Chapter 9: Back to Normal

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A/N: I'll try to upload more frequently, if you all want to ask more questions and stuff go follow me on TikTok. My username is Skippy6804, I just want to make a community of my Wattpad followers so we can all be happy with all the stuff we have going on already, so go follow me. Enjoy the chapter!

Your pov:

"And this is the library," I told my father as we walked around StoryBrooke. I was showing him around all day, introducing him to everyone in the town I know. "Belle is in there, she's the librarian," I smiled. "Wow, you seem to have made a home in this little town," Papa smiled. "Yeah, I guess," I replied. "Come on, next stop is Granny's." "Lead the way," Papa insisted. We went to Granny's, Papa and I sat at a booth and ate while we talked. "How did you escape that place?" Papa asked. "Neverland."

"Baelfire, he helped me escape pan and his group, right after they separated us," I told. "After we escaped, I dropped him off in this world then used a magic bean I stole to go back to our world. When I tried finding you, I got swept up in the curse, for a while I lost myself but then Henry helped me get my memories back." "I shouldn't have even been working for pan," Papa sighed. "I was blinded by my greed for revenge." "Papa, don't blame yourself," I replied. "We were all blinded, I actually thought he cared for me. Never again." "No more frowns," Papa replied. "Only smiles, now tell me what this is."

"It's called a burger," I laughed as I explained. Henry looked at us talking and smiling and smiled at the sight. "I'm happy you helped Hook find his daughter," Henry smiled at Emma. "She's your best friend, Henry, why wouldn't I?" Emma smiled. "I have never seen her this happy," Henry pointed out. "The one thing she missed from her old world was her Papa, now that she has him she has her happy ending. That's one for your books, mom." "You're right," Emma spoke looking at them. "So, who has been taking care of you all these years?" Papa asked me.

"Blue, I've been staying at the church with her," I answered. "Sort of like an orphanage, but I used magic from Gold to get the Jolly Rodger back." "It's here?" Papa questioned and I nodded. "You trusted The Crocodile?" "Papa, you said that you're not on vengeance anymore," I reasoned. "Okay," Papa sighed. "I'll be better for you." "Well, he owed me a favor," I explained. "And now I owe him one, I'm gonna help him find Baelfire." "We owe him a great deal of thanks," Killian told. "So, tell me, how are you going to get there?"

"I don't know, but I was told we were leaving soon," I answered. "So, I will need help packing. Come on." We went back to the ship and Papa helped me pack my things. "Why can't I come along?" Papa questioned. "I don't think you and Gold will get along if you go," I told. "I'll only be gone a day or two then I'll be home again." "Okay, be safe," Papa told and I nodded. At that moment, Emma walked in with her parents. "Swan, can I help you?" I questioned. "Uh, there has been an incident," Emma said. "Archie... he's..."

I looked at the other's expression and spoke, "Archie's dead...?" "I'm sorry," Emma said. "Do you have any leads?" I asked. "Just one, Regina," David said. "But we don't know for sure," Emma said. "Regina wouldn't do that to Henry," I reasoned. "That's the thing, we don't know," Snow mentioned. "It's a frame job." "Well, then ask the witness," I said. "There was no witness," Emma told. "Not necessarily," I replied. "Go get Pongo." David went to do as I went through my things and my Papa helped.

"Here," I smiled as David brought Pongo in. "Hey," Papa smiled petting the dog and scratching his ears. "I don't know you were a dog person," Emma smiled lightly. "Well, I'm full of mystery, love," Papa smirked at her. "Okay," I smiled pulling a dreamcatcher. "It won't allow us to communicate, but it will allow us to extract his memories." "Extract?" David questioned. "You don't have to worry," I assured. "He won't feel a thing." "So, do your magic," Emma said.

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