Chapter 1: Henry

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I was at the orphanage in my own room that I was allowed to have since I was one of the oldest kids. I was getting ready for school when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I said getting my boot on. Mother superior walked in and spoke, "You're gonna be late." "At least I'm gonna show up," I replied getting my black leather jacket. "Really?" She questioned and I nodded.

"Y/n, I know you haven't heard from your father for some time now, but you need to start going to school more," Mother superior sighed. I looked down slightly then held my necklace, she frowned lightly then started doing combing my hair. "Look, I know you think he's coming back," Mother Superior said. "He is, I know he will," I replied letting go of my necklace. Mother Superior wanted to say more, but she just let out a sigh again.

"Then hold onto that hope for as long as you can," Mother Superior insisted. "Happy Birthday, Y/n." "Thank you, Mother Superior," I smiled. "Here," she said handing me an envelope. "It's a birthday gift cause I am still your godmother." I smiled then took it seeing a good amount of money then hugged her tightly. "Be home by sundown, okay?" Mother Superior smiled then I pulled away.

"Sundown got it!" I smiled grabbing my bag then left for school. The bell rang, and I walked in taking my seat and the class began. "Well, lovely seeing you, Y/n," Miss Blanchard smiled as I was about to leave after the bell rang. "Happy Birthday." "Thank you," I smiled back then stayed back. Miss Blanchard grabbed a few papers and spoke, "You have a lot of catching up-" "I got today's and tomorrow's assignment done already," I said handing them to her.

She looked at them then took the papers surprised then said, "Y/n, how come you never show up yet you're the top of my class." "I don't know, your guess is as good as mine," I replied heading for the door. "Oh, almost forgot." I took out a bag from my backpack and handed it to her. "Sandwich, with potato chips." "Thank you," she smiled taken back a bit then looked at her meal. "Almost topped the burger you got me one time."

"I treat the people who are nice to me," I smiled then left. The day went on, it was simple as always and boring until the end of the day. A boy was on his way to the bus when he fell over causing all the things from his bag to fall out. Everyone was walking past him trying to get to the bus, he hugged then started picking up his things. I went up to him and spoke, "You okay, kid?" He looked up at me, I helped him get his things then helped him up. "I'm fine," Henry assured brushing himself off. "Star Wars comics, you seem to be the only person with taste," I joked handing them to him. "Got a name?"

"Henry," he answered. "Henry Mills." "The mayor's kid?" I questioned. "Yeah," He replied. "What's your name?" "Y/n," I told. "Nice to meet you, Henry." Henry smiled then looked at the comics and spoke, "If you want to borrow them, I wouldn't mind." "You just met me, you don't think I'll steal them?" I asked. "If you were, you wouldn't have given them back," Henry pointed out then handed them to me. I looked at them then took them as he added, "Besides, you're the only person who stopped for me. Anyways, I got to go. See you tomorrow, Y/n." I watched as Henry went to the bus, I looked at the comics then went to Granny's.

I went to a booth and looked at the comics and thought for a moment. What's with this kid? Why is he different? I looked at the comic then opened it and started reading.


It was the next day, at lunch when I saw Henry at the lunch tables when I walked up to him and placed the books in front of him. "Interesting read," I smiled sitting next to him. "Hey," Henry greeted closing his lunch box. "What you up to, kid?" I asked. "You know, technically you're a kid too," Henry mentioned. "I'm older than you," I added. "By a year or two," Henry replied. "What are you, thirteen?" "Fifteen as of yesterday, but you still have a babyface," I told pinching his cheek lightly.

"I'm turning eleven soon," Henry laughed lightly. "You're the only person who ever talks to me." "I find that hard to believe, you're good company," I smiled. "Besides, I'm not scared just cause you're the mayor's kid, most people are, but I'm not." "You think I'm a good company?" Henry questioned. "Yeah, with your quips," I replied rustling his hair. "Reminds me of my dad." "Where do you live?" Henry asked. "Maybe we're neighbors." "Unless you live near the church," I replied. "I'm an orphan, I've lived with the nuns for the past decade. My dad and I have separated a long time ago."

"He left you?" Henry asked. "No, he didn't leave me," I clarified. "We were separated, he didn't want to give me up." "My mom didn't want me," Henry said. "She didn't love me." "Every mother loves their child," I told. "She probably couldn't take care of you, or want to let you have a better life than she could give you." "How do you know that?" Henry questioned. "Cause," I shrugged. "I believe." Henry thought then the bell rang, I spoke, "Hey, later you want to skip the bus and join me to Granny's?" "Why?" Henry questioned.

"Cause it'd be fun," I laughed lightly. "An adventure." Henry smiled then spoke, "Okay, after classed, meet me here." I smiled then ruffled his hair then he walked to his class and I went to mine. After classes were done, Henry and I went to Granny's and ordered food, we both got burgers and asked for extra fries. "To go, please," Henry asked and Granny nodded. "I want to show you something." We grabbed our food then Henry led his way to a small playground by the beach where no one would see. In the middle, was a castle. "This is my castle," Henry smiled. I grinned then we climbed on it, we ate, talked, joked, and had fun.

"How long has that clock tower been frozen?" Henry questioned. "For as long as I can remember," I told. "Who knows when Marco will fix it, you know the fixer." "Do you know everyone?" Henry asked. "Sort of," I replied. "I mean, I go out a lot so I made friends with mostly everyone. Marco, Archie, Leroy, Granny, Ruby, Mary Margret, I bring her lunch every Thursday and... Mother Superior, she's my godmother. Love her." "Wow, you can go on all these adventures and my mom is very strict about things," Henry said. "You're the son of the mayor, kid, it's hard to believe that your life isn't good," I replied.

"I just mean that she acts likes she loves me, but... she doesn't," Henry frowned. I nudged him then spoke, "She does, Henry, she just doesn't know how to show it because you're the only thing she has." Henry looked at me then said, "How do you know? Cause you believe." "Cause I hope it, hope is a strong thing to hold onto," I said. "Come on, I'll walk you home." We got our things then went home before leaving to Henry's house. We saw the sheriff's car outside and Henry huffed, "Oh no." The Mayor rushed out and ran to her son. "Henry!" She gasped hugging him tightly. "You didn't come home after school."

"Sorry, that was on me," I interjected causing her to look at me. "I assumed he told you." "Who are you?" She questioned. "Y/n, ma'am," I answered. "Don't get mad at her," Henry said. "She's my friend." "Friend?" The Mayor asked a bit surprised in a good way. "You made a friend." "We went to Granny's then to my castle," Henry said. "I forgot to tell you." "Well, next time tell me," She said. "Go inside." "Bye, Y/n! See you soon!" Henry smiled running inside. "See you, kid!" I smiled back. "Thank you for bringing him home," The Mayor smiled. "Anytime, he's a nice kid," I complimented. "Would you like a ride home?" She offered. "No, I like the walk," I assured. "You don't mind if I take Henry on more adventures, do you?"

"Not at all, just inform me," She insisted writing her number down then handed me the paper. "Thank you, madam Mayor," I smiled putting it in my pocket. "Please, call me Regina," She smiled. I nodded then walked back home.

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