Chapter 11: The Queen is dead

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A/N; Hi, I know I haven't uploaded in awhile, but I'll try uploading more often since I gave a lot of chapters done for this story. Though, if you all want to get to know me I have a TikTok. My username is Skippy6804, just comment on my latest video that you came from my OUAT fic so I'll know. Love you all, enjoy!

We were all walking around New York with Baelfire. He and Henry made up and are now spending time together. "You like pizza?" Neal asked us. "Yeah. Let me guess," Henry spoke. "You're going to tell me the best pizza's in New York, and I got to try it, right?" "Actually, it's in the Kingdom of Damarion on the north shore of the Dragon Fields of Zorn," Neal corrected. "You made that up," I called out. "Yeah, it's in New York," Neal smiled making us laugh. "Here, let's get you two a slice." We walked inside and git a slice of pizza and Henry spoke, "So, wha was Neverland like?"

"What do you mean?" I questioned. "You know what I mean," Henry spoke. "What happened at Neverland? Did you battle a giant squid with Mermaids? Did you see a bunch of fairies?" "Mermaids are jerks, they wouldn't help, fairies were a yes, but only one," I told. "As for a giant squid, yeah. I did before I met Baelfire — or Neal." "How did you two meet?" Henry said. "In person, I mean." I looked at Neal then he spoke, "Story for another day." I agreed then we walked out to Emma and Rumple. "Mom, Neal wanted to show me the museum," Henry said. "Do you think we can go back to the apartment and get my camera?"

Emma gave a look to Neal then he spoke, "Yeah, well, I... Kids like culture, right?" "Sure. Yeah, that's fine," Emma agreed then we went off. We entered the building and buzzed in, Emma and Henry went to go get his camera as I waited with Gold and Rumple. "Well, this is awkward," I said trying to break the tension. "Bae-" "No," Neal replied. "Look, I know you want me to forgive you, but you lied to me about everything. I don't need that in my life anymore." "Neal, listen," I spoke. But at that moment, someone barged in through the door. It was Cora, she had my father's hook which she stole covered in something.

"Times up, light one," Cora smiled. "Y/n!" "Bae!" In the chaos, when Bae went to push me out of the way and take the blow, Rumple threw himself in front taking the piercing hook through his chest. "Papa!" Bae gasped rushing to him. Cora huffed then took off as Emma and Henry rushed down. We took Gold to the apartment and set him down on the couch. I examined the wound and spoke, "It's poison. Even if we get you back to StoryBrooke, this can't be healed." "How do you know?" Bae questioned. "Because I made it," I confessed.

"What!?" Emma exclaimed. "Look, it was back when my father wanted his revenge," I reasoned. "I took a poison called dream shade, it's the deadliest poison known. I made a few changes so you could die faster. She must have stole it when she tried to kill me the first time." "I don't care who made what," Gold interjected. "We must find something, we need to go to StoryBrooke." "I'll get the car-" "Not fast enough," I said. "We need the Jolly Rodger, it's the fastest vessel in the land." I took out the seashell Killian gave me and I spoke to it, "Papa? Papa, are you there?"

"Sailor," He spoke. "What is it?" "I need you to bring the Jolly Rodger to Manhattan, you'll know the way." "What happened?" Killian asked. "I'll explain later, just hurry," I pleaded. "I'll be there," Killian said the I put the shell back in my pocket. We prepared to leave then my father told me that he was here and we went off. "What happened to him?" Papa asked. "Cora," I said then tossed him his hook. "She took that." My Papa put it on then helped us on. "Bae?" Papa questioned. "It's Neal now," Bae corrected greeting him then brought his father below deck.

We set sail to StoryBrooke, I went down to check on Rumple and brought him a cup of water. "Thank you," Gold said taking a sip. "Can you get me another pillow?" I went to get one from the shelves causing a box to fall causing pieces of papers to fall. I handed Gold the pillow then went to pick up the papers quickly. "Letters? From who?" Gold asked. "No one," I mumbled. "Humor me," Gold said. I hesitated then spoke, "Peter Pan." "Pan gave you letters?" Rumple questioned. "Everyday when I was gone," I answered. "Some are telling me what happened, how much he missed me, and some are poems."

I put them back and fiddled with my bracelet then Rumple spoke, "You love him." I hesitated then spoke, "I loved him, but that's over." "Why?-" "Cause it is," I said. "It's complicated, but what happened doesn't matter. I'm off that bloody island and that's all that matters." I went back to my father and helped him stir the ship. We arrived at StoryBrooke and I poofed us all to the shop after we met up with Snow and Charming. I helped get everyone ready for a fight. "Emma, go find a this glass container in the cabin," I said.

