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P.O.V Heather


"What the...." Where am I? Looking around, it looks like I'm in a dark room. Looking closer, I'm in a cell, a prison cell. The metal bars are tinted green. Spider-webs in the corners, plants growing from the cracks in the ground. Rocks and stones around the cell. The back all covered in moss.                           Also there's a few dead plants here and there. There most likely dead from lack of sun. Guards standing outside wearing green and gold armor. This is all to familiar. I know where I am. I'm in the Elf kings dungeon. Wait how do I know this, I thought our memories were wiped...

Holy crap. I GOT MY MEMORIES BACK! And if I got my memories back, the others must have their memories back! Where are the others? I sit up and look around. I'm the only one in here. What has the Elf king done with them? What are they going to do with me? I have to get out of this place, I have to escape.

The first step is to get up because I'm still on the floor. Standing up, I remember the vast amount of spells I know. Some spells would help me escape, but in these cells you cant use magic, light or dark. The guards are to smart to fool. So..... I'm stuck. Many have tried to escape, all have failed. Falling back down in defeat, I know I am stuck. Unless I..

No ones point of view~~~~~~~~~~~


"But  Maddy. HOW IN THE HECK ARENWE SUPPOST TO SAVE HER WITH OUT KILLING HIM?!" Justin yelled. The group looked at him in shock. Maddy went to talk but nothing came out. "Justin, we'll still kick the guys butt. We just wont finish him off, even though I really want to." Emily said. "Justin does have a point. No mater what we do, he will still come for revenge. So with that...." Snape pauses for affect and starts to grin. "I CALL FINAL BLOW!!!!" "SNAPE YOU IDIOT! We can't kill him! Or maybe we have to kill him.."Maddy flops down, head in hands, crying.

 "Its Okay, Maddy. we wont kill him. But we HAVE to make sure he wont fallow, track us down or kill us. We have some options. One, kill him, which we wont do. Two, wipe his memories. Three, we take his magic. All very painful. I think." Jessie said while she rubs Maddy's back. Maddy cries harder. "Wait-a-go Jessie. You made it worse." Jasmine snaps. "Sorry,  I was only trying to help while standing there LOOKING PRETTY!" Jessie yells. "I WAS THINKING, SOMETHING YOU'LL NEVER DO!!" Jasmine screams in anger. "SPARKLE BRAINS!" Jessie yells.  Jasmine was very hurt by this comment. "Why you little...." Jasmine stared at Jessie, eyes red with anger. "I HATE YOU!" Jasmine yells. She goes to punch Jessie, but she ducks, causing her to punch Emily in the face. Emily stumbles backwards and falls into Mackenzie. Both the girls fall down. "OW!" Both girls yell in pain. Emily stands up while Mackenzie stays on the ground. "What the heck Jasmine?! thought you were better then that! That hurt. Your luck I don't throw an other punch your way cause, that would burn" keeping her temper in check, Emily turns around and helps Mackenzie up. "Thanks."

"Okay girls, that's enough fighting. We have to get moving."  Justin points towards the sun. Its almost sun set. the group gathers their bearings and starts there long walk to the Elf kingdom.


Its almost night fall. The group stops outside of a village and they start to set up camp.

"Okay lets get organized here." Justin starts. His amulet lights up. The others light up theirs as well. They're using them as lights. "Snape, Bruce, you guys get things for the fire, so we can control it. Emily, you light the fire. Maddy ,you make us shelters. Jasmine, your on food duty. Jessie, find us some water. Me, think of away to free Heather from the Elf king. Mackenzie, can..ummm... Help... Maddy with the shelters." Justin orders the group.  They all get to work.


Heather grads two rocks and all the dead plants she could find. She bundles the plants together and puts then at the back of the room. Then she grads the rocks and strikes them together. Sparks begin to fly every which way. Heather starts strike them faster. "Come on, come on..." She whispers. A spark lands on the pile of dead leaves. Carefully she blows on the leaves and they catch fire. "Yes!" She yells under her breath. Heather gets up and runs towards the bars of her cell. She looks back and watch's the hole back wall burst in to flames. "HELP FIRE!" She yells. The guards turn around and jump back. "Holy crap, FIRE!"  One guard yells. The other opens the cell door. Heather runs full speed out of her burning cell. The guards were to busy trying to put out the fire to notice Heather running away...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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