fact Sir we were on our way to tell Y/N's father of her present condition so please keep her company will you?  " My mom says using her 'grab a son-in-law' voice.
" Of course ma'am" Hottie mc hottie pants says and allows them to leave.
"Have fun" Jessica mouths to me and I flipped her the middle finger.
"So Y/N, how's your thigh bone coming? " Ambrose smiles as he sits on the side of the bed.
" Better now that you're here " I smirk and see his cheeks red.
OMG! I actually made this hottie flustered, I'm a pro in the flirting business.

" Are you this much of a flirt? " he smiles
" They don't call me the flirt master for nothing " I smile.
" Good for you " he chuckles and leans in pressing his lips to mine.

Well, someone's suprised and it's definitely me. I slowly kiss back, loving the feeling of his soft lips and slow kisses just taking over me. Then he pulls away.
" You better get ready for your week in the hospital miss Y/N. Trust me, Jason will be a distant memory when I'm done with you" he smiles at me
"I'm counting on it cute face " I smile and snuggle into him.

Change of statement, nature, I love you 😍 😍 😍 😍

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