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So sorry it took so long to update. I had writers block. I'm going to make it as long as I can.
At the elfin kingdom
In a room, a dark and cold room, the king sat. He sat on a stool and laid his amulet on a near by table. The amulet glowed dark green. Then a hologram of a man appeared. The man was in a cloak, a black cloak. The kind smiled. " What is it that you want. I did what you asked. I stripped them from their memories." The man seamed annoyed.
"I wanted you to strip them from their magic, not their memories!" The king shouted madly.
"Sorry." The man paused for a moment. "Would you like me to return their memories?" The man asked. "No." The king snapped. "Only Maddie's."
The king and the man talked briefly before coming to an agreement. "Bring your girl to me at midnight, and I will restore her memories. Deal?" The man persuaded the king. The king hesitated to agree. "Deal."

----skip time----
(Out side of Maddie's old room)
The king stomped up to Maddie's room and knocked. "Maddy. Open up, we're going on a trip. A long trip." The king waited for a response, but there was no answer. "MADDY!!!!" The king broke the door. "MADD- wait, what." Maddy wasn't there. The king looked everywhere, but the room was empty.
"Fredrick, bring me the guards that were with me this morning!!!" The king ordered. Fredrick, the King's assistant, came running. "Yes, your majesty." Fredrick left, a few seconds later he came back with the two guards. Fredrick left.
"Where is she?!" The king began...

P.O.V: Justin
Heather hopped on Nightmare and flew in a random direction. "Wait!" I got the attention of every one. " We can't go that way! What if we're going the wrong way!" I yell. Heather gets off of nightmare and faces the little girl. "That way." The little girl points North, and Heather was going South.
" Saddle up, let's go." I ordered. I got on shadow, Heather got on Nightmare, Snape and Bruce got on Coal, Mackenzie got on Leo, Emily got on Golden hooves, Jasmine flew, Jessie got on butterscotch, and Sparkles and Inferno trailed behind. (Venoms on Snape's arm)
--------skip time------
P.O.V :Heather
After 2 hours of flying the castle comes into view. It's beautiful. Wait, who's that by the river. "Look." I point towards a figure standing near the near by river. The man had two other people with him. The man was in a red cape thing with gold on his head. The other people were in armor. And that armor was tinted green. "Who is it?" Snape asked.
"It's the king." We all turn around because we have no idea who in was.
"Ahhh!" We scream. There, on Sparkles, was the girl, from the town. "What are you doing here?! You should be at the village, with your family!" I shout.
"I came to help" she said happily.
"No, you can't help." I pause to think. "Justin, Emily, Jasmine, and Ummm, Jessie take the girl home, we'll save Maddy. Okay."
"WHAT!!!???? You can't take me home! Plus, I could be usefully." The girl persuaded. "Fine." I said.
---no ones point of view---
The group watched as the king and his guards fish something out of the river. It was Maddy, but rapped in vines. "Maddy!" Mackenzie yells in excitement. "Let's go!" Heather yells. "Wait, we need a distraction. Something cute, something fluffy, ummm, a kitten! That it, we'll make Leo look like a cat!" Mackenzie told the group. "Uhhhhh, your a kitten." Bruce said. Bruce was right, Mackenzie was a kitten. Mackenzie looks at her new paw. "Woah."
"Let's think of a good plan." The girl said.
-----skip time-----
"You know what to do, right?" Heather asks Mackenzie (Who is still a kitten) "Yah, Leo drops me on the Kings head and I steal his crown and run while you save Maddy." Mackenzie said happily. Mackenzie's part of the plan went well, and the rest of the group untangled. "Come on, Maddy's not that heavy." Snape says, watching Heather and Justin carrying Maddy. "She is heavier than she looks..." Heather struggles to said. Suddenly the king appears in front of them holding Mackenzie ( cat form) "Where do you think your going with my daughter."
--P.O.V Heather--
The king appeared out of nowhere with Mackenzie. Oh no. His amulet starts to glow. Everything went black...

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