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Trigger warning: severe injury/burn mention, death mention

A/N: Hey, everyone! Sorry it's been so long since the last update! I finally finished my first semester at college and now I'm on winter break! My first semester at college was really difficult. I didn't think it'd be this hard but it's really freaking hard. On the bright side I finally have some free time to write so I'll actually be able to update somewhat frequently. It's nice to finally write something for myself instead of for an assignment! Enjoy!

Thomas Jefferson was falling apart.

Every day, he went to sleep hoping that he would feel better in the morning.

And every day, he woke up feeling worse.

Two years ago, Thomas had gotten a concussion after hitting his head while climbing the rock wall at Camp Half-Blood.

He'd spent the next two weeks feeling as though his brain had been put through a food processor. His mind had been so foggy he'd been unable to focus on anything. Everything he'd tried to say had come out as a fragmented, meaningless pile of word vomit. The pain in his head had been so intense he'd felt as though his skull was going to explode.

That was how Thomas felt now, only it was a million times worse and the pain was in his entire body, not just his head.

He felt himself getting weaker and weaker.

The luscious hair he'd once prided himself on was a tangled, matted mess. He no longer had the strength to lift his arms to brush it.

His skin had taken on a sickly gray cast, giving him a distinct "Casper the Friendly Ghost" look. He looked like his eighth grade self who didn't know how to properly match his foundation shade.

The sun was out. Thomas tilted his head back, lifting his face towards the glowing golden star. But despite his efforts, he was unable to feel its warmth. He felt as cold and exhausted as ever.

This wasn't the kind of cold that could be fixed by drinking a warm cup of tea and wrapping yourself in a blanket. This was a chill that penetrated every fiber of his body, seeping into his bones and muscles and tendons and organs, sapping his strength and draining his energy.

Thomas' Mistress wasn't around. She didn't like showing herself while the sun was out. Demons didn't do well with sunlight.

Ever since the Eidolons had failed to make John kill Alex, Thomas had been working tirelessly to figure out another way to get the Greek to kill the Roman.

So far, all Thomas had been able to do was compile a very long list of things that wouldn't work.

Any kind of spirit possession was automatically out because they knew how to fight it. Empousai were also off the table because John wasn't attracted to women. He supposed he could manipulate the Mist to make an empousa appear male and have John and Alex fight over him because they were both attracted to men, but that was a bit too far-fetched for his tastes. It relied on too many variables that weren't known for being reliable. Feelings, romantic and sexual attraction, jealousy. None of those were concrete enough to base an entire plan off of. He decided to keep it on the list, mostly as an absolute last resort if everything else failed, but also because it was funny and he could really use a laugh at the moment.

His best option at the moment was a plague arrow. He knew that John was very good at producing them. His plan was to send a monster after them that could only be defeated with a plague arrow. John would make one and go to shoot it at the monster, but Thomas would have some wind spirits nearby to blow the arrow off course and cause it to hit Alex instead of the monster, effectively killing the Roman praetor.

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