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Point of view of Maddy
The double headed bear was enough for today, now them!? I mean a MERMAID!? And a FAIRY! Where did they come from. Ha, there still handcuffed. And-ahh! Golden hooves ( my deer) poked me with his antlers. The new kids are staring at us. There really creepy. Just kidding! There not that scary. There just....weird. Where did the mermaid come from any way? And a fairy, I didn't know they were real until now.
No longer from Maddy's point of view
The group waited for one of the strangers to speak. The two mythical beings waited for the group to talk. "Why are they starring at us Jasmine." The mermaid whispered. "Shut up, Jessie now they know my name!" Jasmine hissed. "Now we know both of your names." Mackenzie said in a sassy tone. "We're idiots." Jessie sobbed. "Stop crying, your tank is going to over flow." Jasmine said. " By the way, who did you get free of these stupid handcuffs any way?" "It's complicated." Heather explained.
Emily's point of view
Whoa. I can't believe Justin took that hit for me. Why would he do that after I hurt him that badly. Do you think. No, he couldn't. Could about me? No that's silly. It's not that silly, is it.
Why is it so dark, and why am I so weak? Am I dead? No, I'm still breathing. I think I just ran out of...power because the whole magic fire wings thing. Why did that happen, and what was on that paper any way? I open my eyes and find that I'm in the arms of.....JUSTIN!? Why Justin, why not someone-wait maybe he does care. And why do I smell water when there is no water in our room. "Where are we?" I ask. Justin looks down at me with his blue, dreamy eyes. "Our room, red head." To be honest, I don't know who said that. "Shut up Jessie." Justin snapped. "Sorry." She said sarcastically. "Can you put me down, please" I ask Justin. "Oh ya. Sorry." He puts me down and I try to fly over to the new kids. No wings. I walk over to them and see that on of themselves a mermaid. That's why I smell water. And the other ones a fairy. "Hey!" I shouted after I was splashed. "Sorry, but you were on fire." The mermaid said. "So you know, I'm Jessie and that's Jasmine." I nodded. But I didn't care about them. There weird.
No ones point of view
Suddenly, Jessie's and Jasmines chest started to glow. "AHH!" They both screamed. Jessie's glowed light blue, and Jasmines glowed hot pink. From the room behind them came two unicorns. One was white with sliver hooves and horn. The other one was light blue with blue hooves and horn. " This is how we got our handcuffs off." Maddy joked. "By unicorns?" Jessie was confused. "No, by our spirt animals. I think." Heather said.
The blue unicorn went towards Jessie. The other one went to Jasmine.( You know what happens when they get there pets, so I'm going to skip that and just tell you what there necklaces look like. ) Jessie got a necklace that was light blue and looked like a water droplet. Jasmines was a hot pink star.
"Great, now that your free, you can help us escape, right?" Justin asked impatiently. "What do you mean by helping us escape? We never agreed to that." Jasmine said. "Well you have wing-" "GET EMILY IN THE WATER, NOW!" Snape yelled, cutting Justin off. "Why!?" Emily and Justin yelled. "Trust me!" Snape yelled, as he pushed Emily in Jessie's tank. "There's *cough* knock out *cough* gas in the air. *Cough* fire and gas don't mix." Snape passed out. So did every one else.
P. O. V - Emily
Why would he do that. I can't swim. I'm sinking down to the bottom. Can't....breath..
I blacked out. I don't know if I'm dead or not.
I wake up in a strange room. There's a gag in my mouth. I can't move. There's these strange people with lad coats on, walking around. I look over to the left and see Jasmine and Jessie, in the same state as me. The people come and take the gag away and put a cloth up to my mouth. It was drugged. I blacked out again.
P.O.V - Justin
I wake up in strange place. The floor feels like....grass! We're out side, Were FREE! Everyone's waking up. "See, if I didn't push Emily in the water we would be dead." Snape said proudly. "Yeah, but how did you know that the gas was in the room?" I asked "I could smell it." He said. "Where is Emily." Heather said. She started to look around the place. "I don't see her." "Well your wrong, she's" I said, hoping she was there. She wasn't. "EMILY!" I yelled. No response. I was really worried. She could be dead. "YOU KILLED HER, DIDN'T YOU!" I yelled at Snape. Tears filled my eyes. "How could you have feelings for her. You only just met." Snape was wrong. I knew her from some where. And now she's dead. All because off Snape.

I hoped you like part 4. Part 5 coming soon.

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