Chapter 4: The Search

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A/N: I'm sorry for the late upload, I got a bit busy, I'll try to upload more often. I will be skipping some part of the show to move the story along and it just makes sense because Y/n is there. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Present-day in StoryBrooke, a few weeks later...

Ever since I got my memories, I spent every day from then on to find my father. Nothing, I cannot find him without magic. Emma has already decided to stay, became sheriff and even a new guy entered town who we found out was Pinocchio, but he goes by August. I spent most of my days either helping Henry, helping Emma, or searching for my father. The only way to find out what happened to him or where he is is to wake everyone up, but that can't happen without Swan believing.

"Y/n!" Emma said through the walkie. She sounded worried and scared. "Y/n! Come in, sailor!" Emma said desperately. "Emma, what is it?" I asked. "Is everything okay?" "Henry, something happened to him," Emma informed. "Go to the hospital, now!" I ran to the hospital, right when I got there, I saw Emma look through his thing and I saw Henry passed out in bed. "Kid!" I exclaimed worried rushing to Henry. "Y/n!' Mother Superior stopped holding me back from the operations. "Mother Superior, please let me," I begged. "There isn't much you can do, Y/n," Mother Superior replied. "You just have to pray and hope."

I pulled away then Emma took me aside and said, "It's real, isn't it?" "What?" I questioned. "Everything you and Henry were saying, it's real," Emma told. "He ate an apple turnover to prove it's all true-" "You didn't believe him," I said. "None of this would have happened if you just believed what we told you, I should have interfered." "What are you talking about?" Emma questioned. "I'm awake, I remembered everything from that land," I said. "Who did you get the turnover from?" Emma's expression turned into one of pure anger as Regina rushed in asking for Henry.

Emma and I shared a look then nodded at each other agreeing with the same plan we had. Emma grabbed Regina and took her to the supply closet and pinned her against the wall. "You did this!" Emma snapped. Regina deafened quickly, "What the hell are you doing? Stop this! My son-" "Is sick because of you... your majesty" I spat causing Regina to look at me shocked. "That apple turnover you gave me? He ate it!" Emma interjected. "What?" Regina gasped. "It was meant for you!"

"She knows," I replied as Emma pulled away. "I'm awake like Gold is and like you are." "How?" Regina questioned. "I'm the Light one, sweetheart," I mentioned. "It just took something to trigger it and it was meeting Emma and the storybook." "Of course it did," Regina sighed. "I couldn't interfere, but I should have," I reasoned. "I just didn't want to ruin things." "I was leaving town," Emma spoke. "Why couldn't you just leave things alone?" Regina looked at her and said, "Because as long as you're alive, Henry will never be mine!"

"He'll never be anyone's unless you fix this," Emma said. "You wake him up!" "I can't!" Regina frowned. "Don't you two have magic?" Emma questioned. "That was the last of it," Regina confessed. "My magic doesn't work here," I sighed. "What's it going to do to him?" Emma asked scared. "I don't know," I admitted. "Magic here is unpredictable." Emma looked taken back then said, "So... So he could..." I nodded then looked down thinking. "So, what do we do?" Emma asked. "We need help," Regina sighed. "There's one other person in this town who knows about this... knows about magic."

"Oh no," I huffed. "Mr. Gold," Emma said. "He goes by Rumplestiltskin," I told and we went to his shop. "How long have you known?" Emma asked. "Since you walked into town, a little before that," I answered. "Why didn't you tell me?" Emma questioned. "Because you'd think I'm crazy," I replied. "You're nice and all, Swan, but the real world blinded your mind with disbelief and disappointment. Besides, any interferes will alter the breaking of the curse." We walked into Gold's shop and he immediately spoke, "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the look of a believer?"

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