Chapter 20: Going Home

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It was the next night, we arrived at Storybrooke and everyone greeted us. Gold locked Peter away in his shop and we all celebrated our arrival at Granny's. As of right now, I dropped Henry's StoryBrooke in front of him. He had no reaction to it. "Well, don't get too excited," I joked lightly then told. "Baelfire still had it in his room and Emma thought you'd want it. Especially since you just lived a fairytale of your own." "Right, thanks," Henry smiled lightly then opened it. "After everything, it's nice to dwell on the happy moments," I smiled.

I sat next to him and we went through the stories and I spoke, "I love this one." I pointed at the photo of Blue talking to Killian about keeping me. "I remember this one," Henry smiled. "You and blue, she visited you every year before your birthday to be the first to give you your presents." "It was always books," I joked. "I loved them though." We went through more of the pages then Emma and Killian walked up to us. "Come on, sailor, time to get back to the ship," Killian insisted. "Okay, see you tomorrow, Henry," I smiled kissing the top of his head then left with my father. Papa seemed really gloaming when since we left. "If you want to go back, you can," I said. "What?" Papa questioned.

"You seem down," I replied. "Are you okay, Papa?" "Yes, it's just... on the island, Swan and I shared a kiss," Killian told. "Wow, that's great!" I smiled. "You're moving on." "Yes, but she is also still in love with Baelfire," Killian added. "So, I made a choice. I backed away from her to give Henry a chance to have his parents together again." "Oh," I said seeing his sad expression. "I'm proud of you, Papa, you did the right thing. I don't think anyone else would do that." "It doesn't matter anyway," Papa assured putting his arm around me. "Just me and you, you're all the love I need." I smiled as he kissed my head and we went on.


The next day, I was with Blue talking g about my trip to Neverland. "Well, that is quite a tale," Blue said. "Are you okay?" "I will be," I assured. "I mean, do you think Pan could change?" "Perhaps one day," Blue hoped. "For you, maybe, I don't know." "Anyways, did you find out why the dagger couldn't kill me?" I questioned. "No, but I did find out something about your power," Blue told. "Once a spell affects you like the curse that brought us here, it can't affect you again. So any memory loss you've endeared can no longer affect you, and one more thing. Your powers grow strong and stronger, day by day, so with each coming year, you'll become more powerful. Maybe even tell the future."

"Really?" I questioned. "Perhaps, time will tell," Blue assured. "For now, lesson number four." I giggled lightly. Just then, a loud screeching was heard causing us to turn. It was Pan's shadow. It swopped down at us and we started to run away, I shot it with my magic only for it to dodge all of it then fly towards me. I took a deep breath then shot a stream of magic at it holding it back then it flees. "Y/n!" Killian called running up to us with the others. "What the hell happened?" Regina questioned walking up with Henry. "The Shadow," I breathed out. "It tried to take us." "Pan's shadow? I trapped it on the sail," Regina reasoned. "Yeah, well, it got free," I said.

"Look, let's go back to the ship and get the candle," Neal said. "If it strikes again, we need to be able to capture it." "Pan's behind this, I know it," Emma said. "He's trapped in a box under the floor of Gold's shop," Regina told. "Who else would be doing this?" Emma reasoned. "So, Pan can still hurt me?" Henry interjected. "We don't know that," Regina replied. "We have to assume he's still a threat," Snow spoke. "And that he's after Henry," Emma added. "Then what am I doing here?" Henry questioned sacred. "He's right," David added. "He's not safe out in the open." "You'll protect me, right?" Peter said to Regina. "Yes, of course," Regina assured holding him. "Go," Emma insisted. "We'll take care of the Shadow."

We parted ways from them then we went to Gold's shop where he was about to close with Belle. "No, I'm afraid we're closed," Rumple said. "Whatever crisis you're dealing with, I'm done for the day." "Pandora's Box," Emma said. "Give it to me." "Why would I do that?" Gold scoffed. "We need to open it," Emma explained. "Somehow Pan's controlling the Shadow from inside the box. Henry's life is in danger." "And you think letting Pan out will change that?" Gold questioned. "Yes," Emma reasoned. "Because we can stop finally and forever." "All due respect, Miss Swan, we barely succeeded in apprehending him the first time," Gold replied. "If I've learned one thing, it's not to tempt fate."

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