Chapter 15: Peter Pan

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Emma and the group were walking through the forest trying to get to a high point in the jungle. "The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead," Hook assured. "You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout?" Emma questioned. "From there, we should be able to see everything, including where he's keeping your son and my daughter," Hook assured. "You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant," Regina replied. "Where? Have you any idea what's up here or anywhere?" Hook retorted. "There are dangers all about. Only I can guide us past them." "He's right," Emma defended. "Hook's lived here before. If he says hiking up is the best way, then we listen."

"Oh, I'm growing on you," Hook smirked as they walked up. As they continued, they walked by a thorn bush, David was about to cut through it, but Hook stopped him. "No," Hook said. "That's dream-shade. It's not the thorns you have to worry about, it's the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on The Dark One." "The poison that almost killed Gold? The one that Y/n made?" Emma questioned. "Indeed," Killian confirmed. "She used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful. I suggest we go this way."

"I don't know," David replied. "If it made a difference, I would risk getting pricked too," Killian told. "Nothing matters if I don't have my daughter, now come on." They followed him, Emma walked along side him and spoke, "Sorry for the second guess, they have trouble with pirates." "I can assure you, on this island, I am not the bad guy," Killian assured. "Yeah, well, Pan's not supposed to be one either," Emma replied. "What possibly gave you that idea?" Killian questioned. "Every story I ever heard as a child," Emma answered. "And you don't have a daughter." "Well, that guy must have all sorts of problems," Killian said. "Y/n is the best thing that's happen to me, since her I met Milah, got my life together, and had responsible with the joy of adventure."

"Worth something," Emma added. "Aye," Killian agreed. "The first time I met Henry, I wanted to protect him," Emma told. "When they took him it felt like-" "Someone ripped out a part of you," Killian said. "That's what I felt when Pan separated me from my daughter. I promise, we'll get them back." "I know," Emma smiled then they went on. "Up here!" David called at the tip. "We made it." They joined him and locked over the land as Killian spoke, "Pan's lair should be just right..." "Where?" Regina questioned seeing nothing. "All I see is jungle."

"Aye, The Dark Jungle," Killian sighed. "It's, uh, grown so much since I last stepped foot in Neverland. When it was fueled by Y/n and Pan's love." "So this nature hike was for nothing because your daughter broke a boy's heart," Regina huffed. "Hey, we're all here for bit of them," David interjected. "This isn't anyone's fault. At least we're in a good position to start combing the jungle." "Not exactly," Killian corrected. "The Dark Jungle's the last place you wanna set foot. We'll have to go around it. In order to do that, we're gonna need our strength and I suggest we make camp."

"You wanna sleep while my son is out there suffering?" Regina questioned. "Y/n wouldn't let anything happen to your son, Pan won't hurt him if he means something to Y/n," Killian assured. "Don't worry, your boy is okay."


On the other side of the island, I struggled as the lost boys took me away to the camp and opened a door to a room in a tree and threw me in. I huffed looking around, I sat down against the wall, there was nothing much to do. There was a single makeshift bed with an oil lamp on a nightstand. I held my knees to my chest then someone opened the door, I saw who it was them huffed before throwing a small stone I had in my hand. "Where's Henry?" I questioned. "Did you hurt him?" "No, I assumed it was your wishes," Peter smirked walking in. "Seeing how you two are close." I kept my gaze on him as he swatted in front of me.

"Nice to see you again, Y/n," Pan smiled. "I missed you." I scoffed then spat, "If you hurt Henry-" "I won't let anything happy to Henry, well anything that he doesn't want that is," Pan 'assured.' "Like I won't let anything happen to you." "I find that hard to believe, considering that you had two people almost blow up the people I love and care before they kidnap me and my friend." "I did have them killed," Pan added. "Thank you, it almost tops when you sent my father away and held me here against my will," I huffed. "There's that fire," Pan smirked. I scoffed as Pan sat next to me and smiled at me. "I did miss you," Pan smiled lightly. "Why did you take me here?" I questioned.

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