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THIS MAYBE A SHORT CHAPTER I'm am so so so sorry.
Heathers P.O.V
"Maddy's gone." I say with a shocked look on my face. "What. How can she be gone if she just killed the red death?!" Snape said as Venom slithered up his arm. "Just look around. She's not there." I said. I'm am starting to panic. It's not like her to run off like that. "I...I don't see her." Mackenzie said. "One second she's there, and the next she's gone!" Bruce was shocked. I hopped on Nightmare and flew around the red deaths corps. She was no where to be fond. I jester to the group to search for Maddy with me. They hopped on their pets (but Snape, he went on foot) and looked for Maddy. I was really worried, Maddy just.....just disappeared.
We were searching for under 10 minutes now. What if the red death crushed her!? No she was there when it fell. I removed that thought out of my head. By now we all fanned out looking for Maddy. The boys went back to the town and asked around to see if Maddy was there. Jessie, Jasmine, and Emily searched in a near by forest. I don't trust Emily in a forest, but oh well. Mackenzie looked near a near by cliff. I was still by the red death, flying around in circles.
"AHHH!!" I heard Mackenzie screaming. Did she fall? I hope she didn't, but at the same time, I hope she did fall. I look over to Mackenzie, she was looking over the side of the cliff on her hands and knees. I fly over to Mackenzie on nightmare. "What is it?" I ask with a concerned tone. I was to scared to look down and see some thing horrible. "I-I-its G-G-G-" "Golden hooves!" I cut Mackenzie off when I looked down the cliff. There laying on a large rock that's poking out from the cliff face, was golden hooves. The deer was cut on its stomach badly. "What happened?!" Justin said. I turn to see Justin and the group huddled around us. "How did she get over from there to...there?!?!!" Snape yelled with a confused tone. "I don't know." I said. I wondered that myself. I look at Nightmare. I got an idea to save golden hooves. I pointed to golden hooves and said "fetch it, nightmare." The whole group was weirded out by that statement. But nightmare did save golden hooves. "Well done." I patted her head. "Good dragon."
"We came back to tell you something." Bruce said slowly. What could he possibly be telling me now. He was in town for awhile. So yeah. "What." I said, wondering what he was going to say. "It's about Maddy. She was kidnapped. Kidnapped by her father."

Sorry it took so long to publish this short chapter. I had writers block. I'm writing the next chapter soon. Please please please comment if you have any ideas (and I mean any ideas) for this book. Shout outs go to every one that comments. Bye.

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