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Trigger warning: Violence, death, blood mention, sex/sexual innuendos

A/N: Sorry for the slight delay I've been really busy because I'm moving into my college dorm next week so I have a lot of packing to do. 

John Laurens felt like he was going insane.

He lay beside Alex, shivering even though he wasn't cold.

He couldn't stop thinking about the Eidolon.

He couldn't stop thinking about the feeling of being possessed, the feeling of having all sense of control ripped away from him.

He'd felt himself drifting away, felt himself forgetting who he was and what his mission was, felt his consciousness fading away as the Eidolon took over his body and mind.

He'd been vaguely aware of what was happening, but he hadn't truly understood it. He was like a young child watching the news with their family, seeing and hearing everything but unable to truly comprehend it.

There had been a terrifying moment when John hadn't recognized Alex.

Alex had tackled him to the ground and climbed on top of him, restraining him with the sheer force of his body weight.

Alex had stared directly into John's eyes. John had gotten a clear view of Alex's face. He'd heard his voice.

And he hadn't recognized him at all.

He'd stared uncomprehendingly at the face floating above his, watched his lips move as he spoke, listened to his voice as he screamed John's name.

He'd been looking at a stranger, listening to a voice he'd never heard before.

But he hadn't just not recognized Alex.

He'd thought he was an enemy.

His heart had started racing. He'd started thrashing and screaming, desperately trying to throw this stranger off of him, flailing his arms as he desperately searched for a weapon.

A voice had been hissing in his ear, a cruel, otherworldly voice that definitely had not belonged to him.

Danger! Danger! Danger.

This man is dangerous!

Kill him before he kills you!

And John had listened to it.

He'd imagined himself killing Alex, imagined an arrow sinking into his chest or a sword stabbing him in the gut. He'd imagined Alex lying in the grass, bleeding out, the light fading from his eyes.

And he'd been happy about it. Imagining Alex dead had made him happy.

It was only when Alex had started talking about their future plans that John had begun to snap out of it.

He'd talked about taking John to visit Camp Jupiter, about exploring New Rome together and drinking hot chocolate from the cute New Roman cafes and playing with Hannibal the war elephant and Reyna's scary metal dogs and riding pegasi together.

He'd talked about coming to visit Camp Half-Blood, about swimming in the canoe lake together and climbing the rock wall and eating in the Dining Pavilion and singing silly campfire songs about how grandma puts on her armor.

That was when he'd realized who Alex was, when he'd felt a little bit of his control return, felt like he could think clearly again.

He'd realized the truth: that he was being controlled by something, something evil and cruel that wanted to bring him nothing but pain and suffering.

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