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TW: vomit/sickness mention, demons/demonic posession 

A/N: Prepare to feast your eyes on this EPIC! CROSSOVER! EVENT! 

For centuries, the Greek and Roman gods have worked tirelessly to ensure that their two sets of children: Greek and Roman, would never meet.

They kept the two camps on opposite sides of the country.

They ensured that their demigods wouldn't meet when they set out on quests.

They ensured that the two camps' oracles would never receive the same prophecies, thus ensuring that they would never have both Greek and Roman demigods setting out on the same quest.

It had worked for hundreds of years.

It was a perfect plan.

But even the most perfect plans can fail.

John's nightmares were getting worse.

Tonight, he stood on in a large empty field. It was the middle of the night.

He took a few steps forward, trying to get his bearings. He had the vague feeling that he was somewhere important, but he couldn't put his finger on it. All he knew was that this big empty field was a lot more than just a big empty field.

He held his hands out in front of him, trying to make sure he didn't bump into anything or accidentally walk off of any cliffs.

It was dark out, but this darkness felt different than just normal nighttime darkness. It was as though something was sucking the light out of the air.

Well, well, well, we meet at last, John Laurens.

John fell to his knees, hit by a wave of nausea so intense he started retching onto the grass.

His head pounded. His vision went blurry. At his sides, his hands were shaking.

He felt ill and weak, as though the voice were sucking out his life force and using its energy to speak.

Once his head had stopped spinning, he looked around to see who had spoken, but all he saw was more darkness.

What's wrong, John Laurens, afraid of a little darkness?

When the voice spoke again, a white-hot bolt of pain shot through John's skull. He doubled over again, fighting the urge to be sick again.

"What do you want? Why am I here?" John pushed the pain aside and reached for his sword, only to realize that he didn't have one. Not that it would be of much use anyway. He couldn't attack someone if he couldn't even see them.

Not when the sound of their voice was enough to make him collapse.

I am afraid that your weapons won't work on me, little demigod.

"What do you want?"

I come to you with a warning. The voice said.

"A warning?"

Stay at your camp, little Half-Blood. Your sweet little oasis, the precious 'safe space' that your precious gods have built for you. You will be offered a chance to leave, one of those glorious quests that you demigods love so much. Opportunities to show off how valient you are in hopes that your precious Olympians will notice you. But be warned, young Half-Blood. If you embark on this quest, if you come after me, I will unleash a whole new set of horrors upon you and all of your brethren. While you pathetic half-bloods are destroying each other, I will march upon Olympus, and finally take my revenge!

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