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Trigger warning: death mention, sex mention

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so late I had to rewrite it like 4 times because I hated how it was coming out. I hope you enjoy Alex's  character development!

Everything was going well until Alex passed out.

In the beginning, learning to control his powers had been somewhat simple. Summoning sparks at will and making them stop at will. Allowing himself to get emotional without summoning sparks.

Alex had been able to master that easily. Sure, the effort was physically draining and he found himself coming dangerously close to passing out afterwards, but the pain was worth it if it meant that he was making progress.

"Okay, Lord of Darkness, ready to move onto the hard stuff?"

Alex smirked, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. "Whatever you say, Coach Sunshine."

Alex and John had elected to spend the next few days learning to control Alex's powers.

Alex hadn't been too keen on wasting so much valuable time, but he knew that it was necessary. When they got to Yorktown, they would have to fight. They were going to need every advantage they could get in order to defeat the Voice. Alex's powers would give them a fighting chance.

John had worked with other demigods with powers, but unfortunately his knowledge of Jupiter Powers (or, as he called them, Zeus Powers) was quite limited. The only other child of Zeus/Jupiter was Thalia Grace, and given the Hunters' hatred of men, her and John weren't very close.

"First of all, if you ever call me 'Coach Sunshine' again I will hold you down and shave your eyebrows off. Second of all, which do you want to do next: summoning lightning bolts or manipulating the winds?"

"Why can't I call you Coach Sunshine? You're technically coaching me in Jupiter Powers 101 and you're the sunshine-y one."

"Okay, I get your point, but Coach Sunshine sounds stupid. I sound like a character in a bad children's TV show who dances around in a silly yellow hat and sings cheesy songs about the weather."

"Fine? How about Professor Sunshine?"

"That sounds like I teach people how to be sunshine-y." John laughed. "I'm Professor Sunshine and my job is to teach Lords of Darkness how to be more sunshine-y so the Sunshine-y Ones will notice them!"

"I have a PhD in Getting This Emo Shit Out of Their Feels from Sunshine University."

"With a minor in Black Coffee is Not a Replacement for Real Food."

"And a concentration in Put Down the Black-Like-Your-Soul Coffee and Get Some Fucking Sleep."

John laughed. "Okay, but seriously, Lord of Darkness, what do you want to work on next?"

"Is passing out an option?" Alex braced his arm against a tree. "I feel like I've been put through a food processor."

John grinned. "With great power comes great need to take a nap."

"By that logic I must be the most powerful demigod alive."

Alex sighed and raked his hands through his sweat-soaked hair. He pushed it back and tied it up into a high ponytail. For some reason, high ponytails made Alex feel like a badass.

He looked back over his shoulder and noticed John smirking.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, you sunshine-y pervert! I need to keep my hair out of my face so I can concentrate!"

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