Chapter 9

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-Haruto's pov-

"You've been getting along quite well with Junkyu-sunbaenim." Park Jeongwoo said across the table while munching a burger. We were in the cafeteria and eating lunch. I had an apple, sandwich and a diet coke in my tray. It's been over a month since Asahi-hyung and i entered Trejo University and fortunately I made new friends in my age. That friend, and the only one at the moment, is this guy who's almost as tall as me and Class 1-B's Math genius, Park Jeongwoo from Iksan.

"Hm. He's pretty cute and lovely, I like him. He helps me out a lot in school stuff, too." I said, sipping my cola. My lips suddenly formed a close-lipped smile when I saw Junkyu-sunbae and two of his friends enter the cafeteria. He was wearing a yellow sweater and what probably looks like, a new haircut.

"Really. I was wondering how you guys became friends since their squad is literally the most popular around Trejo here. Everyone's intimidated by them. Although there are some who worshipped them."

"He once helped me look for an apartment around Seoul here and treated me to a meal."

"Oh? And how did it go with him?"

"He's alright. But we couldn't find an apartment yet. They all suck." 

"How's living with Asahi-sunbae?"

"Very bad." I couldn't lie. "I really need to find one to move into asap. Asahi's unit is a one-man's apartment and I'm afraid he might be burdened with me trashing and sleeping on his floor."

Oh right. I moved into Asahi-hyung's apartment one week ago and I sleep on the floor. My sister is still living with my aunt with my cousins. I don't want to bother my mum and dad to go looking for an apartment because they were still pre-occupied with the things grandfather left in Fukuoka.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Junkyu-sunbae and his friends brought their food trays and sat down on the empty table next to us. With my chin on my hand, I watched them sit down and get settled in their place. Junkyu looks really cute and adorable in his yellow sweater. Like a yellow chick, he stood out the most in my eyes. The way he scrunches his nose when his friend Jihoon teased him, or the way how his laugh reverberated around the room. Couldn't even get a bite of his burger without spurting out a word to Jihoon. He must've been so annoyed by the guy.

"Kyeopta." I uttered without thinking. 

It took me seconds to realize that I blurted it out loud because now Jeongwoo is staring at me with a confused look on his face.

Ah, what was I thinking. 

Am I caught now.

Jeongwoo whipped his head sideways before staring back at me.

"Were you saying 'cute' to me?" he said then he might've caught the expression in my face cause he turned around towards Junkyu-sunbae's table behind him. "Let me guess, Junkyu-sunbae?" Jeongwoo tilted his head on their table.

Well, there's no point in hiding now.

"Y-yeah." my ears are probably as red as a tomato now but I don't care.

"Yah Ruto-ssi, he's really cute though. But watch out for the kyuties swooning over him. There might be more than one."

"Kyuties? What the heck is that. Should I be threatened?"

"His fans and admirers."

I shook my head and laughed out loud. That's ridiculous. Is he that popular around here to have some fans? If you think about it, anyone would fall for Junkyu and his looks in one glance. He's weirdly attractive with a kind personality. I disregarded Jeongwoo's comment and just focused on my food instead.

For awhile, Jeongwoo and i were talking about our assignment in Math class when I heard Junkyu bicker loudly with his friend. The purple-haired guy. My smile suddenly disappeared when I peeked over their table. That guy Mashiho had his arm around Junkyu-sunbae and was acting all clingy. The latter didn't even mind that their faces are closer now that they're laughing while sharing a phone.

All of a sudden, it annoyed me seeing them close like that.

I grabbed my phone from my backpack and texted Junkyu-sunbae. Don't ask me how I got his number. We've been practically hanging out these days because we're friends. So it's only natural that I'd ask him a friendly question. Also, i'm his hoobae.


Junkyu-sunbaenim. I need help with my assignment in Eng'g 101. Could you help out your hoobae later?

I sent the text. Well, that was very casual. He didn't even look up from what they were doing. They were still absorbed by whatever shit they're watching on Mashiho's phone. Is it really that funny. I texted him again. Maybe the second time, he'll notice.


Sunbae, please reply. Don't ignore me.

Subtle but still no reaction. I must have sent another five texts if I didn't have self-control. I realized I ain't no creep like that.

I sighed inwardly. How do I get sunbae's attention then.

"Ruto, hurry up and let's get to class. It's almost 1 pm. Our professor might be waiting." Jeongwoo called me up. Fine, I just have to let this one go. I'm still annoyed because they're still at it. I grabbed my backpack and at the same time Junkyu-sunbae and his friends also wrapped up and was about to leave.

Junkyu was now standing by their table and we had to pass by them to exit.

Junkyu and I made eye contact but i shot him a glare. However, his face instantly lightened up with a smile plastered on it. My hard-headed az resisted the urge to smile back.

"Oh hey Haruto! How's your classes doing?" he waved a hand at me, his smile showing off his perfect white teeth.

Call me rude and immature if you want, but I pretended not to hear and walked straight, passing by him. Without giving him any reaction.

"Uhh Ruto..did you just..." I heard Jeongwoo say as he walked beside me. I gave him a side-eye and Jeongwoo shut his mouth. 

I didn't care. All i know is that should've gotten Junkyu-sunbae's attention now.  

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