Chapter 23: Dark and Light

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It was about the day later after my adventure with Hercules, I set up camp to take a rest to think about the next step in the story. I was eating some stew I made which wasn't bad at all, it surprised me. I heard rustling from behind me causing me to pause for a moment then went on with my meal for a second longer until I heard more rustling. I raised my eyebrows as I took in a breath then said, "I know you're there. Come out, Baelfire." Bae came out with Belle, I looked at them and I said, "Belle, nice to see you." "Likewise," She returned making me smile.

I turned to the fire again then said, "Sit down, we're all friends here. It feels like a first for something like that, help yourself to some soup." They shared a look then told me why they were there, how they tried many way to bring back Rumple and after two years they tried to go to his castle only for it to be covered by a very powerful protection spell. "So, we need your help," Baelfire said. "Belle found a spell, we need you to cast it so we can see if he has anything we can use." I thought for a moment as I finished my soup then said, "Why me and not Regina? She might be more powerful."

"Because we know that you would want him back," Belle said. "I know you feel guilty for not bringing him back with Peter, but we understand. He might be the only way that Neal can get back to Emma." I looked down at the chain that I weaved then spoke, "Fine, let's resurrect the Dark One." We packed up camp then started venturing to the castle. When we made it to the from door, I reached out and touched the field around it to reveal it. "Here," Belle told, giving me the spell. I read it then raised my hands, I closed my eyes then felt a sharp flash through my hands and then the field went down. "Brilliant," Belle glowed then we went inside and she went on, "If there's anyone who can defeat that witch and get you back to your family, it's the Dark One."

"The way to resurrect him has to be here." I started searching then Bae asked, "You really believe in him, don't you?" Belle smiled softly then said, "I love him — all of him, even the parts that belong to the darkness." "Yeah, it took me a while to see past all that to the good man trying to get out," Neal admitted, looking through a book. " "He did get out," Belle assured. "Yeah, he did," Neal sighed. "Irony is, now I need the dark part in order to get to the ones I care about." That was when Bae took out the a necklace and I spoke, "Hey, that's Emma's." "You recognize it?" Neal asked. "Yeah, I saw her wearing it when we first met," I replied.

"It was supposed to represent our life together," Neal told. "I don't know how it survived the trip." I smiled then I spoke, "Cause love it the most powerful protection charm." He smiled then Belle, spoke, "Come on, I know where to look." We went to a room filled with book then Belle spoke, "Books on history, witchcraft, and hopefully some on the Dark One, too." "Where do we start/" I asked. "One shelf at a time," Belle answered as she lit up a few candles to give us a bit of life. "Well, hello there!" Someone interjected. "You hear something/" Bae questioned, looking around.

Over here," The voice said. We turned to see a candelabra, within the flames was a face that belonged to a man that was clearly trapped inside. "Allow me to introduce myself," He spoke. Bae and I shared a look as he introduced, "No need to be frightened. I am, but a humble servant of this castle. My name is Lumiere." "Woah," I breathed out, examining him. "I don't understand," belle interjected. "I've dusted every nook and cranny in this place, and how have our paths never crossed?" "t's a big castle, and I was woefully underutilized," Lumiere sighed. "Sadly, I only awaken when my candles are lit. Those are the rules of my punishment."

"Punishment by who?" Bae interrogated. "Whom do you think?" Lumiere scoffed. "Does he even know where he is? Rumplestiltskin, of course." At that moment, I felt a spike in the back of my neck. I didn't like whatever presence was here with us. I looked back in the shadows of the room until Bae spoke, "Y/n." I stopped and turned as he presented a key and I went up to him as I asked, "What is this?" "It's a key to the vault of the Dark One," Lumiere spoke. "The vault of the Dark One?" I questioned. "Where the first Dark One was made... Born out of the... Well, darkness," Lumiere explained. "If you wish to bring back Rumplestiltskin to life, it is where you must go."

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