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Trigger warning: sexual innuendos/sex mention, death mention, alcohol mention

A/N: I should have made "Empousa seduction magic doesn't work on me. I'm gay!" my yearbook quote :(

Rule #1 of being a female demon who uses seduction magic to kill male heroes: don't try to seduce a gay guy.

It doesn't work.

In fact, there's a 100% chance that you'll make a fool of yourself and end up getting stabbed by a homosexual son of Apollo with major trust issues.

The first empousa had approached John while he was embarking on the incredibly heroic quest of looking for a bathroom.

She'd tried to seduce him, but that hadn't gone well given the fact that John was not sexually attracted to women. He'd easily sent her back to Tartarus.

Shortly after killing the first empousa, he'd found the second one and sent her to go join her friend in Tartarus.

Unfortunately, this empousa wasn't alone.

Standing a few feet away from him, looking incredibly confused, was a boy dressed in golden battle armor and a strange purple cloak. He was pointing his strange golden sword at John like he couldn't figure out whether he should kill him or not.

"T-Thank you." The boy said breathlessly, still not lowering his sword. "S-She would have killed me."

John smiled. "Don't worry about it. Rule #1 of being a female demon who uses seduction magic to kill male heroes: don't try to seduce a gay guy. It won't work."

John was confused. The empousa had tried to kill this boy, which meant that he wasn't a mortal. Monsters had no interest in mortals.

But there was no way he could be a demigod. He looked about John's age. No demigod could survive that long without training. Most would have been killed by monsters before they started high school.

He could have been a Seer, a mortal who could see through the Mist, but that wouldn't have been enough to make an empousa attack him.

And then there was the strange outfit.

His sword and armor were almost identical to those demigods back at Camp Half-Blood used in combat. The only difference was that his were gold instead of bronze.

On the off chance that he was just a rogue demigod who hadn't been taken to Camp Half-Blood, that still didn't explain why he was going around wearing armor.

And the purple cloak... it looked regal and powerful, like something an ancient military commander would wear to symbolize their higher status.

The boy put his sword down and walked towards John. He stopped a few inches away from him and held out his hand.

"I guess I should properly thank you for saving my life. I'm Alexander Hamilton, though most people call me Alex."

Yep, this boy definitely had an aura of power about him. The way he held himself, the way he moved, the tone of his voice, the way his eyes never left John's as he spoke. Whatever this boy was, he was definitely a badass.

"I'm John. John Laurens." John shook Alex's hand. His skin was rough and calloused, probably from years of handling weapons. A swordsman's hands.

Maybe he was a god in disguise. He definitely looked like a Greek god, with his tan skin and windblown black hair. Maybe the gods were coming to check on John, or better yet, maybe they would help him defeat Thomas Jefferson and that horrible Voice.

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