Chapter 17: Fight For

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I was by the beach looking out in the distance. "Second star to the right," I said to myself. "Then straight till morning." I went to the edge where the shore stopped then felt the inhaled deeply and smiled softly before exhaling. "Home," I breathed out. "What are you doing?" Pan questioned joining me. "Nothing," I replied looking down. Pan noticed my expression then said, "You're feeling homesick." "How would you know?" I questioned. "I used to go to the forest when I was growing up and took in the forest to remember my old home," Pan smiled sadly sitting next to me.

"I miss my Papa and StoryBrooke," I confessed. "There, the harbor gives off the nice sent of the see." "Well, we can have StoryBrooke here," Pan offered then waved his hand causing a picnic to appear with two sandwiches, drinks, and surrounded in lanterns. He waved his hand again so we were on the blanket. I gave him a look and Pan spoke, "What?" "I told you, you aren't winning me back," I told. "Your heart says otherwise," Pan smirked setting everything up. "Peter, none of this changes the fact that you want Henry's heart," I replied.

"Good with the bad," Pan said causing me to roll my eyes. "You're the one that says life's little moments are like diamonds, this could be one." I tried to say something, but Pan cut me off, "At least eat with me, the lost boys are watching Henry." "Which I don't trust," I huffed getting up. Pan followed then I waved my hand causing it to all disappear then I made my way back. "You coming or not?" I sighed then Pan joined me and we arrived to see a boy teasing Henry.

'So you're the kid Pan has been looking for all this time?" A lost boy said. "Ask him," Henry said then the lost boy poke him. "Stop it!" "If you can't take this how you gonna handle what Pan has in store for you?" The lost boy said smacking Henry with the spear again causing him to get a stick. Henry quickly picked up a stick then started fighting back causing everyone to cheer. "Hey, knock it off," I said to the lost boy arriving at the camp. "Not bad," Pan added walking up to Henry. "But wouldn't it be more fun if you had real swords?"

I looked at him then at Henry as he spoke, "I've... never used a real sword." "This is Neverland, and you have the heart of the truest believer," Pan smirked. "You can use whatever you want. You just need to believe, Henry. Close your eyes and believe you're holding a real sword." Henry did so and the stick he was holding turned into a real iron sword causing all of the lost boys to look in awe. I started getting worried then Pan spoke, "Well, get on with it."

The lost boy prepared to fight back, they dueled again then Henry cut off his staff. "Peter," I said as Henry continued cutting more. "Go on!" Pan encourage. "Henry!" I called as he swung then cut the boys cheek. I went to the lost boy concerned seeing just a scratch then Henry apologized, "I'm sorry. It was an accident." "Henry, don't you know the best thing about being a lost boy?" Pan smiled. "You never apologize." He raised his hand and called, "Come on!" I sighed as everyone started cheering, I healed the lost boy. Pan watched me then I went up to Henry.

Pan grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Price of the game, darling," Pan smirked. "I don't care," I spat taking my hand back and took Henry aside. "What happened?" I questioned. "I don't know," Henry said. "I didn't mean to, he was poking me and I got scared." "Henry, they won't hurt you," I assured. "I'll made sure of it, this was a test-" "And I failed," Henry detected. "No, Henry, your heart is still good," I said. "Just next time, turn the other cheek. Bright side, you learned how to use a sword." Henry smiled softly then we sat down together.


"You need a hand, luv?" Killian asked Emma. They were all in the cave Baelfire and I stayed in at out time in the island. "Is that a joke?" Emma teased as they look the makeshift bed off the stone. "I'm being quite serious," Hook smiled lightly. They looked to see tally marks on the stone wall. "What is it?" Snow questioned. "It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island," Killian detected. "What's wrong?" "Look here," Emma said. "Neal stopped counting." "'Cause he got off the island?" Regina questioned. "He was here longer," Emma reasoned. "He lost hope, then something gave it back to him, he continued. These markings are brighter."

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