Chapter 24: No Room

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When the message got to Killian and Peter, they immediately found a solution to get to the land without magic. They went to get Emma and a now 14-year-old Henry. After a while of trying to get her to believe, she finally did and took the potion and remembered. Once she did, she took Hook back to her apartment where they caught up. "Hold on, I need to tell someone that it was a success," Hook said stepping aside to speak through the shell phone. "Y/n, she's here too?" Emma questioned pouring him a drink. "You'd be surprised," Killian said sitting down and taking the cup. "So, Snow and the Queen settled their differences. I had a life to get back to, a pirate's life. Y/n wanted to stay saying she owed a debt to your family after all these years. After leaving, I went back to my life."

"Wait, so who's your first mate?" Emma questioned. After asking, there was a knock at the door. Emma went to go get it and saw Pan. "Hello, Emma, good to see you again," He smiled walking in. "Pan? Pan is your first mate?" Emma said in disbelief. "Said you'd be surprised," Killian replied. "Sit, Pan, we're discussing." "How did you stay young?" Emma questioned. "It's complicated," Peter answered. "Anyway, Peter and I had a good life until we got a message," Killian explained. "A message saying that there was a new curse and that everyone had been returned to Storybrooke," Peter added. "The message told us that the only hope was you."

"You came back here to save my family?" Emma replied. "I came to save Y/n, she got swept up in the curse," Peter corrected. "I came back to save you and my daughter," Hook admitted. "Who could have done this?" Emma questioned. "Someone powerful enough to reach into this world," Pan told. "But, that's talk for StoryBrooke." "Any more specific thoughts?" Emma asked. "Alas, you're the savior, not me," Hook replied. "You know what I was yesterday? A mother," Emma sighed, sipping her drink. "Till you showed up and started pocking holes in everything I thought was real. When I drank that potion it was like waking up from a dream... a really good dream."

"Well, you have what matters most," Killian said. "Your son." "Now, I have to figure out how to explain this to him," Emma sighed. "I could only scavenge together enough for one dose of memory potion," Peter replied. "Better start figuring out what I'm gonna tell him then," Emma said. At that moment, the doorbell rang and Killian spoke, "Who's that?" "Walsh, Henry invited him," Emma sighed. "My memories might not be real, but he is and so are the eight months we spent together. I owe him an explanation." "What are you gonna say to him?" Killian asked. "I don't know," Emma sighed. "But I care about him too much to drag him into all this. Wait here."

Emma left causing Killian to sigh in disappointment. "What do you think she sees in that Walsh?" Killian questioned. Peter looked at him and then joked, "Two hands." Killian gave him a look then Peter spoke, "I don't know, Killian, things change after two years. She probably really cared for this guy, maybe she was looking for something normal in her life. Who knows, but if fate decides it, she'll be yours." Killian thought the spoke, "I'm gonna go check on her." At that moment, Emma walked back in out of breath. "What happened?" Killian questioned. "Walsh, he's not what he said he was," Emma spoke. "Just a reminder that I was never safe. We leave in the tomorrow."


The next morning, Emma was making eggs while letting her thoughts consume her when Henry spoke, "Mom! You're hurting the eggs." Emma snapped out of her daze and then spoke, "Right." She poured the eggs in the pan and started cooking them then said, "May I ask you something?" "Sure," Henry replied. "Do you believe in magic?" Emma questioned. "Of course," Henry answered. "And the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. If it gets me a present, I believe." Emma let out a small laugh then Henry added, "You're not sure you made the right decision, are you? About Walsh." "I made the right decision," Emma replied. "I'm certain. It's gonna be you and me, kid, for a little while. Here you go."

Emma served him a plate of eggs and Henry ate. "Tasty, but I've got to run," Henry said getting up. "I'm gonna be late for school. You kind of overslept." "Nope," Emma corrected. "How about we go on a trip?" "Like a vacation?" Henry questioned. "Like I have a new case, and it's in Maine, and it might take me a while, and I think we should go," Emma said. "It would be an adventure." "No school? A trip with you?" Henry smiled. "Sold." "Good, 'cause I already packed," Emma replied. "When do we leave?" Henry asked. "Now," Emma said as there was a knock on the door. She went to go answer to reveal Hook and Pan and they walked in. "You're ready, Swan?" Killian questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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