Chapter 19: Save Henry

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Your pov:

*Present day*

"That's what happened," Peter told. "That's how I became Peter Pan." I sat there shocked for a moment then spoke, "Who else knows?" "Just Rumple, you, Felix a bit," Peter answered. "You're a Stiltskin?" I said. "Well, technically, yeah," Peter confirmed. "Everything is making sense now," I replied. "You never wanted to give up Rumple." "No, he was the only thing I liked about that cottage," Peter told. "Your father was a bad guy, but you-" "I know," Peter sighed. "You asked and you were right, you had a right to know." Peter put his hand over mine and caressed the back of it with his thumb.

I looked at it than him and said, "This still doesn't change what you did, what you're doing to Henry." "If I don't, I'll die," Peter reasoned. "And I don't want that, believe me, I don't," I told. "But you can't sacrifice Henry, he's your great-nephew. He's your family and mine now, I can't let you do that to him." I got up and went to the camp and Pan followed after a moment. Once we entered, Felix went up to Pan as Henry went up to me. "Y/n, what if we're wrong?" Henry said out of nowhere. "What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Pan, his plan," Henry answered. "What if we're wrong about his intention?" "Henry, no, you have to listen-" "I saw Wendy, Wendy Darling," Henry told. "She's here and she's sick because the magic is being drained from the island. We were wrong, Pan has to have changed." "Henry, listen to me," I pleaded kneeling. "Pan is only trying to help himself, with your heart he'll-" I was cut off by being poofed inside the tree prison I was in when I first got on the island. "You broke our deal," Peter said standing in front of me. "I had to tell him, you're lying to him," I spat. "You've been lying to him, I'm done. We're done."

"Have it your way," Peter sighed. I tried to leave, but I was held back by the chains around my neck. "I'm sorry, love," Peter apologized. "But I have to succeed. Just in case I don't... you are the only thing I love anymore." I looked at him helplessly then he left closing the door. "No! Peter!" I shouted. The cuff was back on me as I tried to get out, no use. I heard voices outside, they were very familiar. I looked through the crack of the door and saw the others here to save us. "Papa!" I shouted struggling. "Papa, in here!" They couldn't hear me, Pan must have cast some charm on the room.

"No," I frowned sickening to the floor. They were talking to Wendy outside and Emma spoke, "We're looking for a friend, you might know her. Y/n Jones." "Pan's girlfriend," Wendy replied. "Not girlfriend, but yes," Killian said. "My daughter, do you know where she is?" Wendy hesitated then shook her head and said, "No." "She's lying," Rumple detected. "Where are they?" "Hey," Emma calmed him down. "What the hell are you doing?" "I've carried enough lies in my life to recognize their burden," Rumple reasoned. "She knows where Y/n is."

Emma looked at Wendy then spoke, "Is that true, do you know where Y/n is?" Wendy looked at everyone and said, "You don't understand. Pan is keeping John and Michael alive, only if I do as he says." "Trust me, whatever he's promised, he will go back on his word," Rumple said. "And why should I trust a man who abandoned his own son?" Wendy shot. "Because your brothers did," Emma told. "They trusted a woman named Belle. They helped her get this box so we can defeat Pan." "They're okay?" Wendy questioned. "For now, and only if we succeed," Rumple told. "Wendy... we will save John and Michael, I swear to God," Bae assured. "But right now, we need your help. We need to save Y/n then we'll know what Pan wants with Henry. Please, help."

Wendy thought then pointed to a tree and spoke, "She's in there, but Pan put a protection spell on it." "No matter," Rumple said waving his hand and it went down. Killian rushed to the door and opened it up to see me inside. I looked up and smiled brightly getting up. "Papa!" I beamed as he rushed to me. "Mills!" Killian shouted and Regina waved her hand setting me free of my chains and the cuff. I glowed and hugged my father tightly for a long moment then we pulled away and walked out. I hugged Emma, Bae, and the Charmings before speak, "I'm sorry, I tried to stop him."

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