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Trigger warning: weapons, demonic possession

A/N: Sorry for the late update! My second semester of college has started and it's honestly been so much better than last semester. I've been enjoying campus and hanging out with friends and I even joined a club! Enjoy! 

The first time Alex summoned a lightning bolt, his only thought was "holy shit."

He'd like to say that he'd had some poetic epiphany about the laws of nature and the very fabric of the universe itself, but if he was being honest his thoughts were "holy shit" followed by "i'm going to need a nap after this."

"Holy shit! That was awesome!' John said, standing up from where he was sitting and applauding furiously.

He then walked over to Alex and held both of his arms out.

"Why are you holding your arms out?"

"To catch you when you pass out."

"I'm not going to pass out."

Alex passed out.

When he woke up, he was lying on his back in the grass. John was sitting next to him, trickling sips of nectar into his mouth.

"Let me guess: I passed out."

John laughed. "All you Lords of Darkness are the same! You all say 'I'm fine I'm not going to pass out you worry too much' and then you pass out."

"Thanks for catching me."

"Thanks for falling backwards instead of forwards." John said. "I hate when I hold my arms out behind the person and they fall forward. And then they hit their head and need ice to get rid of the bump and I have to make sure they don't have a concussion. So annoying."

"I got a concussion once from falling off a giant eagle." Alex said. "It was pretty mild. I just had a headache for a few days but after that I was fine."

"Thomas got a concussion once from hitting his head on the rock wall."

"And he never recovered from the brain damage which is why he's such an asshole. He's like Phineas Gage. He had a traumatic brain injury and it changed his personality and made him an asshole."

"Alex, I thought we'd agreed to let go of our hatred of Thomas."

"Just because I don't want to kill him doesn't mean that I like him."

"Okay, you have a point."

"Of course I do. The Lord of Darkness always has a point."

"It's not always a good point." John said. "I once had one try to get me to sign a petition outlawing spinach. He called it a threat to society."

"Spinach is a threat to society. It tastes like ass."

"It's a good source of iron!"

"There are other sources of iron that don't taste like ass! But even if there weren't I'd rather be anemic than eat that nasty shit."

John laughed. "Shut up and drink your nectar, you anemic loser."

Alex sat up and took the canteen of nectar from John. He took a few sips. The familiar taste of brownies comforted him, easing the pain in his muscles.

"How does it feel?" John asked.

"How does what feel?"

"Summoning lightning bolts. Shooting bolts of electricity out of your hands."

Alex put down the canteen.

"It feels incredible, but it also hurts like Hell. It's the best feeling in the world and the worst feeling in the world all at once."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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