Chapter 8: Going Home

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Back In the real world, Y/n was a sleep holding her necklace. David and Henry went to visit, David out a fresh blanket over her as Henry prepared to read to her. "It helped when grandpa was asleep, so I'll do the same," Henry said opening his story book. "As the prince chased the thief on horseback through the treacherous forest, his betrothal crossed her arms and pouted, wondering how many dreadful, boring minutes it would take until they could resume their journey again," Henry read to Y/n while she was still asleep.

"The thief vaulted over a fallen juniper and stared into each other's eyes. They didn't need words to express what they felt in their hearts. For it was here, in the shadow of the Troll Bridge, that their love was born. For they knew, no matter how they were separated, they would always find each other."  David smiled as Henry read the stories to his friend then heard from chatter from the back room. He heard Gold and Regina talking about Y/n's condition and the situation. "They're up against your mother," Gold reasoned. "The only chance Snow and Emma have of defeating her, is with the squid ink."

"Which is why you sent the message through David," Regina replied. "Which would be beneficial, if we knew that message were delivered," Gold said. "But alas, given the light one's condition, we don't know. As such, it's important we take precautions. We have to consider the possibility that, when that portal opens, it won't be his family that come through. It'll be Cora." "And neither one of us wants that," Regina sighed. "We have to find where they're coming through, and destroy that portal," Gold replied. David was taken at the suddenness the continued to listen to the conversation.

"But whoever came through would die," Regina mentioned. "Exactly," Gold confirmed. "But, I'm confident between the two of us, we can summon up enough magic to complete the task." "Well, what if we're wrong?" Regina questioned. "What if that portal opens up, and it's not my mother? What if Mary Margaret and Emma do defeat Cora, and go through it?" "Well, I believe in this world, they call that a win-win," Gold told. "If we stop Cora, you are protected from your mother's wrath. If, on the other hand, we stop Snow and Emma, well... you become the only mother in your son's life, now don't you? Look, magic is unpredictable in this world. If something unfortunate were to happen while you were attempting to help... Henry could hardly blame you for that, could he?"

David heard Regina hesitate then say, "No. I can't lie to him. I am trying to be a better mother." "You won't be able to be a better anything if Cora comes through," Gold corrected. "And if she does, she will be a threat to everyone – including your son. So, if you truly want to be a good mother to Henry – to protect him – if you want to be better, prove it." Regina thought for a moment the agreed. David scoffed then looked at the bottle Y/n gave him, Gold and Regina were about to walk in. David snuck back to Y/n as they entered the room. "Oh, I see you're reading to her," Regina smiled at Henry.

"Well, she was the only one who believed when no one did all because of this book," Henry smiled. "It's the least I can do." Regina smiled then caressed his head and David watched her leave knowing what he must do.


Back in the enchanted forest, the group went to the cell to find the ink. "Rumplestiltskin's cell," Snow said. "How ever did you manage to keep him held up?" Killian questioned. "Y/n," Snow answered. "She made up enchantments and used all she could to keep him here then she left to look for you." "I searched for her for years," Killian said. "Right when we were separated, I worked to find her." "She has too," Snow smiled softly. "I haven't been here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the savior."

"He knew?" Emma questioned. "It was prophesied," Snow replied. "Come on." They walked inside the cell then started searching the room, Aurora spoke, "The squid ink – it's not here." "Gold said we would find it," Snow reasoned. "Well, was there anyone else in here with him? Could they have taken the ink?" Mulan questioned. "No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden," Snow informed. "He was too dangerous to allow any human contact." "How'd he keep from going crazy?" Emma asked. Aurora picked up a piece of paper and said, "He didn't."

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