She got it and spoke, "It's empty." She shook it to hear something clanging around in there then reached in and took out something. "What the hell?" Emma questioned. "Invisible chalk," Gold told. "Use it in the front doorway. Draw a line. The rest of you, you might want to prepare for battle." My father handed me my sword as as we went to go help Emma and Neal get ready. "Charming," I spoke tossing him a sword and he caught it. "Okay, all done," Emma spoke. "I think. What now? You cast a protection spell?" "No, you're going to," I said. "I can't cast a spell. I can spell 'spell'," Emma spoke.

"You can. It's in you," I told. "How? Here? Like, from my brain?" Emma questioned. "Just try," I said. Emma closed her eyes then I huffed, "Stop thinking." She opened he eyes then I continued, "Conjuring magic is not intellectual endeavor. It's emotion. You must ask yourself, 'why am I doing this? Who am I protecting?' Feel it, will it, believe in it. You can do this." Emma closed her eyes again and connected with herself causing the shield to go up. "Feel that?" I questioned and she nodded smiling.

"Good," I smiled. "Snow, Charming, stay out here, we'll guard Gold." They agreed then my Papa and I went to the back room where Gold was dying. "Who would think that we were meant to chase each other," Gold said sarcastically. "Me dying in the chaos." "Who would have thought," I joked. I pulled up a chair and sat near him and spoke, "I never thought of you as a coward." Gold glanced a me then I continued, "When Milah told me what happened, I hated her for leaving. I hated how she couldn't see you were brave enough to sacrifice everything to make sure your son didn't grow up without father. I marked that as bravery, I didn't even apologize to Milah."

"If you could, would you?" Papa questioned. I looked at him then nodded before getting up and putting the chair back. "Y/n," Gold spoke. "Thank you." I nodded then Emma and Neal rushed in, Emma quickly made a field then spoke, "Cora and Regina are inside." "Get ready for a fight," Papa said. The phone rang and Emma went to see who it was. "It's Belle," Emma said. "Let me say goodbye," Gold pleaded. "Who's Belle?" Neal questioned as Emma gave his father the phone. "Your father's girlfriend," Emma answered.

Gold took the phone and started crying while saying goodbye to Belle. "Didn't know you had that in you," Neal said once Gold hung up. "Oh, I'm full of love," Gold replied. "I've spent a lifetime looking for you. For a chance to say I love you. And I'm sorry." "I didn't think you would go back on our deal," Neal added. "I just made the wrong choice," Gold reasoned extending his hand to him. "May I?" Neal looked at it then sniffed, "I'm still angry." "I know..." Gold trailed off weak. Neal sniffed again then held his fathers hand.

At that moment, the shield went down and Cora walked in and we all prepared. "Get out of here," Cora huffed waving her hand. My Papa, Neal, and Emma disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving me. I raised my hand, but Cora was faster and blasted me back slightly causing my feet to slide and bit. "Foolish girl," Cora huffed throwing something on me causing my magic too stop for a moment. It was enough to give her time to rush up to me then held the blade against my throat. "I know you fought this long, but you're too dangerous to keep you alive and revenge is such a devious bonus," Cora smiled. "Now, I will be the one who killed the light one."

Cora drew back and stabbed me with the dark one dagger in my stomach. I winced, but nothing happened. I looked down to see the dagger clearly killing me, but nothing happened. She saw and pulled the dagger out, no blood spilled out or any injury. "How didd you-?" Cora gasped. "Dark can't snuff out the light," I said softly. Cora raised her hands to attack, but gasped as Regina put her heart back inside her. Cora dropped the dagger and turned to Regina and smiled laughing joyfully with teary eyes. I felt off then turned around seeing Gold stand up then looked back at Cora.

Her expression dropped then winced before falling to the ground and Regina daughter her. She held her crying as Cora choked out, "This... would've been enough. You... You would've been enough." "Mother? What's going on?" Regina questioned as her mother died. "Mother? Don't leave me, please... What am I going to do?" "Your mother did you no favors," Gold spoke. "Shut up! You stole her life!" Regina cried. "You cast some spell." "I did nothing," Gold told. "Regina! Stop!" Snow shouted rushing in with David. She gasped seeing what happened then shook her head lightly.

"You did this," Regina detected.

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