Operation Clean

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"And he goes for the pin,

I squeal and jump up and down.
New tag champs baby!

I'm currently back stage and the S.H.E.I.L.D have won the tag team championships.
In case you're wondering, no, I'm not part of the audience members who got lost, I'm not a super star and I'm not part of the Mcmahon family.
I'm a Cleaner.

As dumb and repulsive as it sounds, it's not that bad actually. Well apart from cleaning the toilets, seriously, it's like a rat and a cockroach mated and died in the process! Anyways, my babies are still dominating the WWE field and I love it. Right now, I'm watching with my flat screen TV in my locker how Dean in the middle, Seth by his right and Roman by his left as they raise their titles in the air. So beautiful and so dominant looking and so making me wet. So so wet.
I've had a crush on these handsome wrecking crew members for only the lord of all things fuckable knows how long! But unfortunately, I can't tell them cos I don't see them all that well. I've been told lots of male superstars drool over me, can I blame them? I've got an extremely cute face, fat tits, big and curvy hips and a nice meaty ass to put the icing on the cake.
Plus, I'm just super nice to everyone, well,everyone except S.H.E.I.L.D fan girls, come near them and I dirty deeds your face on a steel chair.

Being a cleaner has its perks, this job is the best. I get my own locker room (a standardized one) , that room has a nice AC, a flat screen tv, bathroom with an automatic toilet( This one caught my eyes the first day I came here), a nice soft and bouncy couch, which I occasionally jump on for fun, what can I say, I'm childish and a nice supply cabinet with all the essential things. It may not be the best of jobs but I'm being paid real well, I have a roof above my head and I'm loved and lusted by everyone. Fav part of ma duty.

Speaking of duty,
"Agent Y/N, come in agent Y/N"
"This is agent Y/N on the perimeter, state your problem " I reply on the installed speaker.
" Clean up needed attendance on aisle 6 section B" The person on the speaker says
"Sure thing, I'm on my way " I reply.
" Hey Y/N "
" Yes Moxie? "
Yup, the other girl on the line is none other than my lovely friend Moxie. She's calling from the office I think.
" Drew said that he would love to take you out sometime"
"Mmm, sweet but no. Tell him he can focus on other wrestlers as girlfriends, cos I'm only a friend. Period" I say.
"Alright girly, bye " She says
" Byeeee"I say and the call ends.
"Let's get this filth over with " I say and let my hair fall and grab the cleaning cart and walking out the door.

I'm out of the room and walking towards that very aisle, I'm now at the aisle and I immediately stop. That aisle is part of the male locker room and that section leads to a door. That door that belongs to.....

"Eeeeeeeee!!! " I squeal and immediately slap myself for being so loud so I jump in. This room is the very room of the most dominant fraction in the WWE, my babies!
Oh shit, is this really happening?
If this isn't happening, slap me for hallucinating the best situation in my life,but if it is happening, strip me down and fuck me all over.
I shake my head and just focus on my job and yes I have reasons!
1) I have a very dirty area to clean after this which is that MOTHAFUCKIN ASS-STINKING GODFORSAKEN TOILET!.
2)Vince would chop of my head if I was caught in here for too long cos he says my body is too 'risky' for men as wanting as them and if they want some, hey, they can get some ; and
3) My knees get all weak and I stutter when they're close to me so I gotta speed this up, they could be here any minute.

"We will always step on their asses dude " I hear Dean say and I gulp. Then I hear their bodies rest on their door,
" Yeah whatever. All I wanna do is rest, Titus has destroyed my face " I hear seth say and I roll my eyes. Dumb Titus trying to deface my sexy architect.
" Sorry about that dude" Roman says and I hear them chuckle.
"Now I'm just in the mood for fucking " I hear Dean say and I think the heat is being a bitch right now in this room.
" Who would you wanna fuck by this time? " I hear seth ask
" I got a few guesses, but mostly Miss Cleaner " I hear Dean say and this time, my mind is blown.

" I don't blame you, that girl's got ass for days, I would just love to bend her in every possible way and fuck her into another universe " Seth says and suddenly, I think I might need the Doctor.
" I don't even know where huge tits like that come from " Roman says
" Most be from her momma, her dad was a lucky man getting to fuck some fat pussy everyday "
Well, my dad was a horny one and it doesn't help that my mom looks like a well built storey building, why do you think I'm the fifth and the second to the last?
" Well, too bad she's stuck in that Cleaner shack and hides that porn ass from everyone. " Roman says
" Oh well, to the roomy room" Dean says
"It's called a locker room nimrod" Seth laughs
"Don't care " Dean says and Roman rolls his eyes.
I gulp and try to find a hiding spot, what???
You want me to stand in front of them when they wanna fuck me into a whole new galaxy? As much as I would love that, it would be way too embarrassing and embarrassment is my number one nemesis.

The door knob is turning and I push my cart behind one of the cabinets and I jump behind the couch as soon as the door opens.

"Finally " Seth says and slouches on the couch. I whimper quietly and put my hand over my mouth to keep shut. Because hello, I'm in the room of one of the greatest and sexiest team ever so it's kinda hard to contain my excitement!

" Bro, Water me " Seth says and Roman stands up walking to the fridge behind the FUCKING couch! He grabs some chilled Water and closes the medium fridge only to see a particular sexy cutie that he did NOT expect to see.
" What the fuck? " He mumbles still loud enough for his stable mates to hear and they look behind the couch and their jaws drop.
" *nervous giggle* um hi" I smile and they tilt their heads at me.

Shit this is embarrassing.

Three words for ya,
To. Be. Continued. 😝😝😝
Later ma peeps 😉 😉

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