Chapter 16: Lost Girl

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It was the next day, I was looking around for something Henry and I can eat since Pan won't let me use my magic still. "He's coming?" I heard a voice say. It was Pan. I looked around the corner to see him talking to his shadow about something. "Tell Felix to be ready, bring him to camp. Baelfire can be of use," Pan told. My breath caught my throat and I hide behind a tree. "Bae's alive," I breathed out. I composed myself then walked around the corner to Pan as he was about to leave. "Hey," Pan smiled slightly. "What are you doing out here?"

"Henry was hungry," I replied. "So am I, so I decided to come out here and look for something to snack on." "You don't need to worry, the boys are out hunting," Pan assured holding my hands. I nodded then pulled my hands back and made my way back to camp. "What is it?" Pan asked walking along side me. "Nothing," I replied. "Just, don't want to hold your hands." "Really? Cause there was a time when you needed me to sleep," Peter mentioned. "A long time ago," I spoke. "Feels like yesterday when you're the only girl," Pan added. "I highly doubt I was the only girl you've been with," I said. "And why would you think that?" Pan smirked stepping in front of me.

I looked at him then tried to walk away and Pan grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. I scoffed seeing my face close to his then spoke, "No matter what you do, this isn't going to work. I said I would work with you, not be with you." "Not now, but soon," Pan smirked. I shook my head then pushed him back lightly then we went back to camp. We arrived back at the camp where everyone was celebrating, dancing around the fire, playing games, and eating. "What's all this?" I asked. "For you," Pan smirked. I shook my head then went to Henry and spoke, "Hey, kid." "Find out anything?" Henry questioned. "I did, but I'll tell you before bed," I replied ruffling his hair.

He laughed lightly making me smile then he joked around a bit making me giggle. Pan was sitting across the fire, watching me and Henry then went up to us. "You don't want to join in the celebration, Henry?" Pan questioned. I scooted over so I was sitting behind him. "Nothing to celebrate," Henry replied. "Nothing to celebrate?" Pan replied. "Henry, this whole party is to celebrate you."  "Me? Why?" Henry questioned. "Because you've come to save magic, of course," Pan smiled. I gave Henry a look as Pan continued, "And I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than that. Just look at them." Pan indicated the lost boys then Henry added, "I'm not like them. Or you."

"Sure you are," Pan responded. "You're still a boy. Maybe a song will get you on your feet." Pan pulled out his pip then started playing it, I watched him and heard the sounds of it come out. I hated how I was still enchanted by it after all these years. "Sorry. I... I don't hear anything," Henry told. I smiled lightly then Pan spoke, "Interesting. You see, this pipe's enchanted, Henry. It can only be heard by certain children." "Like who?" Henry questioned. Pan was about to reply, but Felix walked in with an expression I knew meant trouble for Pan. "You'll find out soon enough, I promise," Pan assured. He left then I spoke, "Good job, Henry." "I'm never gonna here that pipe," Henry assured.

"Good, after all these years, I still melt when he plays it," I sighed causing Henry to look at me weird. "Pan enchanted it so lost boys can here it and I can no matter what. Back when we were together, actually it was the night we got together. When Pan became my boyfriend." "What was he like as your boyfriend?" Henry questioned. "Just curious." "It's what you'd think, only a little more charming," I replied. "I'll give that to him. He used to take me on walks along the beach, pick flowers for me, write me letters, plan picnics for us, he used to take me flying." "But, you're afraid of heights," Henry replied.

"With him, it was different," I told. "He held onto me so tightly." I thought for a moment then shook it off. "But, that was all a show," I sighed. "He's not like that anymore, he wasn't what I thought." Henry frowning then rubbed my back gently making me smile lightly. Little did I know that Pan was listening the whole time. He went up to us again and spoke, "Can I borrow you for a moment?" Pan offered me his hand, I looked at it then got up myself and we went aside and he lead the way. "Do you miss anything?" Pan questioned. "Everything," I said. "So, can you take me back?" "Is that a joke?" Pan asked making me frown. "Come on."

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