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P.S. Before you read this chapter please watch the movie how to train your dragon 1. I don't what to describe the red death.
P.O.V Justin
I look at the little girl with wide eyes. Wondering how she expects us to kill that.......thing. I've seen that thing before, I can't remember what it's it called though. Oh yeah, it's the red death. I look at her again. "What's wrong, you've killed bigger dragons." She looked at me with a look on her face that's saying 'everything's going to be fine'. I look at Jessie and Jasmine, they look back at me with the same look on there face as I. A look that said 'how are we going to kill that'. I turn to the girl and yelled "HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO EVER KILL THE RED DEATH WHEN THE ONLY THING WE'VE EVER KILLED WAS A TWO HEADED BEAR!!!!???? FURTHERMORE, EMILY WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED THE BEAR AND SHES OUT COLD!" I couldn't believe she expected a bunch of teens to kill that dragon. I hate that kid.
"Two things I need to say. First of all the two headed bear is tuff but its species are common. Second, have you tried this to wake her up." She walked over to Emily and blew into her ear. Then Emily's hair burst into flames and she woke up. "Ahh, why did you do that?!" Emily screamed while she was rubbing her ear. She looked at the little girl. "Who's she?" Emily asked. "I don't know." I wondered who she is my self. "The mayor just told me to get you guys to kill the red death, not to make friends." She said. Suddenly that girl didn't seem sweet anymore. "We have to kill that?" Emily said pointing towards the red death. "You enjoy, killing your self! You guys have to kill the red death! Ha! I can just sit back and just swim." Jessie bragged. She swam around for a little. Laughing. "Oh no, your coming too." The little girl pulled Jessie out of the water. Jessie was struggling to get away. I giggled. So did Jasmine. Emily was starting at the red death in aw. "How are we going to do it? We can't let our friends our fight alone." Emily said. "Just wait a minute, I want to see how this plays out." Jasmine was watching the little girl trying to pull Jessie out of the river. Hilarious. She did get her out of the water. "Do your thing. You know, like with the legs and stuff." That girl was strange. Jessie's a mermaid, she can't sprout legs at will.

I can't do that! First of all, she drags me out of the river, then expects me to walk?! What the heck! "If I were to, well, ummm, walk, how would I do this?" I asked, hoping she would tell me. "You just think about walking, then your tail would turn into legs." She said slowly like I was crazy. Sure enough, it work. I have legs! Great (not really). I have blue tights. My bikini top is now a tank top, the same color as the bikini top. I already knew how to walk for some reason. Weird. "Let's go help kill the RED DEATH!!!!!" I yelled as I mounted on butterscotch. He's such a good boy. We rode towards the dragon....
I can't believe those town people forced use to do this! There's no way we can kill that beast! We can't even go near it!
Right now we're all being cowards hiding behind a bolder. I look to my left and see Maddy there, crying. I look to my right and see Snape, he was looking down. "What's wrong, other than the fact that we're going to die?" I ask, hoping those weren't my last words. "Well, nothing really then. Ha, ha, ha." He laughed sarcastically. I looked over the bolder then ducked down immediately. The red death blasted fire at me! "Whoa!" I was panicking. I look back to Maddy. She looked at me. "We have to do something." Maddy said. She stood up and walked out from behind the bolder. Her green eyes started to glow green, so did her necklace. She walked in front of the red death. She looked the red death showing no fear at all. The red death got ready to shoot. "MADDY!! LOOK OUT!!!!!" I was to late. It shot Maddy! The fire cleared. MADDY SURVIVED!!!!! There was a huge shield made out of vines and leaves that Maddy was hiding behind. Surprisingly it wasn't on fire. She punched the shield and vines came shooting out of the shield, rapping around the red deaths face. She ran underneath the red death and stomped her foot, hard. Vines came shooting out of the ground and rapped around the red deaths feet. Then she pulled on the vines making it trip. She turned back to us. Her eye were still glowing green. "Come on, the vines won't hold him for long." Maddy whistled and golden hooves came running. She hopped on and looked at us. Her eyes are really creepy. "SNAPE, TELL VENOM TO BITE THE RED DEATH! HE'S BRAKING LOOSE!!!!!!!!!!" Snape looked confused. "WHATS VENOM GOING TO DO!!!! HES A SNAKE, AND THATS THE RED DEATH!" Snape went to look at venom, but be was already at the red death. "I didn't even know he slipped of my arm." Snape laughed.
Venom bit the red death and killed it. "Hoooorrrrrraaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We all celebrated when Justin, Emily, Jessie and, Jasmine showed up. "Emily, your alive! But how?" I was excited that she was okay. "I'm fine, no thanks to him." She said looking at Snape. "What?!" Snape asked. We ignored him. " Did we miss anything?" Justin said swooping in on Shadow. I laughed. "Nothing much, only Maddy killing the red death!" Mackenzie said. We laughed. "Where is Maddy anyway?" I ask. I look to where she was before. She was gone!

Hope you liked this chapter. The next one coming soon. Comment if you have an idea.

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