Chapter 13: Goodbye, StoryBrooke

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I was at The Charming's apartment, explaining everything that happened and what I found. "She said she was here to destroy magic," I finished. "Can they do that?" Emma questioned. "I don't think so, but we need to find them soon," I said. "Before they do anything bad." "Well, that might be too late," Neal said walking in with Henry. "They took my mom," Henry told. "Why would they take Regina?" Snow asked. "We don't know, but we need to get her back," Charming said. "Y/n, is there magic we could use?" "I can wipe something up back at the ship," I said.

"We'll come with you," Snow insisted indicating her and her husband. "I'll search the room at the inn," Emma said. "I'll join you," My Papa and Neal insisted. "Good luck with that," I said then went off with Snow and Charming to the ship. I started searching through my things when we arrived then found the glass container I was looking for. "What is that?" Snow asked. "This is one of Regina's tears," I answered. "Why do you have one of Regina's tears?" Snow questioned. "Because I do," I replied. "This spell, however, requires two tears."

"You want one from me?" David questioned. "Or Snow or even my own, we just need to know who's gonna do this," I replied. "I'll do it," Snow declared. "I need to after what I did to Cora." I nodded then spoke, "I need you to cry. Just think of a dark moment, dearie, something bleak and hopeless." Snow thought for a moment then a tear ran down her cheek. I collected it in the bottle and mixed it up. "Perfect. Now, when you drop this into your eye, your will be connected to Regina wherever she is," I told. "Whatever she sees, you'll see, whatever she feels, you'll feel."

"Will this be painful?" David questioned. "I don't know," I admitted. "I can do this," Snow assured then sat down. I unstopper the bottle then put a drop in her eye and we waited. She was still for a moment then she started spasming out and we both went to her sides. "Mary Margret!" David exclaimed worried. "Snow, focus on the feeling," I said holding her arm. "The smalls, the sounds, what you do you see?" It was over and we gave her a moment to recover then spoke, "It was awful. The worst pain I've ever felt. Wherever Regina is, she's powerless. She can't fight back."

"Could you see where she was?" I questioned. "Could you see who was keeping her there?" "I just remember... pain... and screaming," Snow told. "The smells? The sounds?" I interrogated. "I don't know," Snow sighed. "My hands were strapped down, and my legs... It was cold and... It smelled weird, like... sardines? I think I heard a bell. I don't know, I wish I could remember more." "Bell?" I said then heard a boat bell go off then Snow spoke, "That's the bell." "The old warehouse," I detected then we all went off to the warehouse in the docks. We walked in and wen through the building searching for them.

We heard someone around the corner and went after them only to see Neal, Emma, and Hook. "What the hell, guys?" Emma huffed. "Here," David said tossing a talkie to her. "So that doesn't happen again." "You, Mary Margaret, and Killian take the basement," Emma told. "We'll search the main floor. Regina's gotta be here somewhere." We went our separate ways and searched the main floor. "I don't suppose you can detect her," Emma said. I was still for a moment and spoke, "This way."

"Seriously?" Emma questioned following me. "You never asked before," I replied. We walked around a corner to see her there ready to leave. "Stop!" I shouted. She did so then turned to us and spoke, "I have to keep magic out of this world, guys. It doesn't belong here. Neal, you more than anyone should understand that. It's a poison." "It's the cure," I said. "Or at least light magic is, dark magic can tear apart one's life, but not all magic doesn't that." "How would you know?" Tamara questioned. "She's the product of true love and I'm that example of why light magic is the cure," I reasoned stepping closer to her. "It doesn't have to be this way."

"It's always been this way," Tamara said. "Since I spilled coffee on Neal." "It wasn't an accident?" Neal questioned. "You planned it all. None of it was real." "Neal, you're a good man, I know that," Tamara told. "So please try to understand. I had a job to do... an important one, one I think you can agree with." "You never loved me?" Neal questioned. "No," Tamara confessed Neal frowned then spoke, "I can't let you leave here, Tamara." "Neal, please don't make me," Tamara warned as we drew nearer.

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