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Trigger warning: vomit mention, death mention, sexual innuendos/sex mention

A/N: I've already come to terms with the fact that if the Greek gods are real they definately hate me :)

The nightmare began the second John closed his eyes.

He was back in that field with the Voice.

You told me that this would work, Demigod! You told me that once they met, they would fight!

The Voice sounded furious. It seemed to be speaking to someone, but John couldn't see who it was.

As he moved closer, he could dimly make out a figure standing a few feet away from him. It was too dark to make out any details, but John had the vague feeling that this was someone he knew.

"I-I'm sorry, Mistress. I-I was sure that it would work. We-We just have to-"

Silence! I don't need your excuses, Demigod. After all I've done for you, and you fail me! You're lucky I don't kill you right here.

"Mistress, please. They've only just met. Perhaps if we find some way to pit them against each other, maybe if you send some of your minions to possess them and make them fight, then it will work." The voice definitely sounded male. It sounded familiar, but John couldn't put his finger on it. "Think about it. Your minions possess them and make them fight. One kills the other. The dead one's brethren find out, they go to war against the other camp. Then, while the Greeks and Romans are busy destroying each other, we can destroy the gods."

I hope your strategy works out, son of Athena. If not, then I'll have to destroy you along with those foolish Olympians.

"Y-Yes, Mistress."

Son of Athena.

Of course.

It all made sense. The voice. The plan to destroy the gods. Standing on Freedom's Field.

Thomas Jefferson.

John wanted to call out to Thomas. To tell him that the Voice was manipulating him, that destroying the gods wasn't the answer. He wanted to beg him to leave the Voice and return to Camp Half-Blood with him.

But he couldn't.

Not with that horrible Voice here.

I'm going to go alert my minions. Try not to mess anything else up while I'm gone.

"Yes, Mistress."

The Voice vanished. John instantly felt the energy in the field become lighter, as though someone had lifted a heavy weight from his shoulders.

Thomas fell to his knees and began to cry.

"I'll come back for you, James. I swore it on the River Styx. I'm doing this for you, James. I'll rescue you. Even if it kills me."

John took a deep breath.

The Voice is gone. I don't know when it's coming back. If I want to talk to Thomas, I have to do it now.

I am not throwing away my shot.

John started to walk towards Thomas.

He wasn't sure if it would work. He wasn't even sure whether Thomas would be able to see or hear him.

But he had to take a shot.

If he could talk some sense into Thomas, he could end this whole mess once and for all.


Thomas looked up.

"Who's there? M-Mistress?"

Storm [LAMS demigod AU]Where stories live. Discover now