
525 29 101

Trigger warning: Violence, death mention, demonic possession

A/N: We love it when Alex just casually performs an exorcism. 

Everything was going fine until the thunderstorm started.

Alex and John had been flying along on Hector, entertaining themselves by watching the towns pass by beneath them, as tiny and insignificant as children's toys.

Alex couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with John the night before, when John had gotten angry with him for refusing to use his powers, telling him that he was ungrateful for not appreciating having something that so many people would do anything to have.

John had apologised profusely the next morning, telling him that he didn't know what Alex had been through and that he didn't have the right to judge him for his decisions when he didn't know the reason behind them.

But Alex hadn't wanted an apology. He didn't resent John for getting upset with him.

In fact, he greatly appreciated it.

John's response had shown Alex a different perspective on the matter.

Alex had never confided in anyone about his powers. He'd never even mentioned his powers to anyone. Most people assumed that he didn't use them for the sake of wanting to be humble and modest and therefore make himself more relatable and less intimidating to his legionnaires. They thought that it was just something he did to make himself a better Praetor.

John was the first person he'd ever really talked about his powers with.

He'd never known what anyone else would think about his powers because he'd never actually discussed his powers with anyone before.

Alex had only ever known one perspective on his powers: his own.

His powers were horrible because they could create storms like the one that had destroyed his hometown and killed his brother. They were horrible and he therefore refused to use them because doing so would be like throwing his brother's sacrifice back in his face. End of story.

He'd never considered what anyone else would think of him not using his powers.

He'd never even considered the fact that anyone else might consider his powers awesome, that anyone else might envy his powers and wish that they had them for themselves. He'd never considered that it would seem ungrateful to not use powers that were so awesome. He'd never thought of his powers as something awesome, never thought of them as something that anyone would be envious of.

He'd always thought of them as horrible and dangerous, and that was the end of the story.

John had made him aware of how his powers seemed to those around him, to those who hadn't been there on that horrible day. To them, his powers weren't dangerous. To them, his powers were awesome, among the most powerful in the universe, second only to those of Jupiter himself.

To them, his powers didn't make him a threat. They made him a badass, made him awesome and cool and everything that Alex had never believed that he could be because he thought that his powers had somehow tainted his entire existence.

It was the first time it had ever occurred to Alex that his powers could be anything good.

He tried to consider the situation from John's perspective.

From John's perspective, Alex's powers were pretty fucking badass. He'd controlled the winds to fight off the angry wind spirits and transport himself from California to New Jersey.

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