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P.O.V Heather
I wake up in a familiar room. My room! The bed has a really comfy mattress, a white wood bed frame. It has purple sheets with a bright pink blanket. The floor of my room is white quarts. The walls are white stone. On one half of my room is my bed, mirror, dresser, wardrobe, and the door, on the other have there's a large flat rock where my night fury sleeps. There's a small lake for its water.
Outside there's multiple clouds for multiple purposes. Some have large amounts of trees, some only one tree, others have lakes and grass. Some have other uses, like dragon stables, dragon feeding stations, or for growing crops
I'm Finally home, in my castle, in the sky, in the cloud Kingdom, also known as the dragon empire. It's called the dragon empire because dragons of almost every breed come and live in this safe haven. But only two night furies came. And those night furies our mine and..... I can't remember where the other one went. My memories are still foggy.
The last thing I remember is when the elf king caught us. The first thing I can remember is when we were handcuffed, no wait. I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember when Maddy moved in, I remember when we all meat, I remember how found Nightmare, I remember when the elf king attacked,
and I remember that me and Justin are siblings?!

---flash back (the elf king attack )---
Our family was walking in the woods, ( I was about 7 , Justin was 8) to a cliff side to see if we can find any injured dragons. We couldn't find any, so we sat down to eat. Little did we know, the elf king and his soldiers we're on the other side of the cliff. The soldiers had their bows. They were ready to fire, when my father noticed just in time. As they fired, our father made a force field and we were all in it , but mom. The arrows hit mom, she fell. I cried so hard, so did Justin. Our mom died and the elf king left.
---end of flash back---

I totally forgot that we were related. What, is he here?! I'm in my room he should be should be in his room!!!
I rush towards the door, put my hand on the handle, and open, well, try to open. The doors locked from the outside!!!! "HELP!!!!!!!" I yelled. No response. Oh god. I'm stuck in s room with a dragon and really small windows, and if the dragon get hungry, I'm dead.

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